
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 150:7.1 This Friday afternoon Jesus walked about Nazareth quite unobserved and wholly unrecognized....'

150:7.1 This Friday afternoon [[Jesus]] walked about [[Nazareth]] quite unobserved and wholly unrecognized. He passed by the [[home]] of his [[childhood]] and the [[carpenter]] shop and spent a half hour on the hill which he so much enjoyed when a lad. Not since the [ day of his baptism]] by [[John the Baptist|John]] in the [ Jordan] had the [ Son of Man] had such a flood of [[human]] [[emotion]] stirred up within his [[soul]]. While coming down from the mount, he heard the familiar [[sounds]] of the trumpet blast announcing the going down of the [[sun]], just as he had so many, many times heard it when a boy growing up in [[Nazareth]]. Before returning to the encampment, he walked down by the [[synagogue]] where he had gone to [[school]] and indulged his [[mind]] in many [[reminiscences]] of his [[childhood]] days. Earlier in the day [[Jesus]] had sent [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]] to arrange with the ruler of the [[synagogue]] for his [[preaching]] at the [[Sabbath]] morning service.

150:7.2 The people of [[Nazareth]] were never [[Reputation|reputed]] for [[piety]] and [[righteous]] living. As the years passed, this village became increasingly contaminated by the low [[moral]] [[standards]] of near-by [ Sepphoris]. Throughout [[Jesus]]' [[youth]] and [[Youth|young manhood]] there had been a division of [[opinion]] in [[Nazareth]] regarding him; there was much resentment when he moved to [ Capernaum]. While the inhabitants of [[Nazareth]] had heard much about the doings of their former [[carpenter]], they were [[offended]] that he had never included his native village in any of his earlier [[preaching]] tours. They had indeed heard of [[Jesus]]' [[fame]], but the [[majority]] of the [[citizens]] were [[angry]] because he had done none of his great works in the [[city]] of his [[youth]]. For months the people of [[Nazareth]] had [[discussed]] [[Jesus]] much, but their [[opinions]] were, on the whole, unfavorable to him.

150:7.3 Thus did [[the Master]] find himself in the midst of, not a [[welcome]] [[homecoming]], but a decidedly [[hostile]] and hypercritical [[atmosphere]]. But this was not all. His enemies, knowing that he was to spend this [[Sabbath]] day in [[Nazareth]] and supposing that he would [[speak]] in the [[synagogue]], had hired numerous rough and uncouth men to harass him and in every way possible make [[trouble]].

150:7.4 Most of the older of [[Jesus]]' friends, including the doting [ chazan] [[teacher]] of his [[youth]], were [[dead]] or had left [[Nazareth]], and the younger [[generation]] was prone to resent his [[fame]] with strong [[jealousy]]. They failed to remember his early [[devotion]] to his [[father]]'s [[family]], and they were bitter in their [[criticism]] of his neglect to visit his [[brother]] and his [[married]] sisters living in [[Nazareth]]. The [[attitude]] of [[Jesus]]' [[family]] toward him had also tended to increase this unkind [[feeling]] of the [[citizenry]]. The [[orthodox]] among the [[Jews]] even presumed to [[criticize]] [[Jesus]] because he walked too fast on the way to the [[synagogue]] this [[Sabbath]] morning.

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