
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 149:2.1 Jesus understood the minds of men. He knew what was in the heart of man, and had hi...'

149:2.1 [[Jesus]] [[understood]] the [[minds]] of men. He knew what was in the [[heart]] of man, and had his [[teachings]] been left as he presented them, the only [[commentary]] being the [[inspired]] [[interpretation]] afforded by his [[earth]] life, all [[nations]] and all [[religions]] of the world would speedily have [[embraced]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]]. The well-meant [[efforts]] of [[Jesus]]' early followers to restate his teachings so as to make them the more [[acceptable]] to certain [[nations]], [[races]], and [[religions]], only resulted in making such teachings the less acceptable to all [[other]] nations, races, and religions.

149:2.2 [[The Apostle Paul]], in his [[efforts]] to bring the teachings of [[Jesus]] to the favorable notice of certain [[groups]] in his day, wrote many [[letters]] of instruction and [[admonition]]. Other teachers of [[Jesus]]' [[gospel]] did likewise, but none of them [[realized]] that some of these [[writings]] would subsequently be brought [[together]] by those who would set them forth as the [[embodiment]] of the teachings of [[Jesus]]. And so, while so-called [[Christianity]] does contain more of [[the Master]]'s [[gospel]] than any other [[religion]], it does also contain much that [[Jesus]] did not teach. Aside from the incorporation of many teachings from the [ Persian mysteries] and much of the [ Greek philosophy] into early [[Christianity]], two great [[mistakes]] were made:

*1. 149:2.3 The [[effort]] to [[connect]] the [[gospel]] teaching directly onto the [ Jewish theology], as [[illustrated]] by the [[Christian]] [[doctrines]] of the [[atonement]]—the teaching that [[Jesus]] was the [[sacrificed]] Son who would satisfy [[the Father]]'s stern [[justice]] and appease the [[divine]] [[wrath]]. These teachings originated in a praiseworthy [[effort]] to make the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]] more [[acceptable]] to disbelieving [ Jews]. Though these [[efforts]] failed as far as winning the Jews was concerned, they did not fail to [[confuse]] and [[alienate]] many [[honest]] [[souls]] in all subsequent [[generations]].
*2. 149:2.4 The second great blunder of [[the Master]]'s early followers, and one which all subsequent [[generations]] have [[persisted]] in perpetuating, was to [[organize]] the Christian teaching so completely about the [[person]] of [[Jesus]]. This [[overemphasis]] of the [[personality]] of [[Jesus]] in the [[theology]] of [[Christianity]] has worked to [[obscure]] his teachings, and all of this has made it increasingly [[difficult]] for [ Jews], [ Mohammedans], [ Hindus], and other [ Eastern religionists] to [[accept]] the teachings of [[Jesus]]. We would not belittle the place of the [[person]] of [[Jesus]] in a [[religion]] which might bear his name, but we would not [[permit]] such [[consideration]] to [[eclipse]] his [[inspired]] life or to supplant his saving [[message]]: the [[fatherhood]] of [[God]] and the brotherhood of man.

149:2.5 The [[teachers]] of the [[religion]] of [[Jesus]] should approach other [[religions]] with the [[recognition]] of the [[truths]] which are held in common (many of which come directly or indirectly from [[Jesus]]' [[message]]) while they refrain from placing so much [[emphasis]] on the [[differences]].

149:2.6 While, at that particular [[time]], the [[fame]] of [[Jesus]] rested chiefly upon his [[reputation]] as a [[healer]], it does not follow that it continued so to rest. As [[time]] passed, more and more he was sought for [[spiritual]] help. But it was the [[physical]] [[cures]] that made the most direct and [[immediate]] [[appeal]] to the common people. [[Jesus]] was increasingly sought by the [[victims]] of [[moral]] [[enslavement]] and [[mental]] harassments, and he invariably taught them the way of [[deliverance]]. [[Fathers]] sought his [[advice]] regarding the management of their sons, and [[mothers]] came for help in the [[guidance]] of their daughters. Those who sat in [[darkness]] came to him, and he [[revealed]] to them the [[light]] of life. His ear was ever open to the [[sorrows]] of [[mankind]], and he always helped those who sought his [[ministry]].

149:2.7 When the [[Creator Son|Creator]] himself was on [[earth]], [[incarnated]] in the likeness of [[mortal]] flesh, it was [[inevitable]] that some [[extraordinary]] [[things]] should happen. But you should never approach [[Jesus]] through these so-called [[miraculous]] occurrences. [[Learn]] to approach the [[miracle]] through [[Jesus]], but do not make the mistake of approaching [[Jesus]] through the [[miracle]]. And this [[admonition]] is warranted, notwithstanding that [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]] is the only founder of a [[religion]] who performed supermaterial [[acts]] on [[earth]].

149:2.8 The most astonishing and the most [[revolutionary]] feature of [[Michael]]'s [[mission]] on [[earth]] was his [[attitude]] toward [[women]]. In a day and [[generation]] when a man was not supposed to [[salute]] even his own [[wife]] in a [[public]] place, [[Jesus]] [[dared]] to take [[women]] along as [[teachers]] of the [[gospel]] in [[connection]] with his [ third tour of Galilee]. And he had the consummate [[courage]] to do this in the face of the [ rabbinic] teaching which declared that it was " better that the [[words]] of [ the law] should be burned than delivered to [[women]]. "

149:2.9 In one [[generation]] [[Jesus]] lifted [[women]] out of the disrespectful [[oblivion]] and the [[slavish]] drudgery of the ages. And it is the one [[shame]]ful thing about the [[religion]] that presumed to take [[Jesus]]' [[name]] that it lacked the [[moral]] [[courage]] to follow this [[noble]] example in its subsequent [[attitude]] toward [[women]].

149:2.10 As [[Jesus]] mingled with the people, they found him entirely [[free]] from the [[superstitions]] of that day. He was free from [[religious]] [[prejudices]]; he was never intolerant. He had nothing in his [[heart]] resembling [[social]] [[antagonism]]. While he complied with the [[good]] in the [[religion]] of his [[father]]s, he did not [[hesitate]] to disregard man-made [[traditions]] of [[superstition]] and [[bondage]]. He [[dared]] to teach that [[catastrophes]] of [[nature]], [[accidents]] of time, and other calamitous happenings are not [[visitations]] of [[divine]] [[judgment]]s or [[mysterious]] dispensations of [[Providence]]. He denounced [[slavish]] [[devotion]] to meaningless [[ceremonials]] and exposed the [[fallacy]] of [[materialistic]] [[worship]]. He boldly [[proclaimed]] man's [[spiritual]] [[freedom]] and [[dared]] to teach that [[mortals]] of the [[flesh]] are indeed and in [[truth]] [ sons of the living God].

149:2.11 [[Jesus]] [[transcended]] all the teachings of his forebears when he boldly substituted clean [[hearts]] for clean hands as the mark of true [[religion]]. He put [[reality]] in the place of [[tradition]] and swept aside all pretensions of [[vanity]] and [[hypocrisy]]. And yet this fearless man of [[God]] did not give vent to destructive [[criticism]] or [[manifest]] an utter disregard of the [[religious]], [[social]], [[economic]], and [[political]] usages of his day. He was not a [[militant]] [[revolutionist]]; he was a [[progressive]] evolutionist. He [[engaged]] in the destruction of that which was only when he [[simultaneously]] offered his fellows the superior thing which ought to be.

149:2.12 [[Jesus]] [[received]] the [[obedience]] of his followers without exacting it. Only [[three]] men who received his [[personal]] call refused to [[accept]] the [[invitation]] to discipleship. He exercised a peculiar drawing [[power]] over men, but he was not dictatorial. He commanded [[confidence]], and no man ever resented his giving a command. He assumed [[absolute]] [[authority]] over his [[disciples]], but no one ever objected. He [[permitted]] his followers to call him Master.

149:2.13 [[The Master]] was admired by all who met him except by those who entertained [[deep]]-seated [[religious]] [[prejudices]] or those who [[thought]] they [[discerned]] [[political]] [[dangers]] in his teachings. Men were [[Wonder|astonished]] at the originality and [[authoritative]]ness of his teaching. They [[marveled]] at his [[patience]] in dealing with backward and troublesome [[inquirers]]. He [[inspired]] [[hope]] and [[confidence]] in the [[hearts]] of all who came under his [[ministry]]. Only those who had not met him [[feared]] him, and he was [[hated]] only by those who regarded him as the [[champion]] of that [[truth]] which was [[destined]] to overthrow the [[evil]] and [[error]] which they had [[determined]] to hold in their [[hearts]] at all cost.

149:2.14 On both [[friends]] and foes he exercised a strong and peculiarly [[fascinating]] [[influence]]. Multitudes would follow him for weeks, just to hear his [[gracious]] [[words]] and behold his [[simple]] life. [[Devoted]] men and women loved [[Jesus]] with a well-nigh [[superhuman]] [[affection]]. And the better they knew him the more they loved him. And all this is still true; even today and in all [[future]] ages, the more man comes to know this [[God]]-[[man]], the more he will [[love]] and follow after him.

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