
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 149:3.1 Notwithstanding the favorable reception of Jesus and his teachings by the common people...'

149:3.1 Notwithstanding the [[favorable]] [[reception]] of [[Jesus]] and his teachings by the common people, the [[religious]] [[leaders]] at [[Jerusalem]] became increasingly alarmed and [[antagonistic]]. The [[Pharisees]] had [[formulated]] a [[systematic]] and [[dogmatic]] [[theology]]. [[Jesus]] was a [[teacher]] who taught as the occasion served; he was not a [[systematic]] teacher. [[Jesus]] taught not so much from the [[law]] as from life, by [[parables]]. (And when he employed a [[parable]] for [[illustrating]] his [[message]], he [[designed]] to utilize just one feature of the [[story]] for that [[purpose]]. Many wrong [[ideas]] concerning the teachings of [[Jesus]] may be secured by attempting to make [[allegories]] out of his [[parables]].)

149:3.2 The [[religious]] [[leaders]] at [[Jerusalem]] were becoming well-nigh frantic as a result of the recent [[conversion]] of young Abraham and by the desertion of the [[three]] [[spies]] who had been [[baptized]] by [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]], and who were now out with the [[evangelists]] on this second [[preaching]] tour of [[Galilee]]. The [[Jewish leaders]] were increasingly blinded by [[fear]] and [[prejudice]], while their [[hearts]] were hardened by the continued [[rejection]] of the [[appealing]] [[truths]] of the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]]. When men shut off the [[appeal]] to [[Thought Adjuster|the spirit]] that dwells within them, there is little that can be done to [[modify]] their [[attitude]].

149:3.3 When [[Jesus]] first met with the [[evangelists]] at the [ Bethsaida] camp, in concluding his address, he said: " You should remember that in [[body]] and [[mind]]—[[emotionally]]—men [[react]] [[individually]]. The only [[uniform]] thing about men is the [[Thought Adjuster|indwelling spirit]]. Though [ divine spirits] may vary somewhat in the [[nature]] and extent of their [[experience]], they react [[uniformly]] to all [[spiritual]] [[appeals]]. Only through, and by [[appeal]] to, this spirit can [[mankind]] ever [[attain]] [[unity]] and brotherhood. " But many of the [[leaders]] of the [ Jews] had closed the doors of their [[hearts]] to the [[spiritual]] [[appeal]] of the [[gospel]]. From this day on they ceased not to [[plan]] and plot for [[the Master]]'s [[Death|destruction]]. They were convinced that [[Jesus]] must be apprehended, [[convicted]], and [[executed]] as a [[religious]] [[offender]], a violator of the [[cardinal]] teachings of the [ Jewish sacred law].

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