
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 147:5.1 Though Simon was not a member of the Jewish Sanhedrin, he was an influential [[Pharisee...'

147:5.1 Though Simon was not a member of the [[Jewish]] [[Sanhedrin]], he was an [[influential]] [[Pharisee]] of [[Jerusalem]]. He was a half-hearted [[believer]], and notwithstanding that he might be severely [[criticized]] therefor, he [[dared]] to invite [[Jesus]] and his [[personal]] associates, [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]], [[James, the Apostle|James]], and [[John, the Apostle|John]], to his [[home]] for a [[social]] meal.[] Simon had long [[observed]] [[the Master]] and was much impressed with his teachings and even more so with his [[personality]].

147:5.2 The [[wealthy]] [[Pharisees]] were [[devoted]] to [[almsgiving]], and they did not shun [[publicity]] regarding their [[philanthropy]]. Sometimes they would even blow a trumpet as they were about to bestow [[charity]] upon some [[beggar]]. It was the [[custom]] of these [[Pharisees]], when they provided a banquet for distinguished guests, to leave the doors of the house open so that even the street beggars might come in and, standing around the walls of the room behind the couches of the diners, be in position to [[receive]] portions of [[food]] which might be tossed to them by the banqueters.

147:5.3 On this particular occasion at Simon's house, among those who came in off the street was a [[woman]] of unsavory [[reputation]] who had recently become a [[believer]] in the good news of the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]]. This [[woman]] was well known throughout all [[Jerusalem]] as the former keeper of one of the so-called high-class [[brothels]] located hard by the [ temple court of the gentiles]. She had, on [[accepting]] the teachings of [[Jesus]], closed up her [[nefarious]] place of [[business]] and had induced the [[majority]] of the [[women]] associated with her to [[accept]] the [[gospel]] and [[change]] their [[mode]] of living; notwithstanding this, she was still held in great [[disdain]] by the [[Pharisees]] and was compelled to wear her hair down—the badge of [[harlotry]]. This unnamed [[woman]] had brought with her a large flask of perfumed anointing lotion and, standing behind [[Jesus]] as he reclined at meat, began to [[anoint]] his feet while she also wet his feet with her tears of [[gratitude]], wiping them with the hair of her head. And when she had finished this [[anointing]], she continued weeping and kissing his feet.[]

147:5.4 When Simon saw all this, he said to himself: " This man, if he were a [[prophet]], would have [[perceived]] who and what [[manner]] of [[woman]] this is who thus [[touches]] him; that she is a notorious [[sinner]]. " And Jesus, knowing what was going on in Simon's [[mind]], spoke up, saying: " Simon, I have something which I would like to say to you. " Simon answered, " Teacher, say on. " Then said [[Jesus]]: " A certain [[wealthy]] moneylender had two debtors. The one owed him five hundred denarii and the other fifty. Now, when neither of them had wherewith to pay, he [[forgave]] them both. Which of them do you think, Simon, would [[love]] him most? " Simon answered, " He, I [[suppose]], whom he [[forgave]] the most. " And [[Jesus]] said, " You have rightly judged, " and pointing to the [[woman]], he continued: " Simon, take a good look at this [[woman]]. I entered your house as an invited guest, yet you gave me no [[water]] for my feet. This [[grateful]] [[woman]] has washed my feet with [[tears]] and wiped them with the hair of her head. You gave me no [ kiss] of [[friendly]] greeting, but this [[woman]], ever since she came in, has not ceased to kiss my feet. My head with oil you neglected to [[anoint]], but she has anointed my feet with precious lotions. And what is the [[meaning]] of all this? [[Simply]] that her many [[sins]] have been [[forgiven]], and this has led her to [[love]] much. But those who have [[received]] but little [[forgiveness]] sometimes [[love]] but little. " And turning around toward the [[woman]], he took her by the hand and, lifting her up, said: " You have indeed [[repented]] of your [[sins]], and they are [[forgiven]]. Be not discouraged by the thoughtless and unkind [[attitude]] of your fellows; go on in the [[joy]] and [[liberty]] of [[the kingdom]] of heaven. "[]

147:5.5 When Simon and his [[friends]] who sat at meat with him heard these [[words]], they were the more astonished, and they began to whisper among themselves, " Who is this man that he even [[dares]] to [[forgive]] [[sins]]? " And when Jesus heard them thus murmuring, he turned to dismiss the woman, saying, " Woman, go in peace; your faith has saved you. "[]

147:5.6 As [[Jesus]] arose with his [[friends]] to leave, he turned to Simon and said: " I know your [[heart]], Simon, how you are torn betwixt [[faith]] and [[doubts]], how you are distraught by [[fear]] and troubled by [[pride]]; but I [[pray]] for you that you may yield to the [[light]] and may [[experience]] in your station in life just such mighty [[transformations]] of [[mind]] and [[spirit]] as may be comparable to the tremendous [[changes]] which the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]] has already wrought in the [[heart]] of your unbidden and unwelcome guest. And I [[declare]] to all of you that [[the Father]] has opened the doors of the heavenly kingdom to all who have the [[faith]] to enter, and no man or [[association]] of men can close those doors even to the most [[humble]] [[soul]] or supposedly most flagrant [[sinner]] on [[earth]] if such [[sincerely]] seek an entrance. " And [[Jesus]], with [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]], [[James, the Apostle|James]], and [[John, the Apostle|John]], took leave of their [[host]] and went to join the [[rest]] of [[the apostles]] at the camp in the [[garden]] of [ Gethsemane].

147:5.7 That same evening [[Jesus]] made the long-to-be-[[remembered]] address to [[the apostles]] regarding the [[relative]] [[value]] of [[status]] with [[God]] and [[progress]] in the [[Ascension Career|eternal ascent]] to [[Paradise]]. Said [[Jesus]]: " My [[children]], if there exists a true and living [[connection]] between the child and [[the Father]], the child is certain to [[progress]] [[continuously]] toward the Father's [[ideals]]. True, the child may at first make slow [[progress]], but the progress is none the less sure. The important thing is not the [[Speed|rapidity]] of your progress but rather its [[certainty]]. Your [[actual]] [[achievement]] is not so important as the [[fact]] that the direction of your progress is Godward. What you are becoming day by day is of [[infinite]]ly more importance than what you are today.

147:5.8 " This [[transformed]] [[woman]] whom some of you saw at Simon's house today is, at this moment, living on a [[level]] which is vastly below that of Simon and his well-[[meaning]] [[associates]]; but while these [[Pharisees]] are occupied with the [[false]] [[progress]] of the [[illusion]] of traversing [[deceptive]] circles of meaningless [[ceremonial]] services, this [[woman]] has, in dead [[earnest]], started out on the long and [[eventful]] search for [[God]], and her path toward [[heaven]] is not blocked by spiritual [[pride]] and [[moral]] [[self]]-[[satisfaction]]. The [[woman]] is, humanly speaking, much farther away from [[God]] than Simon, but her [[soul]] is in progressive [[motion]]; she is on the way toward an [[eternal]] goal. There are present in this [[woman]] tremendous spiritual [[possibilities]] for the [[future]]. Some of you may not stand high in [[actual]] levels of [[soul]] and [[spirit]], but you are making daily [[progress]] on the living way opened up, through [[faith]], to [[God]]. There are tremendous [[possibilities]] in each of you for the [[future]]. Better by far to have a small but living and [[growing]] [[faith]] than to be possessed of a great [[intellect]] with its dead stores of worldly [[wisdom]] and [[spiritual]] unbelief. "

147:5.9 But [[Jesus]] [[earnestly]] [[warned]] his [[apostles]] against the foolishness of the child of [[God]] who presumes upon [[the Father]]'s [[love]]. He [[declared]] that the heavenly Father is not a lax, loose, or foolishly indulgent [[parent]] who is ever ready to condone [[sin]] and [[forgive]] recklessness. He cautioned his hearers not mistakenly to apply his [[illustrations]] of father and son so as to make it [[appear]] that [[God]] is like some overindulgent and unwise [[parents]] who [[conspire]] with the foolish of [[earth]] to [[encompass]] the [[moral]] undoing of their thoughtless [[children]], and who are thereby certainly and directly contributing to the [ delinquency] and early demoralization of their own offspring. Said [[Jesus]]: " My Father does not indulgently condone those [[acts]] and [[practices]] of his [[children]] which are self-destructive and [[suicidal]] to all [[moral]] [[growth]] and [[spiritual]] [[progress]]. Such sinful [[practices]] are an [[abomination]] in the sight of [[God]]. "

147:5.10 Many other semiprivate meetings and banquets did [[Jesus]] attend with the high and the low, the [[rich]] and the [[poor]], of [[Jerusalem]] before he and his [[apostles]] finally departed for [ Capernaum]. And many, indeed, became [[believers]] in the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]] and were subsequently [[baptized]] by [[Abner]] and his associates, who remained behind to foster the interests of [[the kingdom]] in [[Jerusalem]] and thereabouts.

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