
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 146:1.1 The small city of [ Rimmon] had once been dedicated to t...'

146:1.1 The small [[city]] of [ Rimmon] had once been [[dedicated]] to the [[worship]] of a [ Babylonian god] of the air, [ Ramman]. Many of the earlier Babylonian and later [ Zoroastrian] teachings were still [[embraced]] in the [[beliefs]] of the [ Rimmonites]; therefore did [[Jesus]] and the twenty-four [[devote]] much of their time to the task of making plain the [[difference]] between these older [[beliefs]] and the new [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]]. [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] here [[preached]] one of the great [[sermons]] of his early [[career]] on " [ Aaron and the Golden Calf]. "

146:1.2 Although many of the [[citizens]] of [ Rimmon] became [[believers]] in [[Jesus]]' teachings, they made great [[trouble]] for their brethren in later years. It is [[difficult]] to [[convert]] [[nature]] [[worshipers]] to the full fellowship of the [[adoration]] of a [[spiritual]] [[ideal]] during the short space of a single lifetime.

146:1.3 Many of the better of the [ Babylonian] and [ Persian] ideas of [[light]] and [[darkness]], [[good]] and [[evil]], [[time]] and [[eternity]], were later incorporated in the [[doctrines]] of so-called [[Christianity]], and their inclusion rendered the Christian teachings more [[immediately]] acceptable to the peoples of the [ Near East]. In like [[manner]], the inclusion of many of [ Plato]'s [[theories]] of the [[ideal]] [[spirit]] or [[invisible]] patterns of all things [[visible]] and [[material]], as later [[adapted]] by [ Philo] to the [[Hebrew]] [[theology]], made [[Paul, the Apostle|Paul]]'s Christian teachings more easy of [[acceptance]] by the western [[Greeks]].

146:1.4 It was at [ Rimmon] that Todan first heard the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]], and he later carried this [[message]] into [ Mesopotamia] and far beyond. He was among the first to [[preach]] the good news to those who dwelt beyond the [ Euphrates].

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