
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 144:1.1 As time passed, the twelve became more devoted to Jesus and increasingly [[committe...'

144:1.1 As [[time]] passed, [[the twelve]] became more [[devoted]] to [[Jesus]] and increasingly [[committed]] to the [[work]] of [[the kingdom]]. Their [[devotion]] was in large part a matter of [[personal]] [[loyalty]]. They did not grasp his many-sided teaching; they did not fully [[comprehend]] the [[nature]] of [[Jesus]] or the significance of his [ bestowal on earth].

144:1.2 [[Jesus]] made it [[Clarity|plain]] to his [[apostles]] that they were in [[retirement]] for [[three]] reasons:

*1. To [[confirm]] their [[understanding]] of, and [[faith]] in, the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]].
*2. To allow [[opposition]] to their [[work]] in both [[Judea]] and [[Galilee]] to quiet down.
*3. To await the [[fate]] of [[John the Baptist]].

144:1.3 While tarrying on [ Gilboa], [[Jesus]] told [[the twelve]] much about his [ early life] and his [[experiences]] on [ Mount Hermon]; he also [[revealed]] something of what happened in the hills during the [ forty days] [[immediately]] after [ his baptism]. And he directly charged them that they should tell no man about these [[experiences]] until after he had returned to [[the Father]].

144:1.4 During these September weeks they [[rested]], [[visited]], recounted their [[experiences]] since [[Jesus]] first called them to [[service]], and [[engaged]] in an [[earnest]] [[effort]] to [[co-ordinate]] what [[the Master]] had so far taught them. In a [[measure]] they all sensed that this would be their last [[opportunity]] for prolonged [[rest]]. They [[realized]] that their next [[public]] [[effort]] in either [[Judea]] or [[Galilee]] would mark the beginning of the final [[proclamation]] of the coming [[The Kingdom|kingdom]], but they had little or no settled [[idea]] as to what [[the kingdom]] would be when it came. [[John, the Apostle|John]] and [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] thought [[the kingdom]] had already come; [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] and [[James, the Apostle|James]] believed that it was yet to come; [[Nathaniel]] and [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]] frankly [[confessed]] they were puzzled; [[Matthew, the Apostle|Matthew]], [[Philip, the Apostle|Philip]], and [[Simon, the Apostle|Simon Zelotes]] were uncertain and [[confused]]; [[the twins]] were blissfully [[ignorant]] of the [[controversy]]; and[[ Judas Iscariot]] was [[silent]], noncommittal.

144:1.5 Much of this time [[Jesus]] was [[alone]] on the [[ mountain] near the camp. Occasionally he took with him [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]], [[James, the Apostle|James]], or [[John, the Apostle|John]], but more often he went off to [[pray]] or [[commune]] [[alone]]. Subsequent to the [ baptism] of [[Jesus]] and the [ forty days] in the [ Perean hills], it is hardly proper to speak of these [[seasons]] of [[communion]] with [[Universal Father|his Father]] as [[prayer]], nor is it [[consistent]] to speak of [[Jesus]] as [[worshiping]], but it is altogether correct to allude to these [[seasons]] as [[personal]] [[communion]] with [[Universal Father|his Father]].

144:1.6 The central [[theme]] of the [[discussions]] throughout the entire month of September was [[prayer]] and [[worship]]. After they had [[discussed]] [[worship]] for some days, [[Jesus]] finally delivered his [[memorable]] [[discourse]] on [[prayer]] in answer to [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]]'s request: " Master, teach us how to [[pray]]. "

144:1.7 [[John the Baptist|John]] had taught his [[disciples]] a [[prayer]], a prayer for [[salvation]] in the coming kingdom. Although [[Jesus]] never [[forbade]] his followers to use [[John the Baptist|John]]'s form of [[prayer]], [[the apostles]] very early [[perceived]] that their Master did not fully approve of the [[practice]] of uttering set and [[formal]] [[prayers]]. Nevertheless, believers constantly requested to be taught how to [[pray]]. [[The twelve]] longed to know what [[form]] of [[petition]] [[Jesus]] would [[approve]]. And it was chiefly because of this need for some [[simple]] [[petition]] for the [[Public|common people]] that [[Jesus]] at this time [[consented]], in answer to [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]]'s request, to teach them a suggestive [[form]] of [[prayer]]. [[Jesus]] gave this lesson one afternoon in the third week of their [[sojourn]] on [ Mount Gilboa].

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