
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 142:3.1 The twelve apostles, most of whom had listened to this discussion of the [http://nordan...'

142:3.1 The [[twelve apostles]], most of whom had [[listened]] to this [[discussion]] of the [ character of God], that night asked [[Jesus]] many questions about [[the Father]] in heaven. [[The Master]]'s answers to these questions can best be presented by the following summary in [[modern]] phraseology:

142:3.2 [[Jesus]] mildly upbraided [[the twelve]], in substance saying: Do you not know the [[traditions]] of [[Israel]] relating to the [[growth]] of the [[idea]] of [[Yahweh]], and are you [[ignorant]] of the teaching of [[Hebrew Bible|the Scriptures]] concerning the [[doctrine]] of [[God]]? And then did [[the Master]] proceed to instruct [[the apostles]] about the [[evolution]] of the [[concept]] of [[Deity]] throughout the [[course]] of the [[development]] of the [ Jewish people]. He called [[attention]] to the following [[phases]] of the [[growth]] of the [[God]] [[idea]]:

*1. 142:3.3 ''[[Yahweh]]'' —the god of the [ Sinai] [[clans]]. This was the [[primitive]] [[concept]] of [[Deity]] which [ Moses] exalted to the higher level of the ''Lord God of Israel''. [[The Father]] in heaven never fails to [[accept]] the [[sincere]] [[worship]] of his [[children]] on [[earth]], no matter how crude their [[concept]] of [[Deity]] or by what name they [[symbolize]] his [[divine]] [[nature]].
*2. 142:3.4 ''The [[Most High]]''. This [[concept]] of [[the Father]] in heaven was proclaimed by [[Melchizedek]] to [[Abraham]] and was carried far from [[Salem]] by those who subsequently believed in this enlarged and expanded [[idea]] of [[Deity]]. [[Abraham]] and his brother left [ Ur] because of the [[establishment]] of [[sun]] [[worship]], and they became believers in [[Melchizedek]]'s teaching of [[El Elyon]]—the [[Most High]] God. Theirs was a [[composite]] [[concept]] of [[God]], consisting in a blending of their older [ Mesopotamian] [[ideas]] and the [[Most High]] [[doctrine]].
*3. 142:3.5 ''El Shaddai''. During these early days many of the [[Hebrews]] [[worshiped]] [ El Shaddai], the [ Egyptian concept of the God of heaven], which they learned about during their captivity in the land of the [ Nile]. Long after the times of [[Melchizedek]] all [[three]] of these [[concepts]] of [[God]] became joined [[together]] to form the [[doctrine]] of the [[creator]] [[Deity]], the Lord God of Israel.
*4. 142:3.6 ''Elohim''. From the times of [[Adam]] the teaching of the [[Paradise Trinity]] has [[persisted]]. Do you not recall how the [[Scriptures]] begin by asserting that " In the beginning [[the Gods]] created the heavens and the [[earth]] "? This indicates that when that [[record]] was made the [[Trinity]] [[concept]] of three Gods in one had found lodgment in the [[religion]] of our [[forebears]].
*5. 142:3.7 ''The Supreme [[Yahweh]]''. By the times of [ Isaiah] these [[beliefs]] about [[God]] had expanded into the [[concept]] of a [ Universal Creator] who was [[simultaneously]] all-[[powerful]] and all-[[merciful]]. And this [ evolving and enlarging concept of God] virtually supplanted all previous [[ideas]] of [[Deity]] in our [[fathers]]' [[religion]].
*6. 142:3.8 ''The Father in heaven''. And now do we know [[God]] as [[our Father]] in heaven. Our teaching provides a [[religion]] wherein the believer is a [ son of God]. That is the good news of the [[gospel]] of the [[kingdom of heaven]]. Coexistent with [[the Father]] are [[the Son]] and [[the Spirit]], and the [[revelation]] of the [[nature]] and ministry of these [[Paradise Deities]] will continue to enlarge and brighten throughout the endless ages of the [[eternal]] [[spiritual]] [[progression]] of the [ ascending sons of God]. At all times and during all ages the true [[worship]] of any [[human being]]—as concerns [[individual]] [[spiritual]] [[progress]]—is [[recognized]] by the [[indwelling spirit]] as [[homage]] rendered to [[the Father]] in heaven.

142:3.9 Never before had [[the apostles]] been so [[shocked]] as they were upon hearing this recounting of the [[growth]] of the [[concept]] of [[God]] in the [ Jewish minds of previous generations]; they were too bewildered to ask questions. As they sat before [[Jesus]] in [[silence]], [[the Master]] continued: " And you would have known these [[truths]] had you read the [[Scriptures]]. Have you not [[read]] in [[Second Book of Samuel|Samuel]] where it says: `And the [[anger]] of the Lord was kindled against [[Israel]], so much so that he moved [ David] against them, saying, go number [[Israel]] and [ Judah]'?[] And this was not strange because in the days of [ Samuel] the [[children]] of [[Abraham]] really believed that [[Yahweh]] created both [[good]] and [[evil]]. But when a later [[writer]] narrated these [[events]], subsequent to the enlargement of the Jewish [[concept]] of the [ nature of God], he did not dare attribute [[evil]] to [[Yahweh]]; therefore he said: `And [[Satan]] stood up against [[Israel]] and provoked [ David] to number [[Israel]].' Cannot you [[discern]] that such records in the [[Scriptures]] clearly show how the [[concept]] of the [[Paper 2 - The Nature of God|nature of God]] continued to [[grow]] from one [[generation]] to another?

142:3.10 " Again should you have [[discerned]] the [[growth]] of the [[understanding]] of [[divine]] [[law]] in [[perfect]] keeping with these enlarging [[concepts]] of [[divinity]]. When the [[children]] of [ Israel came out of Egypt] in the days before the enlarged [[revelation]] of [[Yahweh]], they had [ ten commandments] which served as their [[law]] right up to the times when they were encamped before [ Sinai]. And these ten commandments were:

142:3.11 " 1. You shall [[worship]] no other [[god]], for the Lord is a [[jealous]] God.[]

142:3.12 " 2. You shall not make [[Idol|molten gods]].[]

142:3.13 " 3. You shall not neglect to keep the feast of unleavened bread.[]

142:3.14 " 4. Of all the [[males]] of men or cattle, the first-born are mine, says the Lord.[]

142:3.15 " 5. Six days you may [[work]], but on the [[seven]]th day you shall [[rest]].[]

142:3.16 " 6. You shall not fail to [[observe]] the feast of the first fruits and the feast of the ingathering at the end of the year.[]

142:3.17 " 7. You shall not offer the [[blood]] of any [[sacrifice]] with leavened bread.[]

142:3.18 " 8. The [[sacrifice]] of the feast of the [[Passover]] shall not be left until morning.[]

142:3.19 " 9. The first of the first fruits of the ground you shall bring to the house of the Lord your [[God]].[]

142:3.20 " 10. You shall not [[seethe]] a kid in its [[mother]]'s milk.[]

142:3.21 " And then, amidst the thunders and lightnings of [ Sinai], [ Moses] gave them the new ten commandments, which you will all allow are more [[worthy]] utterances to accompany the enlarging [[Yahweh]] [[concepts]] of [[Deity]]. And did you never take notice of these commandments as [ twice recorded] in the [[Scriptures]], that in the first case [ deliverance from Egypt] is assigned as the [[reason]] for [[Sabbath]] keeping, while in a later [[record]] the advancing [[religious]] [[beliefs]] of our [[forefathers]] demanded that this be changed to the [[recognition]] of the [[fact]] of [[creation]] as the reason for [[Sabbath]] observance?

142:3.22 " And then will you [[remember]] that once again—in the greater [[spiritual]] [[enlightenment]] of [ Isaiah]'s day—these ten [[negative]] commandments were changed into the great and [[positive]] [[law]] of [[love]], the injunction to love [[God]] supremely and your [[neighbor]] as yourself. And it is this [[supreme]] law of [[love]] for [[God]] and for man that I also [[declare]] to you as constituting the whole [[duty]] of [[man]]. "

142:3.23 And when he had finished [[speaking]], no man asked him a question. They went, each one to his [[sleep]].

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