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141:1.1 [ Capernaum] was not far from [ Tiberias], and the [[fame]] of [[Jesus]] had begun to spread well over all of [[Galilee]] and even to parts beyond. [[Jesus]] knew that [ Herod] would soon begin to take notice of his [[work]]; so he thought best to [[journey]] south and into [[Judea]] with his [[apostles]]. A company of over one hundred believers [[desired]] to go with them, but Jesus spoke to them and besought them not to accompany the apostolic group on their way down the [ Jordan]. Though they consented to remain behind, many of them followed after [[the Master]] within a few days.
141:1.1 [ Capernaum] was not far from [ Tiberias], and the [[fame]] of [[Jesus]] had begun to spread well over all of [[Galilee]] and even to parts beyond. [[Jesus]] knew that [ Herod] would soon begin to take notice of his [[work]]; so he thought best to [[journey]] south and into [[Judea]] with his [[apostles]]. A company of over one hundred believers [[desired]] to go with them, but Jesus spoke to them and besought them not to accompany the apostolic group on their way down the [ Jordan]. Though they consented to remain behind, many of them followed after [[the Master]] within a few days.
141:1.2 The first day [[Jesus]] and [[the apostles]] only [[journeyed]] as far as [ Tarichea], where they [[rest]]ed for the night. The next day they [[traveled]] to a point on the [ Jordan] near [,_Jordan Pella] where [[John the Baptist|John]] had [[preached]] about one year before, and where [[Jesus]] had received [[baptism]]. Here they tarried for more than two weeks, [[teaching]] and [[preaching]]. By the end of the first week several hundred people had assembled in a camp near where [[Jesus]] and [[the twelve]] dwelt, and they had come from [[Galilee]], [ Phoenicia], [ Syria], the [ Decapolis], [ Perea], and [[Judea]].
141:1.2 The first day [[Jesus]] and [[the apostles]] only [[journeyed]] as far as [ Tarichea], where they [[rest]]ed for the night. The next day they [[traveled]] to a point on the [ Jordan] near [,_Jordan Pella] where [[John the Baptist|John]] had [[preached]] about one year before, and where [[Jesus]] had received [[baptism]]. Here they tarried for more than two weeks, [[teaching]] and [[preaching]]. By the end of the first week several hundred people had assembled in a camp near where [[Jesus]] and [[the twelve]] dwelt, and they had come from [[Galilee]], [ Phoenicia], [ Syria], the [ Decapolis], [ Perea], and [[Judea]].
141:1.3 [[Jesus]] did no [[public]] [[preaching]]. [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] divided the multitude and assigned the [[preachers]] for the forenoon and afternoon assemblies; after the evening meal [[Jesus]] talked with [[the twelve]]. He taught them nothing new but reviewed his former teaching and answered their many questions. On one of these evenings he told [[the twelve]] something about the [ forty days] which he spent in the hills near this place.
141:1.3 [[Jesus]] did no [[public]] [[preaching]]. [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] divided the multitude and assigned the [[preachers]] for the forenoon and afternoon assemblies; after the evening meal [[Jesus]] talked with [[the twelve]]. He taught them nothing new but reviewed his former teaching and answered their many questions. On one of these evenings he told [[the twelve]] something about the [ forty days] which he spent in the hills near this place.
141:1.4 Many of those who came from [ Perea] and [[Judea]] had been [[baptized]] by [[John the Baptist|John]] and were interested in finding out more about [[Jesus]]' teachings. The [[apostles]] made much [[progress]] in teaching the [[disciples]] of [[John the Baptist|John]] inasmuch as they did not in any way detract from John's [[preaching]], and since they did not at this time even [[baptize]] their new [[disciples]]. But it was always a stumbling stone to John's followers that [[Jesus]], if he were all that John had announced, did nothing to get him out of [[prison]]. [[John the Baptist|John]]'s [[disciples]] never could [[understand]] why [[Jesus]] did not prevent the cruel [[death]] of their beloved [[leader]].
141:1.4 Many of those who came from [ Perea] and [[Judea]] had been [[baptized]] by [[John the Baptist|John]] and were interested in finding out more about [[Jesus]]' teachings. The [[apostles]] made much [[progress]] in teaching the [[disciples]] of [[John the Baptist|John]] inasmuch as they did not in any way detract from John's [[preaching]], and since they did not at this time even [[baptize]] their new [[disciples]]. But it was always a stumbling stone to John's followers that [[Jesus]], if he were all that John had announced, did nothing to get him out of [[prison]]. [[John the Baptist|John]]'s [[disciples]] never could [[understand]] why [[Jesus]] did not prevent the cruel [[death]] of their beloved [[leader]].
141:1.5 From night to night [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] carefully instructed his fellow [[apostles]] in the delicate and [[difficult]] task of getting along smoothly with the followers of [[John the Baptist]]. During this first year of [[Jesus]]' [[public]] ministry more than three fourths of his followers had previously followed John and had received his [[baptism]]. This entire year of [ A.D. 27] was spent in quietly taking over John's [[work]] in [ Perea] and [[Judea]].
141:1.5 From night to night [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] carefully instructed his fellow [[apostles]] in the delicate and [[difficult]] task of getting along smoothly with the followers of [[John the Baptist]]. During this first year of [[Jesus]]' [[public]] ministry more than three fourths of his followers had previously followed John and had received his [[baptism]]. This entire year of [ A.D. 27] was spent in quietly taking over John's [[work]] in [ Perea] and [[Judea]].
[[The kingdom|kingdom]]. Said [[the Master]]: " You have been taught to look for the coming of [[the kingdom]] of [[God]], and now I come [[announcing]] that this long-looked-for kingdom is near at hand, even that it is already here and in our midst. In every kingdom there must be a [[king]] seated upon his throne and [[decree]]ing the [[laws]] of the realm. And so have you [[developed]] a [[concept]] of [[the kingdom]] of heaven as a glorified rule of the [ Jewish people] over all the peoples of the [[earth]] with [ Messiah] sitting on [ David's throne] and from this place of [[miraculous]] [[power]] promulgating the [[laws]] of all the world. But, my [[children]], you see not with the eye of [[faith]], and you hear not with the [[understanding]] of the [[spirit]]. I [[declare]] that the [[kingdom of heaven]] is the [[realization]] and acknowledgment of [[God]]'s rule within the [[hearts]] of men. True, there is a [[King]] in this kingdom, and that King is [[Universal Father|my Father]] and your Father. We are indeed his [[loyal]] subjects, but far [[transcending]] that [[fact]] is the [[transforming]] [[truth]] that we are his sons. In my life this [[truth]] is to become [[manifest]] to all. [[Our Father]] also sits upon a [[throne]], but not one made with hands. The [[throne]] of the [[Infinite]] is the [[eternal]] dwelling place of [[the Father]] in the [[Universe of universes|heaven of heavens]]; he fills [[all things]] and [[proclaims]] his [[laws]] to [[Grand Universe|universes upon universes]]. And [[the Father]] also rules within the [[hearts]] of his [[children]] on [[earth]] by [[Thought Adjuster|the spirit]] which he has sent to live within the [[souls]] of [[mortal]] men.
[[The kingdom|kingdom]]. Said [[the Master]]: " You have been taught to look for the coming of [[the kingdom]] of [[God]], and now I come [[announcing]] that this long-looked-for kingdom is near at hand, even that it is already here and in our midst. In every kingdom there must be a [[king]] seated upon his throne and [[decree]]ing the [[laws]] of the realm. And so have you [[developed]] a [[concept]] of [[the kingdom]] of heaven as a glorified rule of the [ Jewish people] over all the peoples of the [[earth]] with [ Messiah] sitting on [ David's throne] and from this place of [[miraculous]] [[power]] promulgating the [[laws]] of all the world. But, my [[children]], you see not with the eye of [[faith]], and you hear not with the [[understanding]] of the [[spirit]]. I [[declare]] that the [[kingdom of heaven]] is the [[realization]] and acknowledgment of [[God]]'s rule within the [[hearts]] of men. True, there is a [[King]] in this kingdom, and that King is [[Universal Father|my Father]] and your Father. We are indeed his [[loyal]] subjects, but far [[transcending]] that [[fact]] is the [[transforming]] [[truth]] that we are his sons. In my life this [[truth]] is to become [[manifest]] to all. [[Our Father]] also sits upon a [[throne]], but not one made with hands. The [[throne]] of the [[Infinite]] is the [[eternal]] dwelling place of [[the Father]] in the [[Universe of universes|heaven of heavens]]; he fills [[all things]] and [[proclaims]] his [[laws]] to [[Grand Universe|universes upon universes]]. And [[the Father]] also rules within the [[hearts]] of his [[children]] on [[earth]] by [[Thought Adjuster|the spirit]] which he has sent to live within the [[souls]] of [[mortal]] men.
141:2.2 " When you are the subjects of [[Paper 170 - The Kingdom of Heaven|this kingdom]], you indeed are made to [[hear]] the [[law]] of the Universe Ruler; but when, because of the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]] which I have come to [[declare]], you [[faith]]-[[discover]] yourselves as sons, you henceforth look not upon yourselves as [[law]]-subject [[creatures]] of an all-powerful [[king]] but as [[privileged]] sons of a loving and [[divine]] [[Father]]. Verily, verily, I say to you, when [[the Father]]'s will is your [[law]], you are hardly in [[the kingdom]]. But when [[the Father]]'s will becomes truly your will, then are you in very [[truth]] in [[the kingdom]] because the kingdom has thereby become an [[established]] [[experience]] in you. When [[God]]'s will is your [[law]], you are [[noble]] [[slave]] subjects; but when you [[believe]] in this new [[gospel]] of [[divine]] sonship, my Father's will becomes your will, and you are elevated to the high position of the [[free]] [[children]] of [[God]], liberated sons of [[the kingdom]]. "
141:2.2 " When you are the subjects of [[Paper 170 - The Kingdom of Heaven|this kingdom]], you indeed are made to [[hear]] the [[law]] of the Universe Ruler; but when, because of the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]] which I have come to [[declare]], you [[faith]]-[[discover]] yourselves as sons, you henceforth look not upon yourselves as [[law]]-subject [[creatures]] of an all-powerful [[king]] but as [[privileged]] sons of a loving and [[divine]] [[Father]]. Verily, verily, I say to you, when [[the Father]]'s will is your [[law]], you are hardly in [[the kingdom]]. But when [[the Father]]'s will becomes truly your will, then are you in very [[truth]] in [[the kingdom]] because the kingdom has thereby become an [[established]] [[experience]] in you. When [[God]]'s will is your [[law]], you are [[noble]] [[slave]] subjects; but when you [[believe]] in this new [[gospel]] of [[divine]] sonship, my Father's will becomes your will, and you are elevated to the high position of the [[free]] [[children]] of [[God]], liberated sons of [[the kingdom]]. "
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141:2.3 Some of [[the apostles]] grasped something of this teaching, but none of them [[comprehended]] the full significance of this tremendous [[announcement]], unless it was [[James, the Apostle|James Zebedee]]. But these [[words]] sank into their [[hearts]] and came forth to gladden their ministry during later years of [[service]].
141:2.3 Some of [[the apostles]] grasped something of this teaching, but none of them [[comprehended]] the full significance of this tremendous [[announcement]], unless it was [[James, the Apostle|James Zebedee]]. But these [[words]] sank into their [[hearts]] and came forth to gladden their ministry during later years of [[service]].
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