
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 140:3.1 Then Jesus spoke, saying: " Now that you are ambassadors of my Father'...'

140:3.1 Then [[Jesus]] spoke, saying: " Now that you are [[ambassadors]] of [[Universal Father|my Father]]'s kingdom, you have thereby become a [[class]] of men separate and distinct from all other men on [[earth]]. You are not now as men among men but as the [[enlighten]]ed [[citizens]] of another and heavenly country among the ignorant [[creatures]] of this [[dark]] world. It is not enough that you live as you were before this hour, but henceforth must you live as those who have tasted the [[glories]] of a better life and have been sent back to earth as [[ambassadors]] of the [[Sovereign]] of that new and better world. Of the [[teacher]] more is [[expected]] than of the [[pupil]]; of the master more is exacted than of the servant. Of the [[citizens]] of the heavenly kingdom more is required than of the [[citizens]] of the [[earth]]ly rule. Some of the [[things]] which I am about to say to you may seem hard, but you have [[elected]] to [[represent]] me in the world even as I now represent [[the Father]]; and as my [[agents]] on [[earth]] you will be [[obligated]] to abide by those teachings and [[practices]] which are [[reflective]] of my [[ideals]] of [[mortal]] living on the [[worlds of space]], and which I exemplify in my [[earth]] life of [[revealing]] [[the Father]] who is in [[heaven]].

140:3.2 " I send you forth to [[proclaim]] [[liberty]] to the [[spiritual]] [[captives]], [[joy]] to those in the bondage of [[fear]], and to [[heal]] the sick in [[accordance]] with the will of my Father in [[heaven]]. When you find my [[children]] in distress, [[speak]] [[encouragingly]] to them, saying:

140:3.3 " [[Happy]] are the [[poor]] in [[spirit]], the [[humble]], for theirs are the [[treasure]]s of the [[kingdom of heaven]].[]

140:3.4 " [[Happy]] are they who [[hunger]] and [[thirst]] for [[righteousness]], for they shall be filled.

140:3.5 " [[Happy]] are the [[meek]], for they shall inherit the [[earth]].

140:3.6 " [[Happy]] are the [[pure]] in [[heart]], for they shall see [[God]].

140:3.7 " And even so speak to my [[children]] these further words of spiritual [[comfort]] and [[promise]]:

140:3.8 " [[Happy]] are they who [[mourn]], for they shall be [[comfort]]ed. Happy are they who [[weep]], for they shall [[receive]] the spirit of [[rejoicing]].

140:3.9 " [[Happy]] are the [[merciful]], for they shall obtain mercy.

140:3.10 " [[Happy]] are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the [ sons of God].

140:3.11 " [[Happy]] are they who are [[persecuted]] for [[righteousness]]' sake, for theirs is the [[kingdom of heaven]]. Happy are you when men shall revile you and [[persecute]] you and shall say all [[manner]] of [[evil]] against you falsely. [[Rejoice]] and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in [[heaven]].

140:3.12 " My brethren, as I send you forth, you are the [ salt] of the [[earth]], salt with a saving savor. But if this salt has lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is henceforth [[good]] for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men.

140:3.13 " You are the [[light]] of the world. A [[city]] set upon a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men [[light]] a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your [[good]] [[works]] and be led to [[glorify]] y[[our Father]] who is in heaven.

140:3.14 " I am sending you out into the world to [[represent]] me and to [[act]] as [[ambassadors]] of [[Universal Father|my Father]]'s kingdom, and as you go forth to [[proclaim]] the glad tidings, put your [[trust]] in [[the Father]] whose [[messengers]] you are. Do not forcibly [[resist]] injustice; put not your [[trust]] in the arm of the [[flesh]]. If your [[neighbor]] smites you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. Be willing to [[suffer]] injustice rather than to go to [[law]] among yourselves. In [[kindness]] and with [[mercy]] minister to all who are in distress and in need.

140:3.15 " I say to you: [[Love]] your enemies, do [[good]] to those who [[hate]] you, [[bless]] those who [[curse]] you, and [[pray]] for those who despitefully use you. And whatsoever you [[believe]] that I would do to men, do you also to them.

140:3.16 " Y[[our Father]] in [[heaven]] makes the [[sun]] to shine on the [[evil]] as well as upon the [[good]]; likewise he sends rain on the [[just]] and the unjust. You are the [ sons of God]; even more, you are now the [[ambassadors]] of my Father's kingdom. Be [[merciful]], even as [[God]] is merciful, and in the [[eternal]] [[future]] of [[the kingdom]] you shall be [[perfect]], even as your heavenly Father is [[perfect]].

140:3.17 " You are commissioned to save men, not to [[judge]] them. At the end of your [[earth]] life you will all [[expect]] [[mercy]]; therefore do I require of you during your [[mortal]] life that you show [[mercy]] to all of your brethren in the [[flesh]]. Make not the [[mistake]] of trying to pluck a mote out of your [[brother]]'s eye when there is a beam in your own eye. Having first cast the beam out of your own eye, you can the better see to cast the mote out of your brother's eye.

140:3.18 " [[Discern]] the [[truth]] clearly; live the [[righteous]] life fearlessly; and so shall you be my [[apostles]] and [[Universal Father|my Father]]'s [[ambassadors]]. You have heard it said: `If the blind lead the blind, they both shall fall into the pit.' If you would [[guide]] others into [[the kingdom]], you must yourselves walk in the clear [[light]] of living [[truth]]. In all the [[business]] of [[the kingdom]] I exhort you to show just [[judgment]] and keen [[wisdom]]. Present not that which is [[holy]] to dogs, neither cast your [[Treasure|pearls]] before swine, lest they trample your [[gems]] under foot and turn to rend you.

140:3.19 " I warn you against [[false]] [[prophets]] who will come to you in [[Disguise|sheep's clothing]], while on the inside they are as ravening wolves. By their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles? Even so, every [[good]] tree brings forth good fruit, but the corrupt tree bears [[evil]] fruit. A good tree cannot yield evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bring forth [[good]] fruit is presently hewn down and cast into the [[fire]]. In gaining an entrance into the [[kingdom of heaven]], it is the [[motive]] that counts. My Father looks into the [[hearts]] of men and [[judges]] by their inner longings and their [[sincere]] [[intentions]].

140:3.20 " In the great day of [[the kingdom]] [[judgment]], many will say to me, `Did we not [[prophesy]] in your name and by your name do many [[wonderful]] works?' But I will be compelled to say to them, `I never knew you; depart from me you who are [[false]] [[teachers]].' But every one who hears this charge and [[sincerely]] [[execute]]s his commission to [[represent]] me before men even as I have represented [[Universal Father|my Father]] to you, shall find an [[abundant]] entrance into my [[service]] and into [[the kingdom]] of the heavenly Father. "

140:3.21 Never before had [[the apostles]] heard [[Jesus]] speak in this way, for he had talked to them as one having [[supreme]] [[authority]]. They came down from the [[mountain]] about sundown, but no man asked [[Jesus]] a question.

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