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140:6.1 Sunday evening, on reaching the [[home]] of [ Zebedee] from the highlands north of [ Capernaum], [[Jesus]] and [[the twelve]] partook of a [[simple]] meal. Afterward, while [[Jesus]] went for a walk along the beach, the twelve talked among themselves. After a brief [[conference]], while the twins built a small [[fire]] to give them [[warmth]] and more [[light]], [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] went out to find [[Jesus]], and when he had overtaken him, he said: " Master, my brethren are unable to [[comprehend]] what you have said about [[the kingdom]]. We do not feel able to begin this [[work]] until you have given us further instruction. I have come to ask you to join us in the [[garden]] and help us to [[understand]] the [[meaning]] of your [[words]]. " And [[Jesus]] went with [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] to meet with the [[apostles]].
140:6.1 Sunday evening, on reaching the [[home]] of [ Zebedee] from the highlands north of [ Capernaum], [[Jesus]] and [[the twelve]] partook of a [[simple]] meal. Afterward, while [[Jesus]] went for a walk along the beach, the twelve talked among themselves. After a brief [[conference]], while the twins built a small [[fire]] to give them [[warmth]] and more [[light]], [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] went out to find [[Jesus]], and when he had overtaken him, he said: " Master, my brethren are unable to [[comprehend]] what you have said about [[the kingdom]]. We do not feel able to begin this [[work]] until you have given us further instruction. I have come to ask you to join us in the [[garden]] and help us to [[understand]] the [[meaning]] of your [[words]]. " And [[Jesus]] went with [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] to meet with the [[apostles]].
140:6.2 When he had entered the [[garden]], he gathered [[the apostles]] around him and taught them further, saying: " You find it [[difficult]] to [[receive]] my [[message]] because you would build the new teaching directly upon the old, but I [[declare]] that you must be reborn. You must start out afresh as little [[children]] and be willing to [[trust]] my teaching and [[believe]] in [[God]]. The new [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]] cannot be made to [[conform]] to that which is. You have wrong [[ideas]] of the [ Son of Man] and his [[mission]] on [[earth]]. But do not make the mistake of [[thinking]] that I have come to set aside [ the law] and [ the prophets]; I have not come to destroy but to fulfill, to enlarge and [[illuminate]]. I come not to transgress [ the law] but rather to write these new commandments on the tablets of your [[hearts]].[]
140:6.2 When he had entered the [[garden]], he gathered [[the apostles]] around him and taught them further, saying: " You find it [[difficult]] to [[receive]] my [[message]] because you would build the new teaching directly upon the old, but I [[declare]] that you must be reborn. You must start out afresh as little [[children]] and be willing to [[trust]] my teaching and [[believe]] in [[God]]. The new [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]] cannot be made to [[conform]] to that which is. You have wrong [[ideas]] of the [ Son of Man] and his [[mission]] on [[earth]]. But do not make the mistake of [[thinking]] that I have come to set aside [ the law] and [ the prophets]; I have not come to destroy but to fulfill, to enlarge and [[illuminate]]. I come not to transgress [ the law] but rather to write these new commandments on the tablets of your [[hearts]].[]
140:6.3 " I demand of you a [[righteousness]] that shall exceed the righteousness of those who seek to obtain [[the Father]]'s [[favor]] by almsgiving, [[prayer]], and [[fasting]]. If you would enter [[the kingdom]], you must have a [[righteousness]] that consists in [[love]], [[mercy]], and [[truth]]—the [[sincere]] [[desire]] [[to do the will of my Father]] in [[heaven]]. "[]
140:6.3 " I demand of you a [[righteousness]] that shall exceed the righteousness of those who seek to obtain [[the Father]]'s [[favor]] by almsgiving, [[prayer]], and [[fasting]]. If you would enter [[the kingdom]], you must have a [[righteousness]] that consists in [[love]], [[mercy]], and [[truth]]—the [[sincere]] [[desire]] [[to do the will of my Father]] in [[heaven]]. "[]
140:6.4 Then said [[Peter, the Apostle|Simon Peter]: " Master, if you have a new commandment, we would hear it. [[Reveal]] the new way to us. " [[Jesus]] answered Peter: " You have heard it said by those who teach [ the law]: `You shall not kill; that whosoever kills shall be subject to [[judgment]].' But I look beyond the [[act]] to uncover the [[motive]]. I [[declare]] to you that every one who is [[angry]] with his [[brother]] is in [[danger]] of condemnation. He who nurses [[hatred]] in his [[heart]] and [[plans]] [[vengeance]] in his [[mind]] stands in danger of [[judgment]]. You must judge your fellows by their [[deeds]]; [[the Father]] in heaven judges by the [[intent]].[]
140:6.4 Then said [[Peter, the Apostle|Simon Peter]]: " Master, if you have a new commandment, we would hear it. [[Reveal]] the new way to us. " [[Jesus]] answered Peter: " You have heard it said by those who teach [ the law]: `You shall not kill; that whosoever kills shall be subject to [[judgment]].' But I look beyond the [[act]] to uncover the [[motive]]. I [[declare]] to you that every one who is [[angry]] with his [[brother]] is in [[danger]] of condemnation. He who nurses [[hatred]] in his [[heart]] and [[plans]] [[vengeance]] in his [[mind]] stands in danger of [[judgment]]. You must judge your fellows by their [[deeds]]; [[the Father]] in heaven judges by the [[intent]].[]
140:6.5 " You have heard the teachers of the law say, `You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that every man who looks upon a woman with intent to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. You can only judge men by their acts, but my Father looks into the hearts of his children and in mercy adjudges them in accordance with their intents and real desires. "
140:6.5 " You have heard the teachers of the law say, `You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that every man who looks upon a woman with intent to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. You can only judge men by their acts, but my Father looks into the hearts of his children and in mercy adjudges them in accordance with their intents and real desires. "
140:6.6 [[Jesus]] was minded to go on [[discussing]] the other commandments when [[James, the Apostle|James Zebedee]] interrupted him, asking: " Master, what shall we teach the people regarding [[divorce]]ment? Shall we allow a man to divorce his [[wife]] as [ Moses] has directed? " And when [[Jesus]] heard this question, he said: " I have not come to legislate but to [[enlighten]]. I have come not to reform the kingdoms of this world but rather to [[establish]] the [[kingdom of heaven]]. It is not the will of [[the Father]] that I should yield to the [[temptation]] to teach you rules of [[government]], trade, or [[social]] [[behavior]], which, while they might be [[good]] for today, would be far from suitable for the [[society]] of another age. I am on [[earth]] solely to [[comfort]] the [[minds]], liberate the spirits, and save the [[souls]] of men. But I will say, concerning this question of divorcement, that, while [ Moses] looked with [[favor]] upon such things, it was not so in the days of [[Paper 74 - Adam and Eve|Adam]] and in [[the Garden]]. "[]
140:6.6 [[Jesus]] was minded to go on [[discussing]] the other commandments when [[James, the Apostle|James Zebedee]] interrupted him, asking: " Master, what shall we teach the people regarding [[divorce]]ment? Shall we allow a man to divorce his [[wife]] as [ Moses] has directed? " And when [[Jesus]] heard this question, he said: " I have not come to legislate but to [[enlighten]]. I have come not to reform the kingdoms of this world but rather to [[establish]] the [[kingdom of heaven]]. It is not the will of [[the Father]] that I should yield to the [[temptation]] to teach you rules of [[government]], trade, or [[social]] [[behavior]], which, while they might be [[good]] for today, would be far from suitable for the [[society]] of another age. I am on [[earth]] solely to [[comfort]] the [[minds]], liberate the spirits, and save the [[souls]] of men. But I will say, concerning this question of divorcement, that, while [ Moses] looked with [[favor]] upon such things, it was not so in the days of [[Paper 74 - Adam and Eve|Adam]] and in [[the Garden]]. "[]
140:6.7 After [[the apostles]] had talked among themselves for a short time, [[Jesus]] went on to say: " Always must you [[recognize]] the two [[viewpoints]] of all [[mortal]] [[conduct]]—the [[human]] and the [[divine]]; the ways of the [[flesh]] and the way of the [[spirit]]; the estimate of [[time]] and the [[viewpoint]] of [[eternity]]. " And though [[the twelve]] could not [[comprehend]] all that he taught them, they were truly helped by this instruction.
140:6.7 After [[the apostles]] had talked among themselves for a short time, [[Jesus]] went on to say: " Always must you [[recognize]] the two [[viewpoints]] of all [[mortal]] [[conduct]]—the [[human]] and the [[divine]]; the ways of the [[flesh]] and the way of the [[spirit]]; the estimate of [[time]] and the [[viewpoint]] of [[eternity]]. " And though [[the twelve]] could not [[comprehend]] all that he taught them, they were truly helped by this instruction.
140:6.8 And then said [[Jesus]]: " But you will stumble over my teaching because you are wont to [[interpret]] my [[message]] [[literally]]; you are slow to [[discern]] the spirit of my teaching. Again must you [[remember]] that you are my [[messengers]]; you are beholden to live your lives as I have in spirit lived mine. You are my [[personal]] [[representatives]]; but do not err in [[expecting]] all men to live as you do in every particular. Also must you [[remember]] that I have sheep not of this flock, and that I am beholden to them also, to the end that I must [[provide]] for them the [[pattern]] of [[doing the will of God]] while living the life of the [[mortal]] nature. "[]
140:6.8 And then said [[Jesus]]: " But you will stumble over my teaching because you are wont to [[interpret]] my [[message]] [[literally]]; you are slow to [[discern]] the spirit of my teaching. Again must you [[remember]] that you are my [[messengers]]; you are beholden to live your lives as I have in spirit lived mine. You are my [[personal]] [[representatives]]; but do not err in [[expecting]] all men to live as you do in every particular. Also must you [[remember]] that I have sheep not of this flock, and that I am beholden to them also, to the end that I must [[provide]] for them the [[pattern]] of [[doing the will of God]] while living the life of the [[mortal]] nature. "[]
140:6.9 Then asked [[Nathaniel]]: " Master, shall we give no place to [[justice]]? [ The law] of [ Moses] says, `An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.'[] What shall we say? " And [[Jesus]] answered: " You shall return [[good]] for [[evil]].[] My [[messengers]] must not strive with men, but be [[gentle]] toward all. [[Measure]] for measure shall not be your rule. The rulers of men may have such [[laws]], but not so in [[the kingdom]]; [[mercy]] always shall determine your [[judgments]] and [[love]] your [[conduct]]. And if these are hard sayings, you can even now turn back. If you find the requirements of [[apostleship]] too hard, you may return to the less [[rigorous]] pathway of [[discipleship]]. "
140:6.9 Then asked [[Nathaniel]]: " Master, shall we give no place to [[justice]]? [ The law] of [ Moses] says, `An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.'[] What shall we say? " And [[Jesus]] answered: " You shall return [[good]] for [[evil]].[] My [[messengers]] must not strive with men, but be [[gentle]] toward all. [[Measure]] for measure shall not be your rule. The rulers of men may have such [[laws]], but not so in [[the kingdom]]; [[mercy]] always shall determine your [[judgments]] and [[love]] your [[conduct]]. And if these are hard sayings, you can even now turn back. If you find the requirements of [[apostleship]] too hard, you may return to the less [[rigorous]] pathway of [[discipleship]]. "
140:6.10 On hearing these startling [[words]], [[the apostles]] drew apart by themselves for a while, but they soon returned, and [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] said: " Master, we would go on with you; not one of us would turn back. We are fully [[prepared]] to pay the extra price; we will drink the cup. We would be [[apostles]], not merely [[disciples]]. "
140:6.10 On hearing these startling [[words]], [[the apostles]] drew apart by themselves for a while, but they soon returned, and [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] said: " Master, we would go on with you; not one of us would turn back. We are fully [[prepared]] to pay the extra price; we will drink the cup. We would be [[apostles]], not merely [[disciples]]. "
140:6.11 When [[Jesus]] heard this, he said: " Be willing, then, to take up your [[responsibilities]] and follow me. Do your [[good]] [[deeds]] in [[secret]]; when you give alms, let not the left hand know what the right hand does. And when you [[pray]], go apart by yourselves and use not vain repetitions and meaningless phrases. Always [[remember]] that [[the Father]] knows what you need even before you ask him. And be not given to [[fasting]] with a sad countenance to be seen by men. As my chosen [[apostles]], now set apart for the service of [[the kingdom]], lay not up for yourselves [[treasures]] on [[earth]], but by your unselfish [[service]] lay up for yourselves [[treasures]] in [[heaven]], for where your treasures are, there will your [[hearts]] be also.[]
140:6.11 When [[Jesus]] heard this, he said: " Be willing, then, to take up your [[responsibilities]] and follow me. Do your [[good]] [[deeds]] in [[secret]]; when you give alms, let not the left hand know what the right hand does. And when you [[pray]], go apart by yourselves and use not vain repetitions and meaningless phrases. Always [[remember]] that [[the Father]] knows what you need even before you ask him. And be not given to [[fasting]] with a sad countenance to be seen by men. As my chosen [[apostles]], now set apart for the service of [[the kingdom]], lay not up for yourselves [[treasures]] on [[earth]], but by your unselfish [[service]] lay up for yourselves [[treasures]] in [[heaven]], for where your treasures are, there will your [[hearts]] be also.[]
140:6.12 " The lamp of the [[body]] is the eye; if, therefore, your eye is [[generous]], your whole body will be full of [[light]]. But if your eye is [[selfish]], the whole body will be filled with [[darkness]]. If the very [[light]] which is in you is turned to [[darkness]], how great is that darkness! "[]
140:6.12 " The lamp of the [[body]] is the eye; if, therefore, your eye is [[generous]], your whole body will be full of [[light]]. But if your eye is [[selfish]], the whole body will be filled with [[darkness]]. If the very [[light]] which is in you is turned to [[darkness]], how great is that darkness! "[]
140:6.13 And then [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]] asked Jesus if they should " continue having everything in common. " Said the Master: " Yes, my brethren, I would that we should live together as one understanding family. You are intrusted with a great [[work]], and I crave your undivided [[service]]. You know that it has been well said: `No man can serve two masters.' You cannot [[sincerely]] [[worship]] [[God]] and at the same time wholeheartedly serve [[Money|mammon]]. Having now enlisted unreservedly in the [[work]] of [[the kingdom]], be not [[anxious]] for your lives; much less be concerned with what you shall eat or what you shall drink; nor yet for your [[bodies]], what clothing you shall wear.[] Already have you learned that willing hands and [[earnest]] [[hearts]] shall not go [[hungry]]. And now, when you [[prepare]] to [[devote]] all of your [[energies]] to the work of [[the kingdom]], be [[assured]] that [[the Father]] will not be unmindful of your needs. Seek first [[the kingdom]] of [[God]], and when you have found entrance thereto, all things needful shall be added to you. Be not, therefore, unduly [[anxious]] for the [[future|morrow]]. Sufficient for the day is the trouble thereof. "[]
140:6.13 And then [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]] asked Jesus if they should " continue having everything in common. " Said the Master: " Yes, my brethren, I would that we should live together as one understanding family. You are intrusted with a great [[work]], and I crave your undivided [[service]]. You know that it has been well said: `No man can serve two masters.' You cannot [[sincerely]] [[worship]] [[God]] and at the same time wholeheartedly serve [[Money|mammon]]. Having now enlisted unreservedly in the [[work]] of [[the kingdom]], be not [[anxious]] for your lives; much less be concerned with what you shall eat or what you shall drink; nor yet for your [[bodies]], what clothing you shall wear.[] Already have you learned that willing hands and [[earnest]] [[hearts]] shall not go [[hungry]]. And now, when you [[prepare]] to [[devote]] all of your [[energies]] to the work of [[the kingdom]], be [[assured]] that [[the Father]] will not be unmindful of your needs. Seek first [[the kingdom]] of [[God]], and when you have found entrance thereto, all things needful shall be added to you. Be not, therefore, unduly [[anxious]] for the [[future|morrow]]. Sufficient for the day is the trouble thereof. "[]
140:6.14 When [[Jesus]] saw they were disposed to stay up all night to ask questions, he said to them: " My brethren, you are earthen vessels; it is best for you to go to your [[rest]] so as to be ready for the morrow's [[work]]. " But [[sleep]] had departed from their eyes. [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] ventured to request of his Master that " I have just a little [[private]] talk with you. Not that I would have [[secrets]] from my brethren, but I have a troubled spirit, and if, perchance, I should deserve a [[rebuke]] from my Master, I could the better [[endure]] it alone with you. " And [[Jesus]] said, " Come with me, Peter "—leading the way into the house. When [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] returned from the [[presence]] of his Master much [[cheered]] and greatly [[encouraged]], [[James, the Apostle|James]] decided to go in to talk with [[Jesus]]. And so on through the early hours of the morning, the other [[apostles]] went in one by one to talk with [[the Master]]. When they had all held [[personal]] [[conferences]] with him save the twins, who had fallen [[asleep]], [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] went in to [[Jesus]] and said: " Master, the twins have fallen asleep in the [[garden]] by the [[fire]]; shall I arouse them to [[inquire]] if they would also talk with you? " And Jesus smilingly said to Andrew, " They do well—trouble them not. " And now the night was passing; the [[light]] of another day was [[dawning]].
140:6.14 When [[Jesus]] saw they were disposed to stay up all night to ask questions, he said to them: " My brethren, you are earthen vessels; it is best for you to go to your [[rest]] so as to be ready for the morrow's [[work]]. " But [[sleep]] had departed from their eyes. [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] ventured to request of his Master that " I have just a little [[private]] talk with you. Not that I would have [[secrets]] from my brethren, but I have a troubled spirit, and if, perchance, I should deserve a [[rebuke]] from my Master, I could the better [[endure]] it alone with you. " And [[Jesus]] said, " Come with me, Peter "—leading the way into the house. When [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] returned from the [[presence]] of his Master much [[cheered]] and greatly [[encouraged]], [[James, the Apostle|James]] decided to go in to talk with [[Jesus]]. And so on through the early hours of the morning, the other [[apostles]] went in one by one to talk with [[the Master]]. When they had all held [[personal]] [[conferences]] with him save the twins, who had fallen [[asleep]], [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] went in to [[Jesus]] and said: " Master, the twins have fallen asleep in the [[garden]] by the [[fire]]; shall I arouse them to [[inquire]] if they would also talk with you? " And Jesus smilingly said to Andrew, " They do well—trouble them not. " And now the night was passing; the [[light]] of another day was [[dawning]].
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[[Category:Paper 140 - The Ordination of the Twelve]]
[[Category:Paper 140 - The Ordination of the Twelve]]
[[Category: Apostleship]]