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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 133:8.1 [ Antioch] was the capital of the ['

133:8.1 [ Antioch] was the [[capital]] of the [ Roman province of Syria], and here the imperial governor had his residence. [ Antioch] had half a million [[inhabitants]]; it was the third [[city]] of the [ empire] in size and the first in [[wickedness]] and flagrant immorality. Gonod had considerable [[business]] to [[transact]]; so [[Jesus]] and Ganid were much by themselves. They visited everything about this polyglot [[city]] except the grove of [ Daphne]. Gonod and Ganid visited this notorious [[shrine]] of shame, but [[Jesus]] declined to accompany them. Such scenes were not so shocking to Indians, but they were repellent to an [[idealistic]] [[Hebrew]].

133:8.2 [[Jesus]] became [[sober]] and [[reflective]] as he drew nearer [[Palestine]] and the end of their [[journey]]. He visited with few people in [ Antioch]; he seldom went about in the [[city]]. After much questioning as to why his [[teacher]] [[manifested]] so little interest in [ Antioch], Ganid finally induced [[Jesus]] to say: " This city is not far from [[Palestine]]; maybe I shall come back here sometime. "

133:8.3 Ganid had a very interesting [[experience]] in [ Antioch]. This [[young man]] had proved himself an apt [[pupil]] and already had begun to make [[practical]] use of some of [[Jesus]]' teachings. There was a certain Indian connected with his father's [[business]] in Antioch who had become so unpleasant and disgruntled that his dismissal had been [[considered]]. When Ganid heard this, he betook himself to his [[father]]'s place of [[business]] and held a long [[conference]] with his fellow countryman. This man felt he had been put at the wrong job. Ganid told him about [[the Father]] in heaven and in many ways expanded his views of [[religion]]. But of all that Ganid said, the quotation of a [[Hebrew]] [[proverb]] did the most [[good]], and that [[word]] of [[wisdom]] was: " Whatsoever your hand finds to do, do that with all your might. "[]

133:8.4 After [[preparing]] their luggage for the camel [[caravan]], they passed on down to [ Sidon] and thence over to [ Damascus], and after three days they made ready for the long trek across the [[desert]] sands.

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