
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 127:6.1 The story of Rebecca's love for Jesus was whispered about Nazareth and later on at ...'

127:6.1 The [[story]] of Rebecca's [[love]] for [[Jesus]] was whispered about [[Nazareth]] and later on at [ Capernaum], so that, while in the years to follow many [[women]] loved Jesus even as men loved him, not again did he have to reject the [[personal]] proffer of another good [[woman]]'s [[devotion]]. From this time on [[human]] [[affection]] for Jesus partook more of the [[nature]] of [[worshipful]] and adoring regard. Both men and women loved him [[devotedly]] and for what he was, not with any tinge of [[self]]-[[satisfaction]] or [[desire]] for [[affectionate]] [[possession]]. But for many years, whenever the [[story]] of Jesus' human [[personality]] was recited, the [[devotion]] of Rebecca was recounted.

127:6.2 Miriam, knowing fully about the affair of Rebecca and knowing how her [[brother]] had forsaken even the [[love]] of a [[beautiful]] [[maiden]] (not realizing the [[factor]] of his [[future]] [[career]] of [[destiny]]), came to [[idealize]] [[Jesus]] and to [[love]] him with a touching and [[profound]] [[affection]] as for a [[father]] as well as for a [[brother]].

127:6.3 Although they could hardly afford it, [[Jesus]] had a strange longing to go up to [[Jerusalem]] for the [[Passover]]. His [[mother]], knowing of his recent [[experience]] with Rebecca, [[wisely]] urged him to make the [[journey]]. He was not markedly [[conscious]] of it, but what he most wanted was an [[opportunity]] to talk with [ Lazarus] and to visit with [ Martha] and [ Mary]. Next to his own [[family]] he loved these [[three]] most of all.

127:6.4 In making this trip to [[Jerusalem]], he went by way of [,_Israel Megiddo], [ Antipatris], and [ Lydda], in part covering the same route traversed when he was brought back to [[Nazareth]] on the return from [ Egypt]. He spent four days going up to the [[Passover]] and thought much about the [[past]] [[events]] which had transpired in and around [,_Israel Megiddo], the international battlefield of [[Palestine]].

127:6.5 passed on through [[Jerusalem]], only pausing to look upon the [ temple] and the gathering throngs of visitors. He had a strange and increasing aversion to this [ Herod-built temple] with its [[politically]] appointed [[priesthood]]. He wanted most of all to see [ Lazarus], [ Martha], and [ Mary]. Lazarus was the same age as [[Jesus]] and now head of the house; by the time of this visit [ Lazarus]'s mother had also been laid to rest. [ Martha] was a little over one year older than [[Jesus]], while Mary was two years younger. And [[Jesus]] was the idolized [[ideal]] of all three of them.

127:6.6 On this [[visit]] occurred one of those periodic outbreaks of [[rebellion]] against [[tradition]]—the [[expression]] of resentment for those [[ceremonial]] [[practices]] which [[Jesus]] deemed misrepresentative of [[Universal Father|his Father]] in heaven. Not knowing [[Jesus]] was coming, [ Lazarus] had arranged to celebrate the [[Passover]] with [[friends]] in an adjoining village down the [ Jericho] road. [[Jesus]] now [[proposed]] that they celebrate the feast where they were, at [ Lazarus]'s house. " But, " said Lazarus, " we have no [ paschal lamb]. " And then Jesus entered upon a prolonged and convincing [[dissertation]] to the [[effect]] that [[the Father]] in heaven was not truly concerned with such childlike and meaningless [[rituals]]. After solemn and fervent [[prayer]] they rose, and [[Jesus]] said: " Let the childlike and [[darkened]] [[minds]] of my people serve their [[God]] as [ Moses] directed; it is better that they do, but let us who have seen the [[light]] of life no longer approach [[our Father]] by the [[darkness]] of [[death]]. Let us be [[free]] in the [[knowledge]] of the [[truth]] of [[our Father]]'s [[eternal]] [[love]]. "

127:6.7 That evening about [[twilight]] these four sat down and partook of the first [[Passover]] feast ever to be [[celebrated]] by [[devout]] [[Jews]] without the [ paschal lamb]. The [ unleavened bread] and the wine had been made ready for this [[Passover]], and these emblems, which [[Jesus]] termed " the bread of life " and " the water of life, " he served to his [[companions]], and they ate in [[solemn]] [[conformity]] with the teachings just imparted. It was his [[custom]] to [[engage]] in this sacramental [[ritual]] whenever he paid subsequent visits to [ Bethany]. When he returned [[home]], he told all this to his [[mother]]. She was [[shocked]] at first but came [[gradually]] to see his [[viewpoint]]; nevertheless, she was greatly relieved when [[Jesus]] assured her that he did not [[intend]] to introduce this new [[idea]] of the [[Passover]] in their [[family]]. At [[home]] with the [[children]] he continued, year by year, to eat the [[Passover]] " according to the law of Moses. "[]

127:6.8 It was during this year that [ Mary] had a long talk with [[Jesus]] about [[marriage]]. She frankly asked him if he would get married if he were free from his [[family]] [[responsibilities]]. Jesus explained to her that, since immediate [[duty]] forbade his [[marriage]], he had given the subject little [[thought]]. He expressed himself as doubting that he would ever enter the [[marriage]] state; he said that all such things must await " my hour, " the time when " [[our Father|my Father]]'s work must begin. " Having settled already in his [[mind]] that he was not to become the [[father]] of [[children]] in the [[flesh]], he gave very little [[thought]] to the subject of human [[marriage]].

127:6.9 This year he began anew the task of further weaving his [[mortal]] and [[divine]] [[natures]] into a [[simple]] and [[effective]] human [[individuality]]. And he continued to [[grow]] in [[moral]] [[status]] and [[spiritual]] [[understanding]].

127:6.10 Although all their [[Nazareth]] [[property]] (except their [[home]]) was gone, this year they received a little [[financial]] help from the sale of an equity in a piece of [[property]] in [ Capernaum]. This was the last of [ Joseph]'s entire estate. This real estate deal in Capernaum was with a boatbuilder named Zebedee.

127:6.11 Joseph graduated at the [[synagogue]] [[school]] this year and [[prepared]] to begin [[work]] at the small bench in the home [[carpenter]] shop. Although the estate of their [[father]] was exhausted, there were prospects that they would successfully fight off [[poverty]] since three of them were now regularly at [[work]].

127:6.12 [[Jesus]] is rapidly becoming a man, not just a [[young man]] but an [[Maturity|adult]]. He has learned well to bear [[responsibility]]. He knows how to carry on in the face of [[disappointment]]. He bears up [[bravely]] when his [[plans]] are thwarted and his [[purposes]] temporarily defeated. He has learned how to be [[fair]] and [[just]] even in the face of injustice. He is learning how to [[adjust]] his [[ideals]] of [[spiritual]] living to the [[practical]] demands of [[earthly]] [[existence]]. He is learning how to [[plan]] for the achievement of a higher and distant goal of [[idealism]] while he toils [[earnestly]] for the [[attainment]] of a nearer and [[immediate]] goal of [[necessity]]. He is steadily acquiring the art of [[adjusting]] his [[aspirations]] to the commonplace demands of the human occasion. He has very nearly mastered the [[technique]] of utilizing the [[energy]] of the [[spiritual]] drive to turn the [[mechanism]] of [[material]] [[achievement]]. He is slowly learning how to live the [[heaven]]ly life while he continues on with the [[earth]]ly [[existence]]. More and more he depends upon the [[ultimate]] [[guidance]] of his heavenly Father while he [[assumes]] the [[father]]ly role of guiding and directing the [[children]] of his earth [[family]]. He is becoming [[experienced]] in the [[skill]]ful wresting of victory from the very jaws of defeat; he is learning how to [[transform]] the [[difficulties]] of [[time]] into the triumphs of [[eternity]].

127:6.13 And so, as the years pass, this [[young man]] of [[Nazareth]] continues to [[experience]] life as it is lived in [[mortal]] [[flesh]] on the worlds of [[time and space]]. He lives a full, [[representative]], and replete life on [[Urantia]]. He left this world ripe in the [[experience]] which his [[creatures]] pass through during the short and strenuous years of their first life, the life in the [[flesh]]. And all this [[human]] [[experience]] is an [[eternal]] [[possession]] of the [[Universe Sovereign]]. He is our [[understanding]] [[brother]], [[sympathetic]] [[friend]], experienced [[sovereign]], and [[merciful]] [[father]].

127:6.14 As a [[child]] he accumulated a vast body of [[knowledge]]; as a [[youth]] he sorted, [[classified]], and correlated this [[information]]; and now as a man of the realm he begins to [[organize]] these mental possessions [[preparatory]] to utilization in his subsequent [[teaching]], ministry, and [[service]] in behalf of his fellow [[mortals]] on this world and on all other spheres of [[habitation]] throughout the entire [[universe]] of [[Nebadon]].

127:6.15 Born into the world a [ babe] of the realm, he has lived his [[childhood]] life and passed through the successive [[stages]] of [[youth]] and young manhood; he now stands on the threshold of full [[Maturity|manhood]], rich in the [[experience]] of human living, replete in the [[understanding]] of [[human]] [[nature]], and full of [[sympathy]] for the frailties of human nature. He is becoming [[expert]] in the divine art of [[revealing]] his [[Paradise Father]] to all ages and [[stages]] of [[mortal]] [[creatures]].

127:6.16 And now as a full-grown man—an adult of the realm—he [[prepares]] to continue his [[mission]] of [[revealing]] [[God]] to men and leading men to God.

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