
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 113:6.1 Having told you something of the ministry of seraphim during natural life, I will endeavor ...'

113:6.1 Having told you something of the [[ministry]] of [[seraphim]] during natural life, I will endeavor to [[inform]] you about the [[conduct]] of the [ guardians of destiny] at the [[time]] of the mortal [[Death|dissolution]] of their [[human]] associates. Upon your [[death]], your [[records]], [[identity]] specifications, and the [[morontia]] [[entity]] of the [ human soul]—conjointly evolved by the [[ministry]] of [ mortal mind] and the [[divine]] [[Adjuster]]—are [[faithfully]] conserved by the [ destiny guardian] together with all other [[values]] related to your [[future]] [[existence]], everything that [[constitutes]] you, the real you, except the [[identity]] of continuing [[existence]] [[represented]] by the departing [[Adjuster]] and the [[actuality]] of [[personality]].

113:6.2 The instant the [ pilot light] in the [ human mind] disappears, the [[spirit]] [[luminosity]] which [[seraphim]] associate with the [[presence]] of the [[Adjuster]], the attending [[angel]] reports in [[person]] to the commanding angels, successively, of the group, company, battalion, unit, legion, and host; and after being duly registered for the final [[adventure]] of [[time and space]], such an [[angel]] receives certification by the [ planetary chief] of [[seraphim]] for reporting to the [[Evening Star]] (or other lieutenant of [[Gabriel]]) in command of the seraphic army of this [[candidate]] for [[universe]] [[ascension]]. And upon being granted permission from the commander of this highest [[organization]]al [[unit]], such a [ guardian of destiny] proceeds to the [[first mansion world]] and there awaits the [[Awakening|consciousizing]] of her former ward in the [[flesh]].

113:6.3 In case the [ human soul] fails of [[survival]] after having received the assignment of a [ personal angel], the attending [[seraphim]] must proceed to the [[Salvington|headquarters]] of the [[local universe]], there to [[witness]] to the complete [[records]] of her [[complement]] as previously reported. Next she goes before the [[tribunals]] of the [[archangels]], to be absolved from blame in the matter of the [[survival]] failure of her subject; and then she goes back to [ the worlds], again to be assigned to another [[mortal]] of [[ascending]] [[potentiality]] or to some other division of [ seraphic ministry].

113:6.4 But [[angels]] minister to [ evolutionary creatures] in many ways aside from the [[services]] of [ personal and group guardianship]. [ Personal guardians] whose subjects do not go [[immediately]] to the [[mansion worlds]] do not tarry there in [[idleness]] awaiting the [[dispensation]]al roll calls of [[judgment]]; they are reassigned to numerous ministering missions throughout the [[universe]].

113:6.5 The [ guardian seraphim] is the [[custodial]] trustee of the [[survival]] [[values]] of [[mortal]] man's [[slumbering]] [[soul]] as the absent [[Adjuster]] is the [[identity]] of such an [[immortal]] [[universe]] [[being]]. When these two [[collaborate]] in the [[resurrection]] halls of [[First Mansion World|mansonia]] in conjunction with the newly fabricated [[morontia]] [[form]], there occurs the reassembly of the constituent [[factors]] of the [[personality]] of the [ mortal ascender].

113:6.6 The [[Adjuster]] will identify you; the [ guardian seraphim] will [[repersonalize]] you and then re-present you to the [[faithful]] [[Thought Adjuster|Monitor]] of your earth days.

113:6.7 And even so, when a [[Epoch|planetary age]] ends, when those in the lower [ circles of mortal achievement] are forgathered, it is their [ group guardians] who reassemble them in the [[resurrection halls]] of the [[Mansion Worlds|mansion spheres]], even as your record tells: "And he shall send his angels with a great voice and shall gather together his elect from one end of the realm to another."[][]

113:6.8 The [[technique]] of [[justice]] demands that [ personal or group guardians] shall [[respond]] to the [[dispensation]]al roll call in behalf of all nonsurviving [[personalities]]. The [[Adjusters]] of such nonsurvivors do not return, and when the rolls are called, the [[seraphim]] [[respond]], but the [[Adjusters]] make no answer. This [[constitutes]] the "resurrection of the unjust,"[] in [[reality]] the [[formal]] [[recognition]] of the [ cessation of creature existence]. This roll call of [[justice]] always [[immediately]] follows the roll call of [[mercy]], the [[resurrection]] of the [[sleeping survivors]]. But these are matters which are of concern to none but the [[Ancients of Days|supreme and all-knowing Judges]] of [[survival]] [[values]]. Such [[problems]] of [[adjudication]] do not really concern us.

113:6.9 [ Group guardians] may serve on a [[planet]] [ age after age] and [[eventually]] become [[custodians]] of the [[slumbering]] [[souls]] of thousands upon thousands of [[sleeping survivors]]. They can so serve on many [[different]] worlds in a given [[the System|system]] since the [[resurrection]] response occurs on the [[mansion worlds]].

113:6.10 All [ personal and group guardians] in [[the system]] of [[Satania]] who went astray in the [[Lucifer rebellion]], notwithstanding that many sincerely [[repented]] of their [[folly]], are to be detained on [[Jerusem]] until the final [[adjudication]] of [[the rebellion]]. Already have the [[Universal Censors]] [[arbitrarily]] taken from these disobedient and unfaithful guardians all aspects of their [[soul]] [[trusts]] and lodged these [[morontia]] realities for safekeeping in the [[custody]] of volunteer [ seconaphim].

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