
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 112:4.1 When death of a material, intellectual, or spiritual nature occurs, the [[Adjus...'

112:4.1 When [[death]] of a [[material]], [[intellectual]], or [[spiritual]] [[nature]] occurs, the [[Adjuster]] bids [[farewell]] to the [[mortal]] host and departs for [[Divinington]]. From the [[headquarters]] of the [[local universe]] and the [[superuniverse]] a [[Reflectivity|reflective]] [[contact]] is made with the supervisors of both [[governments]], and the Monitor is registered out by the same [[number]] that recorded entry into the [[domains]] of [[time]].

112:4.2 In some way not fully [[understood]], the [[Universal Censors]] are able to gain [[possession]] of an [[epitome]] of the human life as it is embodied in the [[Adjuster]]'s duplicate [[transcription]] of the [[spiritual]] [[values]] and [[morontia]] [[meanings]] of the indwelt [[mind]]. The [[Universal Censors|Censors]] are able to appropriate the [[Adjuster]]'s version of the deceased [[human]]'s [[survival]] [[character]] and [[spiritual]] [[qualities]], and all this [[data]], together with the [ seraphic records], is available for presentation at the [[time]] of the [[adjudication]] of the [[individual]] concerned. This [[information]] is also used to [[confirm]] those [[superuniverse]] [[mandates]] which make it possible for certain ascenders [[immediately]] to begin their [[morontia]] [[careers]], upon [[mortal]] [[Death|dissolution]] to proceed to the [[mansion worlds]] ahead of the [[formal]] termination of a [[planetary]] [[dispensation]].

112:4.3 Subsequent to [[physical]] [[death]], except in [[individuals]] [ translated from among the living], the released [[Adjuster]] goes immediately to the [[home]] sphere of [[Divinington]]. The details of what transpires on that world during the time of awaiting the factual reappearance of the [[surviving]] [[mortal]] depend chiefly on whether the [[human being]] ascends to the [[mansion worlds]] in his own [[individual]] [[right]] or awaits a [[dispensation]]al summoning of the [ sleeping survivors] of a [ planetary age].

112:4.4 If the [[mortal]] [[associate]] belongs to a [[group]] that will be [[repersonalized]] at the end of a [[dispensation]], the [[Adjuster]] will not [[immediately]] return to the [[mansion world]] of the former [[the System|system]] of [[service]] but will, according to [[choice]], enter upon one of the following temporary assignments:

*1. Be mustered into the ranks of vanished [[Monitors]] for undisclosed [[service]].
*2. Be assigned for a period to the [[observation]] of the [[Paradise]] [[regime]].
*3. Be enrolled in one of the many [[training]] schools of [[Divinington]].
*4. Be stationed for a time as a [[student]] [[observer]] on one of the other six [ sacred spheres] which constitute [[the Father]]'s circuit of [[Paradise]] worlds.
*5. Be assigned to the [[messenger]] service of the [[Personalized Adjusters]].
*6. Become an [[associate]] instructor in the [[Divinington]] schools [[devoted]] to the [[training]] of [[Monitors]] belonging to the [ virgin group].
*7. Be assigned to select a [[group]] of possible worlds on which to serve in the [[event]] that there is reasonable [[cause]] for believing that the [[human]] [[partner]] may have rejected [[survival]].

112:4.5 If, when [[death]] overtakes you, you have [[attained]] the [ third circle] or a higher realm and therefore have had assigned to you a [ personal guardian of destiny], and if the final [[transcript]] of the summary of [[survival]] [[character]] submitted by the [[Adjuster]] is unconditionally certified by the [ destiny guardian]—if both [[seraphim]] and [[Adjuster]] [[essentially]] [[agree]] in every item of their life [[records]] and recommendations—if the [[Universal Censors]] and their [ reflective associates] on [[Uversa]] [[confirm]] this [[data]] and do so without equivocation or reservation, in that event the [[Ancients of Days]] flash forth the [[mandate]] of advanced standing over the [[communication]] [[circuits]] to [[Salvington]], and, thus released, the [[tribunals]] of the [ Sovereign of Nebadon] will [[decree]] the immediate passage of the [[surviving]] [[soul]] to the [[resurrection]] halls of the [[mansion worlds]].

112:4.6 If the [[human]] [[individual]] [[survives]] without delay, the [[Adjuster]], so I am instructed, registers at [[Divinington]], proceeds to the [[Paradise]] [[presence]] of the [[Universal Father]], returns [[immediately]] and is [[embraced]] by the [[Personalized Adjusters]] of the [[superuniverse]] and [[local universe]] of assignment, receives the [[recognition]] of the chief [[Personalized Monitor]] of [[Divinington]], and then, at once, passes into the "[[realization]] of [[identity]] [[transition]]," being summoned therefrom on the third period and on the [[mansion world]] in the [[actual]] [[personality]] form made ready for the [[reception]] of the [[surviving]] [[soul]] of the [[earth]] [[mortal]] as that form has been projected by the [ guardian of destiny].

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