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97:7.1 The [ destruction of the Hebrew nation] and their [[captivity]] in [ Mesopotamia] would have [[proved]] of great benefit to their expanding [[theology]] had it not been for the determined [[action]] of their [[priesthood]]. Their [[nation]] had fallen before the armies of [ Babylon], and their [[nationalistic]] [[Yahweh]] had suffered from the [[international]] preachments of the [[spiritual]] [[leaders]]. It was resentment of the loss of their [[national]] god that led the [[Jewish]] [[priests]] to go to such lengths in the [[invention]] of fables and the multiplication of [[miraculous]] appearing [[events]] in [[Hebrew]] [[history]] in an [[effort]] to restore the [[Jews]] as the [[chosen people]] of even the new and expanded [[idea]] of an [[internationalized]] [[God]] of all nations.
97:7.1 The [ destruction of the Hebrew nation] and their [[captivity]] in [ Mesopotamia] would have [[proved]] of great benefit to their expanding [[theology]] had it not been for the determined [[action]] of their [[priesthood]]. Their [[nation]] had fallen before the armies of [ Babylon], and their [[nationalistic]] [[Yahweh]] had suffered from the [[international]] preachments of the [[spiritual]] [[leaders]]. It was resentment of the loss of their [[national]] god that led the [[Jewish]] [[priests]] to go to such lengths in the [[invention]] of fables and the multiplication of [[miraculous]] appearing [[events]] in [[Hebrew]] [[history]] in an [[effort]] to restore the [[Jews]] as the [[chosen people]] of even the new and expanded [[idea]] of an [[internationalized]] [[God]] of all nations.
97:7.2 During [ the captivity] the [[Jews]] were much [[influenced]] by [ Babylonian traditions] and legends, although it should be noted that they unfailingly improved the [[moral]] [[tone]] and [[spiritual]] significance of the [ Chaldean] stories which they adopted, notwithstanding that they invariably distorted these [[legends]] to [[reflect]] [[honor]] and [[glory]] upon the [[ancestry]] and [ history of Israel].
97:7.2 During [ the captivity] the [[Jews]] were much [[influenced]] by [ Babylonian traditions] and legends, although it should be noted that they unfailingly improved the [[moral]] [[tone]] and [[spiritual]] significance of the [ Chaldean] stories which they adopted, notwithstanding that they invariably distorted these [[legends]] to [[reflect]] [[honor]] and [[glory]] upon the [[ancestry]] and [ history of Israel].
97:7.3 These [[Hebrew]] [[priests]] and scribes had a single [[idea]] in their [[minds]], and that was the [[rehabilitation]] of the [ Jewish nation], the [[glorification]] of [[Hebrew]] [[traditions]], and the exaltation of their [ racial history]. If there is resentment of the [[fact]] that these [[priests]] have fastened their erroneous [[ideas]] upon such a large part of the [ Occidental world], it should be remembered that they did not [[intentionally]] do this; they did not claim to be [[writing]] by [[inspiration]]; they made no [[profession]] to be writing a [[sacred]] [[book]]. They were merely [[preparing]] a [[textbook]] designed to bolster up the dwindling [[courage]] of their fellows in [[captivity]]. They were definitely aiming at improving the [[national]] [[spirit]] and morale of their compatriots. It remained for later-day men to assemble these and other [[writings]] into a guide [[book]] of supposedly [[infallible]] teachings.
97:7.3 These [[Hebrew]] [[priests]] and scribes had a single [[idea]] in their [[minds]], and that was the [[rehabilitation]] of the [ Jewish nation], the [[glorification]] of [[Hebrew]] [[traditions]], and the exaltation of their [ racial history]. If there is resentment of the [[fact]] that these [[priests]] have fastened their erroneous [[ideas]] upon such a large part of the [ Occidental world], it should be remembered that they did not [[intentionally]] do this; they did not claim to be [[writing]] by [[inspiration]]; they made no [[profession]] to be writing a [[sacred]] [[book]]. They were merely [[preparing]] a [[textbook]] designed to bolster up the dwindling [[courage]] of their fellows in [[captivity]]. They were definitely aiming at improving the [[national]] [[spirit]] and morale of their compatriots. It remained for later-day men to assemble these and other [[writings]] into a guide [[book]] of supposedly [[infallible]] teachings.
97:7.4 The [[Jewish]] [[priesthood]] made [[liberal]] use of these [[writings]] subsequent to [ the captivity], but they were greatly hindered in their [[influence]] over their fellow captives by the [[presence]] of a young and indomitable [[prophet]], [ Isaiah the second], who was a full [[convert]] to the [[elder]] [ Isaiah]'s [[God]] of [[justice]], [[love]], [[righteousness]], and [[mercy]]. He also believed with [ Jeremiah] that [[Yahweh]] had become the [[God]] of [[Internationalism|all nations]]. He preached these [[theories]] of the [[nature]] of [[God]] with such telling [[effect]] that he made converts equally among the [[Jews]] and their captors. And this young preacher left on [[record]] his teachings, which the hostile and unforgiving [[priests]] sought to [[divorce]] from all [[association]] with him, although sheer [[respect]] for their [[beauty]] and grandeur led to their incorporation among the [[writings]] of the earlier [ Isaiah]. And thus may be found the writings of this [ second Isaiah] in the [[book]] of that name, embracing chapters [ forty to fifty-five inclusive].
97:7.4 The [[Jewish]] [[priesthood]] made [[liberal]] use of these [[writings]] subsequent to [ the captivity], but they were greatly hindered in their [[influence]] over their fellow captives by the [[presence]] of a young and indomitable [[prophet]], [ Isaiah the second], who was a full [[convert]] to the [[elder]] [ Isaiah]'s [[God]] of [[justice]], [[love]], [[righteousness]], and [[mercy]]. He also believed with [ Jeremiah] that [[Yahweh]] had become the [[God]] of [[Internationalism|all nations]]. He preached these [[theories]] of the [[nature]] of [[God]] with such telling [[effect]] that he made converts equally among the [[Jews]] and their captors. And this young preacher left on [[record]] his teachings, which the hostile and unforgiving [[priests]] sought to [[divorce]] from all [[association]] with him, although sheer [[respect]] for their [[beauty]] and grandeur led to their incorporation among the [[writings]] of the earlier [ Isaiah]. And thus may be found the writings of this [ second Isaiah] in the [[book]] of that name, embracing chapters [ forty to fifty-five inclusive].
97:7.5 No [[prophet]] or religious teacher from [[Machiventa]] to the time of [[Jesus]] [[attained]] the high [[concept]] of [[God]] that [ Isaiah the second] proclaimed during these days of [ the captivity]. It was no small, [[anthropomorphic]], man-made [[God]] that this [[spiritual]] leader [[proclaimed]]. " Behold he takes up the isles as a very little thing. "[] " And as the [[heavens]] are higher than the [[earth]], so are my ways higher than your ways and my [[thoughts]] higher than your thoughts."[]
97:7.5 No [[prophet]] or religious teacher from [[Machiventa]] to the time of [[Jesus]] [[attained]] the high [[concept]] of [[God]] that [ Isaiah the second] proclaimed during these days of [ the captivity]. It was no small, [[anthropomorphic]], man-made [[God]] that this [[spiritual]] leader [[proclaimed]]. " Behold he takes up the isles as a very little thing. "[] " And as the [[heavens]] are higher than the [[earth]], so are my ways higher than your ways and my [[thoughts]] higher than your thoughts."[]
97:7.6 At last [[Machiventa]] [[Melchizedek]] beheld [[human]] [[teachers]] [[proclaiming]] a real [[God]] to [[mortal]] man. Like [ Isaiah] the first, this [[leader]] preached a [[God]] of [[universal]] [[creation]] and upholding. "I have made the [[earth]] and put man upon it. I have created it not in vain; I formed it to be inhabited."[] " I am the first and the last; there is no God beside me."[] Speaking for the Lord God of Israel, this new [[prophet]] said: " The [[heavens]] may vanish and the [[earth]] wax old, but my [[righteousness]] shall [[endure]] forever and my [[salvation]] from [[generation]] to generation."[] " [[Fear]] you not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your [[God]]."[] " There is no [[God]] beside me—a just God and a Savior."[]
97:7.6 At last [[Machiventa]] [[Melchizedek]] beheld [[human]] [[teachers]] [[proclaiming]] a real [[God]] to [[mortal]] man. Like [ Isaiah] the first, this [[leader]] preached a [[God]] of [[universal]] [[creation]] and upholding. "I have made the [[earth]] and put man upon it. I have created it not in vain; I formed it to be inhabited."[] " I am the first and the last; there is no God beside me."[] Speaking for the Lord God of Israel, this new [[prophet]] said: " The [[heavens]] may vanish and the [[earth]] wax old, but my [[righteousness]] shall [[endure]] forever and my [[salvation]] from [[generation]] to generation."[] " [[Fear]] you not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your [[God]]."[] " There is no [[God]] beside me—a just God and a Savior."[]
97:7.7 And it [[comforted]] the [[Jewish]] captives, as it has thousands upon thousands ever since, to hear such [[words]] as: " Thus says the Lord, `I have [[created]] you, I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name; you are mine.' "[] " When you pass through the [[waters]], I will be with you since you are precious in my [[sight]]."[] "Can a [[woman]] forget her suckling [[child]] that she should not have [[compassion]] on her son? Yes, she may forget, yet will I not forget my [[children]], for behold I have graven them upon the palms of my hands; I have even covered them with the [[shadow]] of my hands."[] " Let the [[wicked]] forsake his ways and the unrighteous man his [[thoughts]], and let him return to the Lord, and he will have [[mercy]] upon him, and to our [[God]], for he will [[abundantly]] pardon."[]
97:7.7 And it [[comforted]] the [[Jewish]] captives, as it has thousands upon thousands ever since, to hear such [[words]] as: " Thus says the Lord, `I have [[created]] you, I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name; you are mine.' "[] " When you pass through the [[waters]], I will be with you since you are precious in my [[sight]]."[] "Can a [[woman]] forget her suckling [[child]] that she should not have [[compassion]] on her son? Yes, she may forget, yet will I not forget my [[children]], for behold I have graven them upon the palms of my hands; I have even covered them with the [[shadow]] of my hands."[] " Let the [[wicked]] forsake his ways and the unrighteous man his [[thoughts]], and let him return to the Lord, and he will have [[mercy]] upon him, and to our [[God]], for he will [[abundantly]] pardon."[]
97:7.8 [[Listen]] again to the [[gospel]] of this new [[revelation]] of the [[God]] of [[Salem]]: "He shall feed his flock like a shepherd; he shall gather the lambs in his arms and carry them in his [[bosom]].[] He gives power to the faint, and to those who have no might he increases [[strength]][]. Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."[]
97:7.8 [[Listen]] again to the [[gospel]] of this new [[revelation]] of the [[God]] of [[Salem]]: "He shall feed his flock like a shepherd; he shall gather the lambs in his arms and carry them in his [[bosom]].[] He gives power to the faint, and to those who have no might he increases [[strength]][]. Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."[]
97:7.9 [ This Isaiah] conducted a far-flung [[propaganda]] of the [[gospel]] of the enlarging [[concept]] of a [[supreme]] [[Yahweh]]. He vied with [ Moses] in the [[eloquence]] with which he portrayed the Lord [[God]] of [[Israel]] as the [[Universal]] [[Creator]]. He was [[poetic]] in his portrayal of the [[infinite]] [[attributes]] of the [[Universal Father]]. No more [[beautiful]] [[pronouncements]] about the [[heavenly Father]] have ever been made. Like the [[Psalms]], the [[writings]] of [ Isaiah] are among the most [[sublime]] and true presentations of the [[spiritual]] [[concept]] of [[God]] ever to greet the ears of [[mortal]] man prior to the arrival of [[Michael]] on [[Urantia]]. Listen to his portrayal of [[Deity]]: "I am the high and lofty one who inhabits eternity."[] " I am the first and the last, and beside me there is no other God."[] "And the Lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save, neither his ear heavy that it cannot hear."[] And it was a new [[doctrine]] in Jewry when this benign but commanding [[prophet]] [[persisted]] in the preachment of [[divine]] constancy, God's [[faithfulness]]. He declared that "God would not forget, would not forsake."[]
97:7.9 [ This Isaiah] conducted a far-flung [[propaganda]] of the [[gospel]] of the enlarging [[concept]] of a [[supreme]] [[Yahweh]]. He vied with [ Moses] in the [[eloquence]] with which he portrayed the Lord [[God]] of [[Israel]] as the [[Universal]] [[Creator]]. He was [[poetic]] in his portrayal of the [[infinite]] [[attributes]] of the [[Universal Father]]. No more [[beautiful]] [[pronouncements]] about the [[heavenly Father]] have ever been made. Like the [[Psalms]], the [[writings]] of [ Isaiah] are among the most [[sublime]] and true presentations of the [[spiritual]] [[concept]] of [[God]] ever to greet the ears of [[mortal]] man prior to the arrival of [[Michael]] on [[Urantia]]. Listen to his portrayal of [[Deity]]: "I am the high and lofty one who inhabits eternity."[] " I am the first and the last, and beside me there is no other God."[] "And the Lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save, neither his ear heavy that it cannot hear."[] And it was a new [[doctrine]] in Jewry when this benign but commanding [[prophet]] [[persisted]] in the preachment of [[divine]] constancy, God's [[faithfulness]]. He declared that "God would not forget, would not forsake."[]
97:7.10 This daring [[teacher]] [[proclaimed]] that man was very closely related to [[God]], saying: "Every one who is called by my name I have created for my glory, and they shall show forth my praise. I, even I, am he who blots out their transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember their sins."[]
97:7.10 This daring [[teacher]] [[proclaimed]] that man was very closely related to [[God]], saying: "Every one who is called by my name I have created for my glory, and they shall show forth my praise. I, even I, am he who blots out their transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember their sins."[]
97:7.11 Hear this great [[Hebrew]] demolish the [[concept]] of a [[national]] [[God]] while in [[glory]] he proclaims the [[divinity]] of the [[Universal Father]], of whom he says, "The heavens are my throne, and the earth is my footstool."[] And Isaiah's God was none the less [[holy]], majestic, [[just]], and unsearchable. The [[concept]] of the angry, vengeful, and [[jealous]] [[Yahweh]] of the [[desert]] [ Bedouins] has almost vanished. A new [[concept]] of the [[supreme]] and [[universal]] [[Yahweh]] has appeared in the [[mind]] of [[mortal]] man, never to be lost to human view. The [[realization]] of [[divine]] [[justice]] has begun the destruction of [[primitive]] [[magic]] and [[biologic]] [[fear]]. At last, man is introduced to a [[universe]] of [[law]] and order and to a [[universal]] [[God]] of dependable and final [[attributes]].
97:7.11 Hear this great [[Hebrew]] demolish the [[concept]] of a [[national]] [[God]] while in [[glory]] he proclaims the [[divinity]] of the [[Universal Father]], of whom he says, "The heavens are my throne, and the earth is my footstool."[] And Isaiah's God was none the less [[holy]], majestic, [[just]], and unsearchable. The [[concept]] of the angry, vengeful, and [[jealous]] [[Yahweh]] of the [[desert]] [ Bedouins] has almost vanished. A new [[concept]] of the [[supreme]] and [[universal]] [[Yahweh]] has appeared in the [[mind]] of [[mortal]] man, never to be lost to human view. The [[realization]] of [[divine]] [[justice]] has begun the destruction of [[primitive]] [[magic]] and [[biologic]] [[fear]]. At last, man is introduced to a [[universe]] of [[law]] and order and to a [[universal]] [[God]] of dependable and final [[attributes]].
97:7.12 And this preacher of a [[supernal]] [[God]] never ceased to proclaim this God of [[love]]. "I dwell in the high and [[holy]] place, also with him who is of a contrite and [[humble]] [[spirit]]."[ And still further [[words]] of [[comfort]] did this great [[teacher]] speak to his contemporaries: "And the Lord will [[guide]] you continually and satisfy your [[soul]]. You shall be like a watered [[garden]] and like a spring whose waters fail not. And if the enemy shall come in like a flood, the [[spirit]] of the Lord will lift up a [[defense]] against him."[] And once again did the [[fear]]-destroying gospel of [[Melchizedek]] and the [[trust]]-breeding [[religion]] of [[Salem]] shine forth for the [[blessing]] of [[mankind]].
97:7.12 And this preacher of a [[supernal]] [[God]] never ceased to proclaim this God of [[love]]. "I dwell in the high and [[holy]] place, also with him who is of a contrite and [[humble]] [[spirit]]."[ And still further [[words]] of [[comfort]] did this great [[teacher]] speak to his contemporaries: "And the Lord will [[guide]] you continually and satisfy your [[soul]]. You shall be like a watered [[garden]] and like a spring whose waters fail not. And if the enemy shall come in like a flood, the [[spirit]] of the Lord will lift up a [[defense]] against him."[] And once again did the [[fear]]-destroying gospel of [[Melchizedek]] and the [[trust]]-breeding [[religion]] of [[Salem]] shine forth for the [[blessing]] of [[mankind]].
97:7.13 The farseeing and [[courageous]] [ Isaiah] effectively [[eclipsed]] the nationalistic [[Yahweh]] by his [[sublime]] portraiture of the [[majesty]] and [[universal]] [[omnipotence]] of the [[supreme]] [[Yahweh]], [[God]] of [[love]], ruler of the [[universe]], and [[affectionate]] [[Father]] of all [[mankind]]. Ever since those eventful days the highest [[God]] [[concept]] in the [ Occident] has [[embraced]] [[universal]] [[justice]], [[divine]] [[mercy]], and [[eternal]] [[righteousness]]. In superb [[language]] and with matchless [[grace]] this great [[teacher]] portrayed the [[Omnipotent|all-powerful]] [[Creator]] as the all-loving [[Father]].
97:7.13 The farseeing and [[courageous]] [ Isaiah] effectively [[eclipsed]] the nationalistic [[Yahweh]] by his [[sublime]] portraiture of the [[majesty]] and [[universal]] [[omnipotence]] of the [[supreme]] [[Yahweh]], [[God]] of [[love]], ruler of the [[universe]], and [[affectionate]] [[Father]] of all [[mankind]]. Ever since those eventful days the highest [[God]] [[concept]] in the [ Occident] has [[embraced]] [[universal]] [[justice]], [[divine]] [[mercy]], and [[eternal]] [[righteousness]]. In superb [[language]] and with matchless [[grace]] this great [[teacher]] portrayed the [[Omnipotent|all-powerful]] [[Creator]] as the all-loving [[Father]].
97:7.14 This [[prophet]] of [ the captivity] preached to his people and to those of many [[nations]] as they [[listened]] by the [ river] in [ Babylon]. And this [ second Isaiah] did much to counteract the many wrong and racially [[egoistic]] [[concepts]] of the mission of the promised [ Messiah]. But in this [[effort]] he was not wholly successful. Had the [[priests]] not [[dedicated]] themselves to the [[work]] of building up a misconceived [[nationalism]], the teachings of the two [ Isaiahs] would have [[prepared]] the way for the [[recognition]] and [[reception]] of the promised [[Messiah]].
97:7.14 This [[prophet]] of [ the captivity] preached to his people and to those of many [[nations]] as they [[listened]] by the [ river] in [ Babylon]. And this [ second Isaiah] did much to counteract the many wrong and racially [[egoistic]] [[concepts]] of the mission of the promised [ Messiah]. But in this [[effort]] he was not wholly successful. Had the [[priests]] not [[dedicated]] themselves to the [[work]] of building up a misconceived [[nationalism]], the teachings of the two [ Isaiahs] would have [[prepared]] the way for the [[recognition]] and [[reception]] of the promised [[Messiah]].
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[[Category:Paper 97 - Evolution of the God Concept Among the Hebrews]]
[[Category:Paper 97 - Evolution of the God Concept Among the Hebrews]]
[[Category: History/TeaM]]
[[Category: Melchizedeks]]
[[Category: Revelation]]
[[Category: Tradition]]
[[Category: Legacy]]
[[Category: Seers]]