
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 96:5.1 [ Moses] was an extraordinary combination of military [[leader...'

96:5.1 [ Moses] was an extraordinary combination of [[military]] [[leader]], [[social]] [[organizer]], and [[religious]] [[teacher]]. He was the most important [[individual]] world teacher and leader between the times of [[Machiventa]] and [[Jesus]]. [ Moses] attempted to introduce many reforms in [[Israel]] of which there is no [[record]]. In the space of one man's life he led the polyglot horde of so-called [[Hebrews]] out of [[slavery]] and uncivilized roaming while he laid the [[foundation]] for the subsequent [[birth]] of a [[nation]] and the perpetuation of a [[race]].

96:5.2 There is so little on [[record]] of the great [[work]] of [ Moses] because the [[Hebrews]] had no written [[language]] at the time of [ the exodus]. The record of the times and doings of [ Moses] was derived from the [[traditions]] extant more than one thousand years after the [[death]] of the great [[leader]].

96:5.3 Many of the advances which [ Moses] made over and above the [[religion]] of the [ Egyptians] and the [[surrounding]] [ Levantine] tribes were due to the [[Kenite]] [[traditions]] of the [[time]] of [[Melchizedek]]. Without the teaching of [[Machiventa]] to [[Abraham]] and his contemporaries, the [[Hebrews]] would have come out of Egypt in hopeless [[darkness]]. [ Moses] and his father-in-law, [ Jethro], gathered up the residue of the [[traditions]] of the days of [[Melchizedek]], and these teachings, joined to the learning of the [ Egyptians], guided Moses in the [[creation]] of the improved [[religion]] and [[ritual]] of the Israelites. [ Moses] was an [[organizer]]; he selected the best in the [[religion]] and [[mores]] of [ Egypt] and [[Palestine]] and, associating these [[practices]] with the [[traditions]] of the [[Melchizedek]] teachings, organized the [[Hebrew]] [[ceremonial]] [[system]] of [[worship]].

96:5.4 [ Moses] was a believer in [[Providence]]; he had become thoroughly tainted with the [[doctrines]] of Egypt concerning the [[supernatural]] [[control]] of the [ Nile] and the other elements of [[nature]]. He had a great [[vision]] of [[God]], but he was thoroughly [[sincere]] when he taught the [[Hebrews]] that, if they would [[obey]] [[God]], "He will love you, bless you, and multiply you. He will multiply the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your land—the corn, wine, oil, and your flocks. You shall be prospered above all people, and the Lord your God will take away from you all sickness and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt upon you."[] He even said: " Remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the power to get wealth. " " You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. You shall reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over you."[]

96:5.5 But it was truly pitiful to watch this great [[mind]] of [ Moses] trying to [[adapt]] his [[sublime]] [[concept]] of [[El Elyon]], the [[Most High]], to the [[comprehension]] of the [[ignorant]] and illiterate [[Hebrews]]. To his assembled [[leaders]] he thundered, "The Lord your God is one God;[[]] there is none beside him "[]; while to the mixed multitude he [[declared]], "Who is like your God among all the gods?"[] Moses made a [[brave]] and partly successful stand against [[fetishes]] and [[idolatry]], declaring, "You saw no similitude on the day that your God spoke to you at Horeb out of the midst of the fire."[] He also forbade the making of images of any sort.

96:5.6 [ Moses] feared to [[proclaim]] the [[mercy]] of [[Yahweh]], preferring to [[awe]] his people with the [[fear]] of the [[justice]] of [[God]], saying: "The Lord your God is God of Gods, and Lord of Lords, a great God, a mighty and terrible God, who regards not man."[] Again he sought to [[control]] the [[turbulent]] [[clans]] when he [[declared]] that "your God kills when you disobey him; he heals and gives life when you obey him."[] But [ Moses] taught these [[tribes]] that they would become the [[chosen people]] of God only on condition that they "kept all his commandments and obeyed all his statutes."[]

96:5.7 Little of the [[mercy]] of [[God]] was taught the [[Hebrews]] during these early times. They learned of [[God]] as "the Almighty; the Lord is a man of war, God of battles, [[glorious]] in [[power]], who dashes in pieces his enemies."[] " The Lord your God walks in the midst of the camp to deliver you."[] The [[Israelites]] thought of their [[God]] as one who [[loved]] them, but who also "hardened Pharaoh's heart"[] and "cursed their enemies."[]

96:5.8 While [ Moses] presented fleeting glimpses of a [[universal]] and [[beneficent]] [[Deity]] to the [[children]] of [[Israel]], on the whole, their day-by-day [[concept]] of [[Yahweh]] was that of a [[God]] but little better than the tribal gods of the [[surrounding]] peoples. Their [[concept]] of [[God]] was [[primitive]], crude, and [[anthropomorphic]]; when [ Moses passed on], these [ Bedouin] [[tribes]] quickly reverted to the semibarbaric [[ideas]] of their olden gods of [ Horeb] and the [[desert]]. The enlarged and more [[sublime]] [[vision]] of [[God]] which [ Moses] every now and then presented to his [[leaders]] was soon lost to view, while most of the people turned to the [[worship]] of their [[fetish]] [ golden calves], the Palestinian [ herdsman]'s [[symbol]] of [[Yahweh]].

96:5.9 When [ Moses] turned over the command of the [[Hebrews]] to [ Joshua], he had already gathered up thousands of the collateral descendants of [[Abraham]], [ Nahor], [ Lot], and other of the related [[tribes]] and had whipped them into a self-sustaining and partially self-regulating [[nation]] of pastoral [[warriors]].

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