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92:4.4 There have been many [[events]] of religious [[revelation]] but only five of [[epochal]] significance. These were as follows:
92:4.4 There have been many [[events]] of religious [[revelation]] but only five of [[epochal]] significance. These were as follows:
*1. 92:4.5 ''[[Dalamatia|The Dalamatian teachings]]''. The true [[concept]] of the [[First Source and Center]] was first promulgated on [[Urantia]] by the [ one hundred corporeal members] of [[Planetary Prince|Prince]] [[Caligastia]]' s staff. This expanding [[revelation]] of [[Deity]] went on for more than three hundred thousand years until it was suddenly terminated by the [ planetary secession] and the disruption of the [ teaching regime]. Except for the [[work]] of [[Van]], the [[influence]] of the [[Dalamatia]]n [[revelation]] was [[practically]] lost to the whole world. Even the [[Nodites]] had forgotten this [[truth]] by the time of [[Adam]]' s arrival. Of all who received the teachings of the [ one hundred], the [ red men] held them longest, but the [[idea]] of the ''[[Onamonalonton|Great Spirit]]'' was but a hazy [[concept]] in Amerindian [[religion]] when contact with [[Christianity]] greatly [[clarified]] and [[strengthened]] it.
*1. 92:4.5 ''[[Dalamatia|The Dalamatian teachings]]''. The true [[concept]] of the [[First Source and Center]] was first promulgated on [[Urantia]] by the [ one hundred corporeal members] of [[Planetary Prince|Prince]] [[Caligastia]]' s staff. This expanding [[revelation]] of [[Deity]] went on for more than three hundred thousand years until it was suddenly terminated by the [ planetary secession] and the disruption of the [ teaching regime]. Except for the [[work]] of [[Van]], the [[influence]] of the [[Dalamatia]]n [[revelation]] was [[practically]] lost to the whole world. Even the [[Nodites]] had forgotten this [[truth]] by the time of [[Adam]]' s arrival. Of all who received the teachings of the [ one hundred], the [ red men] held them longest, but the [[idea]] of the ''[[Onamonalonton|Great Spirit]]'' was but a hazy [[concept]] in Amerindian [[religion]] when contact with [[Christianity]] greatly [[clarified]] and [[strengthened]] it.
*2. 92:4.6 ''[ The Edenic teachings]'' [[Adam and Eve]] again portrayed the [[concept]] of [[the Father]] of all to the [ evolutionary peoples]. The disruption of the [ first Eden] halted the [[course]] of the [ Adamic revelation] before it had ever fully started. But the [[aborted]] teachings of [[Adam]] were carried on by the [ Sethite] [[priests]], and some of these [[truths]] have never been entirely lost to the world. The entire [[trend]] of [ Levantine] [[religious]] [[evolution]] was [[modified]] by the teachings of the [ Sethites]. But by [ 2500 B.C.] [[mankind]] had largely lost sight of the [[revelation]] sponsored in the days of [[Eden]].
*2. 92:4.6 ''[ The Edenic teachings]'' [[Adam and Eve]] again portrayed the [[concept]] of [[the Father]] of all to the [ evolutionary peoples]. The disruption of the [ first Eden] halted the [[course]] of the [ Adamic revelation] before it had ever fully started. But the [[aborted]] teachings of [[Adam]] were carried on by the [ Sethite] [[priests]], and some of these [[truths]] have never been entirely lost to the world. The entire [[trend]] of [ Levantine] [[religious]] [[evolution]] was [[modified]] by the teachings of the [ Sethites]. But by [ 2500 B.C.] [[mankind]] had largely lost sight of the [[revelation]] sponsored in the days of [[Eden]].
*3. 92:4.7 ''[[Melchizedek|Melchizedek of Salem]]''.This [ emergency Son] of [[Nebadon]] [[inaugurated]] the third [[revelation]] of [[truth]] on [[Urantia]]. The cardinal precepts of his [[teachings]] were [[trust]] and [[faith]]. He taught [[trust]] in the [[omnipotent]] [[beneficence]] of [[God]] and proclaimed that [[faith]] was the [[act]] by which men earned [[God]]'s [[favor]]. His teachings [[gradually]] commingled with the [[beliefs]] and [[practices]] of various [[evolutionary]] [[religions]] and finally [[developed]] into those [[theologic]] [[systems]] present on [[Urantia]] at the opening of the [ first millennium after Christ].  
*3. 92:4.7 ''[[Machiventa|Melchizedek of Salem]]''.This [ emergency Son] of [[Nebadon]] [[inaugurated]] the third [[revelation]] of [[truth]] on [[Urantia]]. The cardinal precepts of his [[teachings]] were [[trust]] and [[faith]]. He taught [[trust]] in the [[omnipotent]] [[beneficence]] of [[God]] and proclaimed that [[faith]] was the [[act]] by which men earned [[God]]'s [[favor]]. His teachings [[gradually]] commingled with the [[beliefs]] and [[practices]] of various [[evolutionary]] [[religions]] and finally [[developed]] into those [[theologic]] [[systems]] present on [[Urantia]] at the opening of the [ first millennium after Christ].  
*4. 92:4.8 ''[ Jesus of Nazareth]''. [[Christ]] [[Michael]] presented for the fourth time to [[Urantia]] the [[concept]] of [[God]] as the [[Universal Father]], and this teaching has generally persisted ever since. The [[essence]] of his teaching was [[love]] and [[service]], the loving [[worship]] which a [[creature]] son [[voluntarily]] gives in [[recognition]] of, and [[response]] to, the loving [[ministry]] of [[God]] his [[Father]]; the [[freewill]] [[service]] which such [[creature]] sons [[bestow]] upon their brethren in the [[joyous]] [[realization]] that in this [[service]] they are likewise serving [[God]] [[the Father]].
*4. 92:4.8 ''[ Jesus of Nazareth]''. [[Christ]] [[Michael]] presented for the fourth time to [[Urantia]] the [[concept]] of [[God]] as the [[Universal Father]], and this teaching has generally persisted ever since. The [[essence]] of his teaching was [[love]] and [[service]], the loving [[worship]] which a [[creature]] son [[voluntarily]] gives in [[recognition]] of, and [[response]] to, the loving [[ministry]] of [[God]] his [[Father]]; the [[freewill]] [[service]] which such [[creature]] sons [[bestow]] upon their brethren in the [[joyous]] [[realization]] that in this [[service]] they are likewise serving [[God]] [[the Father]].
*5. 92:4.9 ''[[The Urantia Papers]].'' The papers [[constitute]] the most recent presentation of [[truth]] to the [[mortals]] of [[Urantia]]. These papers differ from all previous [[revelations]], for they are not the [[work]] of a single [[universe]] [[personality]] but a composite presentation by many [[beings]]. But no [[revelation]] short of the [[attainment]] of the [[Universal Father]] can ever be complete. All other [[celestial]] ministrations are no more than partial, transient, and [[practically]] [[adapted]] to local conditions in [[time and space]]. While such admissions as this may possibly detract from the [[immediate]] [[force]] and [[authority]] of all [[revelations]], the time has arrived on [[Urantia]] when it is advisable to make such frank [[statements]], even at the risk of weakening the [[future]] [[influence]] and [[authority]] of this, the most recent of the [[revelations]] of truth to the [[mortal]] [[races]] of [[Urantia]].
*5. 92:4.9 ''[[The Urantia Papers]].'' The papers [[constitute]] the most recent presentation of [[truth]] to the [[mortals]] of [[Urantia]]. These papers differ from all previous [[revelations]], for they are not the [[work]] of a single [[universe]] [[personality]] but a composite presentation by many [[beings]]. But no [[revelation]] short of the [[attainment]] of the [[Universal Father]] can ever be complete. All other [[celestial]] ministrations are no more than partial, transient, and [[practically]] [[adapted]] to local conditions in [[time and space]]. While such admissions as this may possibly detract from the [[immediate]] [[force]] and [[authority]] of all [[revelations]], the time has arrived on [[Urantia]] when it is advisable to make such frank [[statements]], even at the risk of weakening the [[future]] [[influence]] and [[authority]] of this, the most recent of the [[revelations]] of truth to the [[mortal]] [[races]] of [[Urantia]].
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[[Category:Paper 92 - Later Evolution of Religion]]
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[[Category: Revelation]]