
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 85:2.1 Plants were first feared and then worshiped because of the intoxicating liquors whic...'

85:2.1 [[Plants]] were first [[feared]] and then [[worshiped]] because of the intoxicating [[liquors]] which were derived therefrom. [ Primitive man] believed that [[intoxication]] rendered one [[divine]]. There was supposed to be something unusual and [[sacred]] about such an [[experience]]. Even in [[modern]] times alcohol is known as "[ spirits]."

85:2.2 [ Early man] looked upon sprouting grain with dread and [[superstitious]] [[awe]]. The [[Apostle Paul]] was not the first to draw [[profound]] [[spiritual]] lessons from, and predicate [[religious]] [[beliefs]] on, the sprouting grain.

85:2.3 The [[cults]] of [[Tree of Life|tree worship]] are among the oldest [[religious]] [[groups]]. All early [[marriages]] were held under the trees, and when [[women]] desired [[children]], they would sometimes be found out in the [[forest]] [[affection]]ately [[embracing]] a sturdy oak. Many [[plants]] and trees were [[venerated]] because of their real or fancied [[medicinal]] [[powers]]. The [[savage]] believed that all [[chemical]] [[effects]] were due to the direct [[activity]] of [[supernatural]] forces.

85:2.4 [[Ideas]] about [ tree spirits]] varied greatly among [[different]] [[tribes]] and races. Some trees were indwelt by kindly spirits; others harbored the [[deceptive]] and cruel. The [ Finns] believed that most trees were occupied by kind spirits. The [ Swiss] long mistrusted the trees, believing they contained tricky spirits. The inhabitants of [ India] and [ eastern Russia] regard the tree spirits as being cruel. The [ Patagonians] still worship trees, as did the early [ Semites]. Long after the [[Hebrews]] ceased tree worship, they continued to [[venerate]] their various deities in the [[groves]]. Except in [ China], there once existed a [[universal]] [[cult]] of the [[tree of life]].

85:2.5 The [[belief]] that [[water]] or [ precious metals] beneath the [[earth]]'s [[surface]] can be detected by a [ wooden divining rod] is a [[relic]] of the [[ancient]] tree [[cults]]. The [ Maypole], the [ Christmas tree], and the [[superstitious]] [[practice]] of rapping on wood perpetuate certain of the ancient [[customs]] of tree worship and the later-day tree cults.

85:2.6 Many of these earliest forms of [[nature]] [[veneration]] became blended with the later evolving [[techniques]] of [[worship]], but the earliest [[Adjustant Mind Spirits|mind-adjutant]-activated types of [[worship]] were functioning long before the newly [[awakening]] [[religious]] [[nature]] of [[mankind]] became fully [[responsive]] to the [[stimulus]] of [[spiritual]] [[influences]].

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