
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 83:6.1 [ Monogamy] is monopoly; it is good for those who [[att...'

83:6.1 [ Monogamy] is [[monopoly]]; it is [[good]] for those who [[attain]] this desirable [[state]], but it tends to [[work]] a [[biologic]] hardship on those who are not so fortunate. But quite regardless of the [[effect]] on the [[individual]], monogamy is decidedly best for the [[children]].

83:6.2 The earliest monogamy was due to [[force]] of circumstances, [[poverty]]. Monogamy is [[cultural]] and societal, [[artificial]] and unnatural, that is, unnatural to [[evolutionary]] [[man]]. It was wholly [[natural]] to the purer [[Nodites]] and [ Adamites] and has been of great [[cultural]] [[value]] to all advanced races.

83:6.3 The [ Chaldean] [[tribes]] recognized the right of a [[wife]] to impose a premarital [[pledge]] upon her spouse not to take a second wife or [ concubine]; both the [[Greeks]] and the [[Romans]] favored monogamous marriage. [[Ancestor]] [[worship]] has always fostered [ monogamy], as has the [[Christian]] [[error]] of regarding marriage as a [[sacrament]]. Even the elevation of the [[standard of living]] has consistently militated against [ plural wives]. By the time of [[Michael]]'s [[advent]] on [[Urantia]] practically all of the civilized world had [[attained]] the level of [[theoretical]] monogamy. But this passive monogamy did not mean that [[mankind]] had become habituated to the [[practice]] of real pair marriage.

83:6.4 While pursuing the monogamic goal of the [[ideal]] pair marriage, which is, after all, something of a [[monopolistic]] [[sex]] [[association]], [[society]] must not overlook the unenviable situation of those unfortunate men and women who fail to find a place in this new and improved [[social]] order, even when having done their best to [[co-operate]] with, and enter into, its requirements. Failure to gain [[mates]] in the [[social]] arena of [[competition]] may be due to insurmountable [[difficulties]] or multitudinous restrictions which the current [[mores]] have imposed. Truly, monogamy is [[ideal]] for those who are in, but it must inevitably [[work]] great hardship on those who are left out in the cold of [[solitary]] [[existence]].

83:6.5 Always have the [[Minority|unfortunate few]] had to [[suffer]] that the [[majority]] might advance under the [[developing]] [[mores]] of evolving [[civilization]]; but always should the [[favored]] [[majority]] look with [[kindness]] and [[consideration]] on their less fortunate fellows who must pay the price of failure to [[attain]] membership in the ranks of those [[ideal]] [[sex]] [[partnerships]] which afford the [[satisfaction]] of all [[biologic]] urges under the [[sanction]] of the highest [[mores]] of advancing [[social]] [[evolution]].

83:6.6 [ Monogamy] always has been, now is, and forever will be the [[idealistic]] goal of [[human]] [[sex]] [[evolution]]. This [[ideal]] of true pair marriage entails [[Sacrifice|self-denial]], and therefore does it so often fail just because one or both of the contracting parties are deficient in that [[acme]] of all [[human]] [[virtues]], rugged [[self]]-[[control]].

83:6.7 [ Monogamy] is the yardstick which [[measures]] the advance of [[social]] [[civilization]] as distinguished from purely [[biologic]] [[evolution]]. Monogamy is not necessarily [[biologic]] or [[natural]], but it is indispensable to the [[immediate]] [[maintenance]] and further [[development]] of [[social]] [[civilization]]. It [[contributes]] to a delicacy of sentiment, a refinement of [[moral]] [[character]], and a [[spiritual]] [[growth]] which are utterly impossible in [ polygamy]. A woman never can become an [[ideal]] [[mother]] when she is all the while compelled to [[engage]] in [[rivalry]] for her [[husband]]'s [[affections]].

83:6.8 Pair marriage [[favors]] and fosters that [[intimate]] [[understanding]] and [[effective]] [[co-operation]] which is best for [[parental]] [[happiness]], child welfare, and [[social]] [[efficiency]]. Marriage, which began in crude [[coercion]], is gradually [[evolving]] into a magnificent [[institution]] of [[self]]-[[culture]],[[self]]-[[control]], self-[[expression]], and self-[[perpetuation]].

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