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81:4.1 As [[contact]] is made with the [ dawn of historic times], all of [ Eurasia], [ northern Africa], and the [ Pacific Islands] is overspread with the [[composite]] races of [[mankind]]. And these races of today have resulted from a blending and reblending of the five basic human stocks of [[Urantia]].

81:4.2 Each of the [[Urantia]] races was identified by certain distinguishing [[physical]] characteristics. The [ Adamites] and [[Nodites]] were long-headed; the [ Andonites] were broad-headed. The [ Sangik races] were medium-headed, with the yellow and blue men tending to broad-headedness. The [ blue races], when mixed with the [ Andonite] stock, were decidedly broad-headed. The secondary Sangiks were medium- to long-headed.

81:4.3 Although these [ skull dimensions] are serviceable in deciphering [[racial]] [[origins]], the [[skeleton]] as a whole is far more dependable. In the early [[development]] of the [[Urantia]] races there were originally five distinct types of [[skeletal]] [[structure]]:

*1. [ Andonic], [[Urantia]] [[aborigines]].
*2. [ Primary Sangik], red, yellow, and blue.
*3. [ Secondary Sangik], orange, green, and indigo.
*4. [[Nodites]], descendants of the [[Dalamatians]].
*5. [ Adamites], the [ violet race].

81:4.4 As these five great [[racial]] [[groups]] extensively intermingled, continual mixture tended to obscure the [ Andonite] type by [ Sangik] [[hereditary]] [[dominance]]. The [ Lapps] and the [ Eskimos] are blends of Andonite and Sangik-blue races. Their [[skeletal]] [[structures]] come the nearest to preserving the [[aboriginal]] [ Andonic] type. But the [ Adamites] and the [[Nodites]] have become so admixed with the other races that they can be detected only as a generalized [ Caucasoid] order.

81:4.5 In general, therefore, as the [[human]] [[remains]] of the last twenty thousand years are unearthed, it will be impossible clearly to distinguish the five [[original]] types. [[Study]] of such [[skeletal]] [[structures]] will disclose that [[mankind]] is now divided into approximately [[three]] classes:

*1. 81:4.6 1. ''The Caucasoid'' —the [ Andite] blend of the [[Nodite]] and [ Adamic] stocks, further modified by primary and (some) secondary [ Sangik] admixture and by considerable [ Andonic] crossing. The Occidental [ white races], together with some [ Indian] and [ Turanian] peoples, are included in this group. The unifying [[factor]] in this division is the greater or lesser [[proportion]] of [ Andite] inheritance.
*2. 81:4.7 2. ''The Mongoloid'' —the primary [ Sangik] type, including the [[original]] red, yellow, and blue races. The [[Chinese]] and [ Amerinds] belong to this group. In [ Europe] the Mongoloid type has been [[modified]] by secondary Sangik and Andonic mixture; still more by Andite infusion. The [ Malayan] and other [ Indonesian] peoples are included in this [[classification]], though they contain a high percentage of secondary [ Sangik] blood.
*3. 81:4.8 3. ''The Negroid'' —the secondary Sangik type, which originally included the orange, green, and indigo races. This is the type best [[illustrated]] by the [ Negro], and it will be found through [ Africa], [ India], and [ Indonesia] wherever the secondary Sangik races located.

81:4.9 In [ North China] there is a certain blending of [ Caucasoid] and [ Mongoloid] types; in the [ Levant] the Caucasoid and [ Negroid] have intermingled; in [ India], as in [ South America], all [[three]] types are [[represented]]. And the [[skeletal]] characteristics of the three [[surviving]] types still [[persist]] and help to identify the later [[ancestry]] of present-day [[human]] races.

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