
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 78:8.1 When the last [ Andite] [[di...'

78:8.1 When the last [ Andite] [[dispersion]] broke the [[biologic]] backbone of [ Mesopotamian civilization], a small minority of this superior [[race]] remained in their [[home]]land near the mouths of the [[rivers]]. These were the [ Sumerians], and by [ 6000 B.C.] they had become largely Andite in extraction, though their [[culture]] was more exclusively [[Nodite]] in [[character]], and they clung to the [[ancient]] [[traditions]] of [[Dalamatia]]. Nonetheless, these [ Sumerians] of the coastal regions were the last of the [ Andites] in Mesopotamia. But the races of Mesopotamia were already thoroughly blended by this late date, as is [[evidenced]] by the skull types found in the graves of this era.

78:8.2 It was during the floodtimes that [ Susa] so greatly [[Wealth|prospered]]. The first and lower city was inundated so that the second or higher town succeeded the lower as the [[headquarters]] for the peculiar artcrafts of that day. With the later diminution of these floods, [ Ur] became the [[center]] of the pottery industry. About seven thousand years ago Ur was on the [ Persian Gulf], the [[river]] deposits having since built up the [[land]] to its present limits. These settlements suffered less from the floods because of better controlling works and the widening mouths of the rivers.

78:8.3 The [[peace]]ful grain [[Agriculture|growers]] of the [ Euphrates and Tigris valleys] had long been harassed by the raids of the [[barbarians]] of [ Turkestan] and the Iranian plateau. But now a concerted [[invasion]] of the [ Euphrates valley] was brought about by the increasing drought of the highland pastures. And this invasion was all the more serious because these [[surrounding]] herdsmen and [[hunters]] possessed large numbers of tamed [ horses]. It was the possession of horses which gave them a tremendous military advantage over their rich [[neighbors]] to the south. In a short time they overran all [ Mesopotamia], driving forth the last [[waves]] of [[culture]] which spread out over all of [ Europe], [ western Asia], and [ northern Africa].

78:8.4 These [[conquerors]] of [ Mesopotamia] carried in their ranks many of the better [ Andite] strains of the mixed northern races of [ Turkestan], including some of the [ Adamson] stock. These less advanced but more vigorous [[tribes]] from the north quickly and willingly assimilated the residue of the [[civilization]] of Mesopotamia and presently [[developed]] into those mixed peoples found in the [ Euphrates] valley at the beginning of historic annals. They quickly revived many [[phases]] of the passing civilization of [ Mesopotamia], [[adopting]] the [[arts]] of the valley tribes and much of the [[culture]] of the [ Sumerians]. They even sought to build a third [ tower of Babel] and later adopted the term as their national name.

78:8.5 When these [[barbarian]] cavalrymen from the northeast overran the whole [ Euphrates valley], they did not [[conquer]] the remnants of the [ Andites] who dwelt about the mouth of the river on the [ Persian Gulf]. These [ Sumerians] were able to defend themselves because of superior [[intelligence]], better weapons, and their extensive [[system]] of military canals, which were an adjunct to their [ irrigation] scheme of interconnecting pools. They were a united people because they had a [[uniform]] group [[religion]]. They were thus able to [[maintain]] their racial and national [[integrity]] long after their neighbors to the northwest were broken up into isolated [ city-states]. No one of these city groups was able to overcome the united [ Sumerians].

78:8.6 And the [[invaders]] from the north soon [[learned]] to [[trust]] and prize these [[peace]]-loving Sumerians as able [[teachers]] and [[administrators]]. They were greatly [[respected]] and sought after as [[teachers]] of [[art]] and [[industry]], as directors of [[commerce]], and as civil rulers by all peoples to the north and from [ Egypt] in the west to [ India] in the east.

78:8.7 After the breakup of the early [ Sumerian] [[confederation]] the later [ city-states] were ruled by the [[apostate]] descendants of the [ Sethite priests]. Only when these [[priests]] made [[conquests]] of the [[neighboring]] [[cities]] did they call themselves kings. The later city kings failed to form powerful [[confederations]] before the days of [ Sargon] because of [[deity]] [[jealousy]]. Each city believed its municipal god to be superior to all other gods, and therefore they refused to subordinate themselves to a common [[leader]].

78:8.8 The end of this long period of the weak rule of the [[city]] [[priests]] was terminated by [ Sargon], the priest of [ Kish], who proclaimed himself king and started out on the [[conquest]] of the whole of [ Mesopotamia] and adjoining [[lands]]. And for the time, this ended the city-states, [[priest]]-ruled and priest-ridden, each city having its own municipal [[god]] and its own [[ceremonial]] [[practices]].

78:8.9 After the breakup of this [ Kish] [[confederation]] there ensued a long period of constant warfare between these valley [[cities]] for [[Dominate|supremacy]]. And the rulership variously shifted between [ Sumer], [ Akkad], [ Kish], [ Erech], [ Ur], and [ Susa].

78:8.10 About [ 2500 B.C.] the [ Sumerians] [[suffered]] severe reverses at the hands of the northern Suites and Guites. [ Lagash], the Sumerian capital built on flood mounds, fell. [ Erech] held out for thirty years after the fall of [ Akkad]. By the time of the [[establishment]] of the [ rule of Hammurabi] the Sumerians had become [[absorbed]] into the ranks of the northern [ Semites], and the Mesopotamian Andites passed from the pages of [[history]].

78:8.11 From [ 2500] to [ 2000 B.C.] the [[nomads]] were on a rampage from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The Nerites constituted the final eruption of the Caspian group of the Mesopotamian descendants of the blended [ Andonite] and [ Andite races]. What the [[barbarians]] failed to do to [[effect]] the ruination of [ Mesopotamia], subsequent [ climatic changes] succeeded in accomplishing.

78:8.12 And this is the [[story]] of the [ violet race] after the days of [[Adam]] and of the fate of their homeland between the [ Tigris and Euphrates]. Their [[ancient]] [[civilization]] finally fell due to the [[emigration]] of superior peoples and the [[immigration]] of their inferior [[neighbors]]. But long before the [[barbarian]] cavalrymen conquered the valley, much of [[the Garden]] [[culture]] had spread to [ Asia], [ Africa], and [ Europe], there to produce the ferments which have resulted in the [ twentieth-century] [[civilization]] of [[Urantia]].

78:8.13 Presented by an [[Archangel]] of [[Nebadon]].

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