
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 74:3.1 And now, after their formal installation, Adam and Eve became painfully aware of their [...'

74:3.1 And now, after their [[formal]] installation, Adam and Eve became [[painfully]] [[aware]] of their [[planetary]] [[isolation]]. [[Silent]] were the familiar [[broadcasts]], and absent were all the [[circuits]] of extraplanetary [[communication]]. Their [[Jerusem]] fellows had gone to worlds running along smoothly with a well-[[established]] [[Planetary Prince]] and an experienced staff ready to receive them and competent to [[co-operate]] with them during their early [[experience]] on such worlds. But on [[Urantia]] [[rebellion]] had changed [[everything]]. Here the [[Planetary Prince]] was very much present, and though shorn of most of his [[power]] to [[work]] [[evil]], he was still able to make the task of Adam and Eve [[difficult]] and to some extent hazardous. It was a serious and [[disillusioned]] Son and Daughter of [[Jerusem]] who walked that night through [[the Garden]] under the shining of the full [[moon]], [[discussing]] plans for the next day.

74:3.2 Thus ended the first day of Adam and Eve on [[isolated]] [[Urantia]], the [[confused]] [[planet]] of the [ Caligastia betrayal]; and they walked and talked far into the night, their first night on [[earth]]—and it was so lonely.

74:3.3 Adam's second day on [[earth]] was spent in session with the [[planetary receivers]] and the advisory council. From the [[Melchizedeks]], and their [[associates]], Adam and Eve learned more about the details of the [ Caligastia rebellion] and the result of that upheaval upon the world's [[progress]]. And it was, on the whole, a disheartening [[story]], this long recital of the mismanagement of world affairs. They [[learned]] all the [[facts]] regarding the utter collapse of the [[Caligastia]] [[scheme]] for [[accelerating]] the [[process]] of [[social]] [[evolution]]. They also arrived at a full [[realization]] of the [[folly]] of attempting to [[achieve]] [[planetary]] advancement [[independently]] of the [[divine]] [[plan]] of [[progression]]. And thus ended a sad but [[enlightening]] day—their second on [[Urantia]].

74:3.4 The third day was [[devoted]] to an inspection of [[the Garden]]. From the large passenger birds—the [ fandors]—Adam and Eve looked down upon the vast stretches of [[the Garden]] while being carried through the air over this, the most [[beautiful]] spot on [[earth]]. This day of inspection ended with an enormous banquet in [[honor]] of all who had labored to [[create]] this [[garden]] of Edenic [[beauty]] and grandeur. And again, late into the night of their third day, the Son and his [[mate]] walked in the Garden and talked about the immensity of their [[problems]].

74:3.5 On the fourth day Adam and Eve addressed [[the Garden]] assembly. From the inaugural mount they spoke to the people concerning their [[plans]] for the [[rehabilitation]] of the world and outlined the [[methods]] whereby they would seek to redeem the [[social]] [[culture]] of [[Urantia]] from the low levels to which it had fallen as a result of [[sin]] and [[rebellion]]. This was a great day, and it closed with a feast for the [[council]] of [[men]] and [[women]] who had been selected to [[assume]] [[responsibilities]] in the new [[administration]] of world affairs. Take note! [[women]] as well as [[men]] were in this [[group]], and that was the first time such a thing had occurred on [[earth]] since the days of [[Dalamatia]]. It was an astounding [[innovation]] to behold [[Eve]], a [[woman]], [[sharing]] the [[honors]] and [[responsibilities]] of world affairs with a [[man]]. And thus ended the fourth day on [[earth]].

74:3.6 The fifth day was occupied with the [[organization]] of the temporary [[government]], the [[administration]] which was to [[function]] until the [[Melchizedek receivers]] should leave [[Urantia]].

74:3.7 The sixth day was [[devoted]] to an inspection of the numerous [[types]] of [[men]] and [[animals]]. Along the walls eastward in [[Eden]], Adam and Eve were escorted all day, viewing the [[animal]] life of the [[planet]] and arriving at a better [[understanding]] as to what must be done to bring [[order]] out of the [[confusion]] of a world inhabited by such a variety of living [[creatures]].

74:3.8 It greatly surprised those who accompanied Adam on this trip to [[observe]] how fully he [[understood]] the [[nature]] and [[function]] of the thousands upon thousands of [[animals]] shown him. The instant he glanced at an [[animal]], he would indicate its [[nature]] and [[behavior]]. Adam could give [[names]] descriptive of the [[origin]], [[nature]], and [[function]] of all [[material]] [[creatures]] on sight. Those who conducted him on this tour of inspection did not know that the world's new ruler was one of the most expert [ anatomists] of all [[Satania]]; and Eve was equally proficient. Adam [[amazed]] his [[associates]] by describing hosts of living [[things]] too small to be seen by [[human]] [ eyes].

74:3.9 When the sixth day of their [[sojourn]] on earth was over, Adam and Eve rested for the first time in their new [[home]] in "the east of Eden."[] The first six days of the [[Urantia]] [[adventure]] had been very busy, and they looked forward with great [[pleasure]] to an entire day of [[freedom]] from all [[activities]].

74:3.10 But circumstances dictated otherwise. The [[experience]] of the day just past in which Adam had so [[intelligently]] and so exhaustively [[discussed]] the [[animal]] life of [[Urantia]], [[together]] with his masterly inaugural address and his [[charming]] [[manner]], had so won the [[hearts]] and overcome the [[intellects]] of the Garden dwellers that they were not only wholeheartedly disposed to [[accept]] the newly arrived Son and Daughter of [[Jerusem]] as rulers, but the [[majority]] were about ready to fall down and [[worship]] them as [[gods]].

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