
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 70:1.1 War is the natural state and heritage of evolving man; peace is the soci...'

70:1.1 [[War]] is the [[natural]] [[state]] and [[heritage]] of [[evolving]] [[man]]; [[peace]] is the social yardstick [[measuring]] [[civilization]]'s advancement. Before the partial [[socialization]] of the advancing [[races]] man was exceedingly [[individualistic]], extremely [[suspicious]], and unbelievably quarrelsome. [[Violence]] is the [[law]] of [[nature]], hostility the [[automatic]] [[reaction]] of the [[children]] of [[nature]], while [[war]] is but these same [[activities]] carried on [[collectively]]. And wherever and whenever the [[fabric]] of [[civilization]] becomes [[stressed]] by the [[complications]] of [[society]]'s advancement, there is always an [[immediate]] and ruinous reversion to these early [[methods]] of [[violent]] [[adjustment]] of the irritations of [[human]] [[interassociations]].

70:1.2 [[War]] is an [[animalistic]] [[reaction]] to misunderstandings and irritations; [[peace]] attends upon the [[civilized]] solution of all such [[problems]] and [[difficulties]]. The [ Sangik races], [[together]] with the later deteriorated [ Adamites] and [[Nodites]], were all belligerent. The [ Andonites] were early taught the [[golden rule]], and, even today, their [ Eskimo] descendants live very much by that code; [[custom]] is strong among them, and they are fairly free from [[violent]] [[antagonisms]].

70:1.3 [ Andon] taught his [[children]] to settle disputes by each beating a tree with a stick, meanwhile cursing the tree; the one whose stick broke first was the victor. The later [ Andonites] used to settle disputes by holding a [[public]] show at which the disputants made fun of and ridiculed each other, while the [[audience]] decided the winner by its [[applause]].

70:1.4 But there could be no such [[phenomenon]] as [[war]] until [[society]] had [[evolved]] sufficiently far to [[actually]] [[experience]] periods of [[peace]] and to [[sanction]] [[warlike]] [[practices]]. The very [[concept]] of [[war]] implies some [[degree]] of [[organization]].

70:1.5 With the [[emergence]] of [[social]] [[groupings]], [[individual]] irritations began to be submerged in the [[group]] [[feelings]], and this promoted intratribal [[tranquillity]] but at the expense of intertribal [[peace]]. [[Peace]] was thus first enjoyed by the in-group, or [[tribe]], who always disliked and hated the out-group, foreigners. Early man regarded it a [[virtue]] to shed [[alien]] [ blood].

70:1.6 But even this did not work at first. When the early chiefs would try to iron out misunderstandings, they often found it [[necessary]], at least once a year, to permit the [[tribal]] stone fights. The [[clan]] would divide up into [[two]] [[groups]] and [[engage]] in an all-day battle. And this for no other [[reason]] than just the [[Joy|fun]] of it; they really enjoyed fighting.

70:1.7 [[Warfare]] persists because man is [[human]], evolved from an [[animal]], and all [[animals]] are [[bellicose]]. Among the early [[causes]] of [[war]] were:

*1. 70:1.8 ''[[Hunger]]'', which led to [[food]] raids. [[Scarcity]] of [[land]] has always brought on [[war]], and during these [[struggles]] the early [[peace]] [[tribes]] were [[practically]] [[exterminated]].
*2. 70:1.9 ''[[Woman]] [[scarcity]]'' —an attempt to relieve a shortage of [[domestic]] help. [[Woman]] stealing has always caused [[war]].
*3. 70:1.10 ''[[Vanity]]'' —the [[desire]] to [[exhibit]] [[tribal]] prowess. Superior [[groups]] would fight to impose their mode of life upon inferior peoples.
*4. 70:1.11 ''[[Slaves]]'' —need of recruits for the [[labor]] ranks.
*5. 70:1.12 ''[ Revenge]'' was the [[motive]] for [[war]] when one tribe believed that a [[neighboring]] tribe had caused the [[death]] of a fellow tribesman. [[Mourning]] was continued until a head was brought [[home]]. The war for [ vengeance] was in good standing right on down to [[comparatively]] [[modern]] times.[]
*6. 70:1.13 ''[[Recreation]]'' —[[war]] was looked upon as recreation by the [[young]] men of these early times. If no [[good]] and sufficient pretext for war arose, when [[peace]] became [[oppressive]], neighboring [[tribes]] were accustomed to go out in semifriendly combat to [[engage]] in a foray as a holiday, to enjoy a sham battle.
*7. 70:1.14 ''[[Religion]]'' —the [[desire]] to make [[converts]] to the [[cult]]. The [[primitive]] [[religions]] all [[sanction]]ed [[war]]. Only in recent times has [[religion]] begun to frown upon [[war]]. The early [[priesthoods]] were, unfortunately, usually allied with the [[military]] [[power]]. One of the great [[peace]] moves of the ages has been the attempt to [ separate church and state].

70:1.15 Always these olden [[tribes]] made [[war]] at the bidding of their [[gods]], at the behest of their chiefs or [[medicine men]]. The [[Hebrews]] believed in such a "God of battles"[]; and the [[narrative]] of their raid on the [ Midianites] is a typical recital of the atrocious cruelty of the ancient [[tribal]] wars; this [[assault]], with its slaughter of all the [[males]] and the later killing of all male [[children]] and all [[women]] who were not virgins, would have done [[honor]] to the mores of a tribal chieftain of two hundred thousand years ago. And all this was [[executed]] in the "name of the Lord God of Israel."[]

70:1.16 This is a [[narrative]] of the [[evolution]] of [[society]]—the natural outworking of the [[problems]] of the [[races]]—man working out his own [[destiny]] on [[earth]]. Such atrocities are not instigated by [[Deity]], notwithstanding the [[tendency]] of man to place the [[responsibility]] on his [[gods]].

70:1.17 [[Military]] [[mercy]] has been slow in coming to [[mankind]]. Even when a [[woman]], [ Deborah], ruled the [[Hebrews]], the same wholesale cruelty [[persisted]]. Her general in his victory over the gentiles caused "all the host to fall upon the sword; there was not one left."[]

70:1.18 Very early in the [[history]] of the [[race]], [[poisoned]] weapons were used. All sorts of mutilations were [[practiced]]. [ Saul] did not hesitate to require [ one hundred Philistine foreskins] as the dowry [ David] should pay for his daughter Michal.

70:1.19 Early [[wars]] were fought between [[tribes]] as a whole, but in later times, when two [[individuals]] in [[different]] [[tribes]] had a dispute, instead of both [[tribes]] fighting, the two disputants engaged in a [ duel]. It also became a [[custom]] for two armies to stake all on the outcome of a [[contest]] between a [[representative]] chosen from each side, as in the instance of [ David and Goliath].

70:1.20 The first refinement of [[war]] was the taking of [ prisoners]. Next, [[women]] were exempted from hostilities, and then came the [[recognition]] of noncombatants. [[Military]] [[castes]] and standing armies soon [[developed]] to keep pace with the increasing [[complexity]] of combat. Such [[warriors]] were early prohibited from [[associating]] with [[women]], and women long ago ceased to fight, though they have always fed and nursed the [[soldiers]] and urged them on to battle.

70:1.21 The [[practice]] of declaring [[war]] represented great [[progress]]. Such declarations of [[intention]] to fight betokened the arrival of a sense of [[fairness]], and this was followed by the [[gradual]] development of the rules of "civilized" warfare. Very early it became the [[custom]] not to fight near [[religious]] sites and, still later, not to fight on certain [[holy]] days. Next came the general [[recognition]] of the right of [[asylum]]; [[political]] fugitives received [[protection]].

70:1.22 Thus did [[warfare]] [[gradually]] evolve from the [[primitive]] man [[hunt]] to the somewhat more orderly [[system]] of the later-day "civilized" nations. But only slowly does the [[social]] [[attitude]] of [[amity]] displace that of [[enmity]].

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