
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 66:3.1 The headquarters of the Planetary Prince was situated in the ['

66:3.1 The [[headquarters]] of the [[Planetary Prince]] was situated in the [ Persian Gulf] region of those days, in the district [[corresponding]] to later [ Mesopotamia].

66:3.2 The [[climate]] and landscape in the [ Mesopotamia] of those times were in every way favorable to the undertakings of the [ Prince's staff] and their assistants, very [[different]] from conditions which have sometimes since prevailed. It was [[necessary]] to have such a favoring [[climate]] as a part of the [[natural]] [[environment]] [[designed]] to induce [[primitive]] [[Urantians]] to make certain initial advances in [[culture]] and [[civilization]]. The one great task of those ages was to [[transform]] man from a [[hunter]] to a [ herder], with the [[hope]] that later on he would evolve into a [[peace]]-loving, [[home]]-abiding [ farmer].

66:3.3 The [[headquarters]] of the [[Planetary Prince]] on [[Urantia]] was typical of such stations on a young and [[developing]] [[sphere]]. The [[nucleus]] of the Prince's settlement was a very [[simple]] but [[beautiful]] [[city]], enclosed within a wall forty feet high. This world [[center]] of [[culture]] was named ''Dalamatia'' in [[honor]] of [[Daligastia]].

66:3.4 The [[city]] was laid out in [[ten]] sub[[divisions]] with the [[headquarters]] mansions of the ten [[councils]] of the corporeal staff situated at the [[centers]] of these subdivisions. [[Center]]most in the [[city]] was the [[temple]] of [[the unseen Father]]. The [[administrative]] [[headquarters]] of the Prince and his [[associates]] was arranged in twelve chambers [[immediately]] grouped about the [[temple]] itself.

66:3.5 The buildings of [[Dalamatia]] were all one story except the [[council]] [[headquarters]], which were two stories, and the central [[temple]] of [[the Father]] of all, which was small but three stories in height.

66:3.6 The [[city]] [[represented]] the best [[practices]] of those early days in building [[material]]—[ brick]. Very little stone or wood was used. [[Home]] building and village [[architecture]] among the [[surrounding]] peoples were greatly improved by the [[Dalamatia]]n example.

66:3.7 Near the Prince's [[headquarters]] there dwelt all [[colors]] and strata of [[human beings]]. And it was from these near-by [[tribes]] that the first [[students]] of the [ Prince's schools] were recruited. Although these early schools of [[Dalamatia]] were crude, they provided all that could be done for the [[men]] and [[women]] of that [[primitive]] age.

66:3.8 The Prince's corporeal staff continuously gathered about them the superior [[individuals]] of the [[surrounding]] [[tribes]] and, after [[training]] and [[inspiring]] these [[students]], sent them back as [[teachers]] and [[leaders]] of their respective peoples.

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