

65:1.1 The [[Life Carriers]] are [[endowed]] with [[potentials]] of [[personality]] [[metamorphosis]] which but few [[orders]] of [[creatures]] [[possess]]. These [ Sons of the local universe] are capable of [[functioning]] in [[three]] [[diverse]] [[phases]] of [[being]]. They ordinarily [[perform]] their [[duties]] as mid-phase Sons, that being the state of their [[origin]]. But a [[Life Carrier]] in such a [[stage]] of [[existence]] could not possibly [[function]] in the electrochemical [[domains]] as a fabricator of [[physical]] [[energies]] and [[material]] [[particles]] into [[units]] of living [[existence]].

65:1.2 [[Life Carriers]] are able to [[function]] and do function on the following [[three]] [[levels]]:

*1. The [[physical]] level of [ electrochemistry].
*2. The usual mid-phase of quasi-[[morontial]] [[existence]].
*3. The advanced semi[[spiritual]] level.

65:1.3 When the [[Life Carriers]] make ready to [[engage]] in [ life implantation], and after they have selected the sites for such an undertaking, they summon the [[archangel]] commission of [[Life Carrier]] [[transmutation]]. This [[group]] consists of [[ten]] [[orders]] of [[diverse]] [[personalities]], including the [ physical controllers] and their [[associates]], and is presided over by the chief of [[archangels]], who [[acts]] in this capacity by the [[mandate]] of [[Gabriel]] and with the permission of the [[Ancients of Days]]. When these [[beings]] are properly [[encircuited]], they can [[effect]] such [[modifications]] in the [[Life Carriers]] as will enable them [[immediately]] to [[function]] on the [[physical]] levels of [ electrochemistry].

65:1.4 After the life [[patterns]] have been [[formulated]] and the [[material]] [[organizations]] have been duly completed, the supermaterial [[forces]] concerned in life [[propagation]] become forthwith [[active]], and life is [[existent]]. Whereupon the [[Life Carriers]] are [[immediately]] returned to their [[normal]] mid-phase of [[personality]] [[existence]], in which estate they can [[manipulate]] the living [[units]] and maneuver the [[evolving]] [[organisms]], even though they are shorn of all [[ability]] to [[organize]]—[[create]]—new [[patterns]] of living [[matter]].

65:1.5 After [[organic]] [[evolution]] has run a certain [[course]] and [[free will]] of the [[human]] type has appeared in the highest [[evolving]] [[organisms]], the [[Life Carriers]] must either leave the [[planet]] or take [[renunciation]] [[vows]]; that is, they must [[pledge]] themselves to refrain from all attempts further to [[influence]] the [[course]] of [[organic]] [[evolution]]. And when such [[vows]] are voluntarily taken by those [[Life Carriers]] who [[choose]] to remain on the [[planet]] as [[future]] advisers to those who shall be intrusted with the fostering of the newly evolved [[Free will|will]] [[creatures]], there is summoned a commission of twelve, presided over by the chief of the [[Evening Stars]], [[acting]] by [[authority]] of the [[System Sovereign]] and with permission of [[Gabriel]]; and forthwith these [[Life Carriers]] are [[transmuted]] to the third [[phase]] of [[personality]] [[existence]]—the semispiritual level of [[being]]. And I have [[functioned]] on [[Urantia]] in this third phase of [[existence]] ever since the times of [ Andon and Fonta].

65:1.6 We look forward to a [[time]] when the [[universe]] may be settled in [[light and life]], to a [[possible]] fourth [[stage]] of [[being]] wherein we shall be wholly [[spiritual]], but it has never been [[revealed]] to us by what [[technique]] we may [[attain]] this desirable and advanced estate.

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