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63:4.1 [ Primitive man]—the ''Andonites''—had black eyes and a swarthy [[complexion]], something of a cross between yellow and red. [ Melanin] is a coloring substance which is found in the skins of all [[human]] [[beings]]. It is the [[original]] Andonic skin pigment. In general [[appearance]] and skin [[color]] these early Andonites more nearly resembled the present-day [ Eskimo] than any other type of living [[human being]]s. They were the first [[creatures]] to use the [[skin]]s of [[animals]] as a [[protection]] against cold; they had little more hair on their bodies than present-day humans.

63:4.2 The [[tribal]] life of the [[animal]] [[ancestors]] of these early men had [[foreshadowed]] the beginnings of numerous [[social]] [[conventions]], and with the expanding [[emotions]] and augmented [[brain]] [[powers]] of these [[beings]], there was an [[immediate]] [[development]] in social [[organization]] and a new division of clan [[labor]]. They were exceedingly [[imitative]], but the [[play]] [[instinct]] was only slightly [[developed]], and the sense of [[humor]] was almost entirely [[absent]]. [[Primitive]] man smiled occasionally, but he never indulged in hearty [[laughter]]. [[Humor]] was the [[legacy]] of the later [ Adamic race]. These early [[human beings]] were not so [[sensitive]] to [[pain]] nor so [[reactive]] to unpleasant situations as were many of the later evolving [[mortals]]. [[Childbirth]] was not a painful or distressing ordeal to Fonta and her [[immediate]] [[progeny]].

63:4.3 They were a [[wonderful]] [[tribe]]. The [[males]] would fight [[heroically]] for the [[safety]] of their [[mates]] and their [[offspring]]; the [[females]] were [[affectionately]] [[devoted]] to their [[children]]. But their [[patriotism]] was wholly [[limited]] to the [[immediate]] [[clan]]. They were very [[loyal]] to their [[families]]; they would die without question in [[defense]] of their [[children]], but they were not able to grasp the [[idea]] of trying to make the world a better place for their grandchildren. [[Altruism]] was as yet unborn in the [[human]] [[heart]], notwithstanding that all of the [[emotions]] [[essential]] to the [[birth]] of [[religion]] were already present in these [[Urantia]] [[aborigines]].

63:4.4 These early men [[possessed]] a [[touching]] [[affection]] for their [[comrades]] and certainly had a real, although crude, [[idea]] of [[friendship]]. It was a common sight in later times, during their constantly recurring battles with the inferior [[tribes]], to see one of these [[primitive]] men valiantly fighting with one hand while he struggled on, trying to [[protect]] and save an injured fellow [[warrior]]. Many of the most [[noble]] and highly [[human]] traits of subsequent [[evolutionary]] [[development]] were touchingly [[foreshadowed]] in these [[primitive]] peoples.

63:4.5 The [[original]] Andonic [[clan]] maintained an unbroken line of [[leadership]] until the twenty-seventh [[generation]], when, no [[male]] [[offspring]] appearing among Sontad's direct descendants, two rival would-be rulers of the clan fell to fighting for [[Hegemony|supremacy]].

63:4.6 Before the extensive [[dispersion]] of the Andonic clans a well-[[developed]] [[language]] had evolved from their early [[efforts]] to [[intercommunicate]]. This [[language]] continued to [[grow]], and almost daily additions were made to it because of the new [[inventions]] and [[adaptations]] to [[environment]] which were [[developed]] by these [[active]], restless, and [[curious]] people. And this [[language]] became the [[word]] of [[Urantia]], the tongue of the early [[human]] [[family]], until the later [[appearance]] of the [ colored races].

63:4.7 As time passed, the Andonic [[clans]] grew in [[number]], and the [[contact]] of the expanding [[families]] developed [[friction]] and misunderstandings. Only two [[things]] came to occupy the [[minds]] of these peoples: [[hunting]] to obtain [[food]] and fighting to avenge themselves against some real or supposed injustice or insult at the hands of the neighboring tribes.

63:4.8 [[Family]] [[feuds]] increased, [[tribal]] [[wars]] broke out, and serious losses were sustained among the very best elements of the more able and advanced [[groups]]. Some of these losses were irreparable; some of the most valuable strains of [[ability]] and [[intelligence]] were forever lost to the world. This early [[race]] and its [[primitive]] [[civilization]] were threatened with [[extinction]] by this incessant warfare of the clans.

63:4.9 It is impossible to induce such [[primitive]] [[beings]] long to live [[together]] in [[peace]]. Man is the descendant of fighting [[animals]], and when closely [[associated]], uncultured people irritate and offend each other. The [[Life Carriers]] know this [[tendency]] among [[evolutionary]] [[creatures]] and accordingly make provision for the eventual separation of [[developing]] [[human being]]s into at least three, and more often six, distinct and separate [[races]].

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