
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 62:6.1 We, the Life Carriers on Urantia, had passed through the long vigil of watchful waiting sinc...'

62:6.1 We, the [[Life Carriers]] on [[Urantia]], had passed through the long vigil of watchful waiting since the day [ we first planted] the [[life plasm]] in the [[planetary]] waters, and naturally the [[appearance]] of the first really [[intelligent]] and [[volitional]] [[beings]] brought to us great [[joy]] and supreme [[satisfaction]].

62:6.2 We had been watching the twins [[develop]] [[mentally]] through our [[observation]] of the [[functioning]] of the [[seven adjutant mind-spirits]] assigned to [[Urantia]] at the time of our arrival on the [[planet]]. Throughout the long [[evolutionary]] [[development]] of planetary life, these tireless mind ministers had ever registered their increasing [[ability]] to [[contact]] with the successively expanding [[brain]] capacities of the [[progressively]] superior [[animal]] [[creatures]].

62:6.3 At first only the ''[[spirit]] of [[intuition]]'' could [[function]] in the [[instinctive]] and reflex [[behavior]] of the primordial [[animal]] life. With the [[differentiation]] of higher types, the ''[[spirit]] of [[understanding]]'' was able to [[endow]] such [[creatures]] with the gift of [[spontaneous]] [[association]] of [[ideas]]. Later on we [[observed]] the ''[[spirit]] of [[courage]]'' in operation; evolving [[animals]] really developed a crude form of protective [[self-consciousness]]. Subsequent to the [[appearance]] of the [[mammalian]] groups, we beheld the ''[[spirit]] of [[knowledge]]'' [[manifesting]] itself in increased [[measure]]. And the [[evolution]] of the higher [[mammals]] brought the [[function]] of the ''[[spirit]] of [[counsel]]'', with the resulting [[growth]] of the herd [[instinct]] and the beginnings of [[primitive]] [[social]] [[development]].

62:6.4 Increasingly, on down through the [ dawn mammals], the [ mid-mammals], and the [ Primates], we had [[observed]] the augmented [[service]] of the first [[Adjutant Mind Spirits|five adjutants]]. But never had the remaining two, the highest mind ministers, been able to [[function]] in the [[Urantia]] type of [[evolutionary]] [[mind]].

62:6.5 [[Imagine]] our [[joy]] one day—the twins were about ten years old—when the ''[[spirit]] of [[worship]]'' made its first [[contact]] with the [[mind]] of the [[female]] twin and shortly thereafter with the [[male]]. We knew that something closely akin to [[human]] [[mind]] was approaching culmination; and when, about a year later, they finally resolved, as a result of [[meditative]] [[thought]] and [[purposeful]] [[decision]], to flee from [[home]] and [[journey]] north, then did the ''[[spirit]] of [[wisdom]]'' begin to [[function]] on [[Urantia]] and in these two now recognized [[human]] [[minds]].

62:6.6 There was an [[immediate]] and new order of mobilization of the [[seven adjutant mind-spirits]]. We were alive with [[expectation]]; we [[realized]] that the long-waited-for hour was approaching; we knew we were upon the [[threshold]] of the [[realization]] of our protracted [[effort]] to evolve [[Free will|will]] [[creatures]] on [[Urantia]].

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