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59:2.1 The periodic [[phenomena]] of [[land]] elevation and land sinking characteristic of these times were all [[gradual]] and nonspectacular, being accompanied by little or no [ volcanic] [[action]]. Throughout all of these [[successive]] [[land]] elevations and depressions the [ Asiatic] mother continent did not fully [[share]] the [[history]] of the other [[land]] bodies. It [[experienced]] many inundations, dipping first in one direction and then another, more particularly in its earlier history, but it does not present the [[uniform]] rock deposits which may be [[discovered]] on the other continents. In recent ages Asia has been the most [[stable]] of all the [[land]] masses.
59:2.1 The periodic [[phenomena]] of [[land]] elevation and land sinking characteristic of these times were all [[gradual]] and nonspectacular, being accompanied by little or no [ volcanic] [[action]]. Throughout all of these [[successive]] [[land]] elevations and depressions the [ Asiatic] mother continent did not fully [[share]] the [[history]] of the other [[land]] bodies. It [[experienced]] many inundations, dipping first in one direction and then another, more particularly in its earlier history, but it does not present the [[uniform]] rock deposits which may be [[discovered]] on the other continents. In recent ages Asia has been the most [[stable]] of all the [[land]] masses.
59:2.2 350,000,000 years ago saw the beginning of the great [ flood] period of all the [ continents] except central Asia. The land masses were repeatedly covered with [[water]]; only the coastal highlands remained above these shallow but widespread oscillatory inland seas. Three major inundations characterized this period, but before it ended, the continents again arose, the [[total]] [[land]] [[emergence]] being fifteen per cent greater than now exists. The [ Caribbean] region was highly elevated. This period is not well marked off in [ Europe] because the [[land]] fluctuations were less, while the [ volcanic] [[action]] was more [[persistent]].
59:2.2 350,000,000 years ago saw the beginning of the great [ flood] period of all the [ continents] except central Asia. The land masses were repeatedly covered with [[water]]; only the coastal highlands remained above these shallow but widespread oscillatory inland seas. Three major inundations characterized this period, but before it ended, the continents again arose, the [[total]] [[land]] [[emergence]] being fifteen per cent greater than now exists. The [ Caribbean] region was highly elevated. This period is not well marked off in [ Europe] because the [[land]] fluctuations were less, while the [ volcanic] [[action]] was more [[persistent]].
59:2.3 340,000,000 years ago there occurred another extensive [[land]] sinking except in Asia and Australia. The [[waters]] of the world's [[oceans]] were generally commingled. This was a great [ limestone] age, much of its stone being laid down by lime-secreting algae.
59:2.3 340,000,000 years ago there occurred another extensive [[land]] sinking except in Asia and Australia. The [[waters]] of the world's [[oceans]] were generally commingled. This was a great [ limestone] age, much of its stone being laid down by lime-secreting algae.
59:2.4 A few million years later large portions of the [ American continents] and [ Europe] began to emerge from the [[water]]. In the Western Hemisphere only an arm of the Pacific Ocean remained over Mexico and the present [ Rocky Mountain] regions, but near the close of this [[epoch]] the Atlantic and Pacific coasts again began to sink.
59:2.4 A few million years later large portions of the [ American continents] and [ Europe] began to emerge from the [[water]]. In the Western Hemisphere only an arm of the Pacific Ocean remained over Mexico and the present [ Rocky Mountain] regions, but near the close of this [[epoch]] the Atlantic and Pacific coasts again began to sink.
59:2.5 330,000,000 years ago marks the beginning of a [[time]] sector of comparative [[quiet]] all over the world, with much [[land]] again above [[water]]. The only exception to this reign of [[terrestrial]] quiet was the [[eruption]] of the great [ North American volcano] of eastern Kentucky[ ?][]], one of the greatest single volcanic [[activities]] the world has ever known. The ashes of this volcano covered five hundred square miles to a depth of from fifteen to twenty feet.
59:2.5 330,000,000 years ago marks the beginning of a [[time]] sector of comparative [[quiet]] all over the world, with much [[land]] again above [[water]]. The only exception to this reign of [[terrestrial]] quiet was the [[eruption]] of the great [ North American volcano] of eastern Kentucky[ ?][]], one of the greatest single volcanic [[activities]] the world has ever known. The ashes of this volcano covered five hundred square miles to a depth of from fifteen to twenty feet.
59:2.6 320,000,000 years ago the third major flood of this period occurred. The [[waters]] of this inundation covered all the [[land]] submerged by the preceding deluge, while extending farther in many directions all over the Americas and Europe. Eastern North America and western Europe were from 10,000 to 15,000 feet under water.
59:2.6 320,000,000 years ago the third major flood of this period occurred. The [[waters]] of this inundation covered all the [[land]] submerged by the preceding deluge, while extending farther in many directions all over the Americas and Europe. Eastern North America and western Europe were from 10,000 to 15,000 feet under water.
59:2.7 310,000,000 y ears ago the land masses of the world were again well up excepting the southern parts of North America. Mexico emerged, thus creating the [ Gulf Sea], which has ever since maintained its identity.
59:2.7 310,000,000 y ears ago the land masses of the world were again well up excepting the southern parts of North America. Mexico emerged, thus creating the [ Gulf Sea], which has ever since maintained its identity.
59:2.8 The life of this period continues to [[evolve]]. The world is once again [[quiet]] and relatively peaceful; the climate remains mild and equable; the [[land]] [[plants]] are migrating farther and farther from the seashores. The life [[patterns]] are well [[developed]], although few [[plant]] [[fossils]] of these times are to be found.
59:2.8 The life of this period continues to [[evolve]]. The world is once again [[quiet]] and relatively peaceful; the climate remains mild and equable; the [[land]] [[plants]] are migrating farther and farther from the seashores. The life [[patterns]] are well [[developed]], although few [[plant]] [[fossils]] of these times are to be found.
59:2.9 This was the great age of [[individual]] [[animal]] organismal [[evolution]], though many of the basic changes, such as the [[transition]] from [[plant]] to [[animal]], had previously occurred. The [[marine]] fauna developed to the point where every type of life below the [ vertebrate] scale was [[represented]] in the [[fossils]] of those rocks which were laid down during these times. But all of these animals were [[marine]] [[organisms]]. No land animals had yet appeared except a few types of worms which burrowed along the seashores, nor had the [[land]] [[plants]] yet overspread the [ continents]; there was still too much [ carbon dioxide] in the air to permit of the [[existence]] of [[air]] breathers. Primarily, all [[animals]] except certain of the more [[primitive]] ones are directly or indirectly dependent on [[plant]] life for their [[existence]].
59:2.9 This was the great age of [[individual]] [[animal]] organismal [[evolution]], though many of the basic changes, such as the [[transition]] from [[plant]] to [[animal]], had previously occurred. The [[marine]] fauna developed to the point where every type of life below the [ vertebrate] scale was [[represented]] in the [[fossils]] of those rocks which were laid down during these times. But all of these animals were [[marine]] [[organisms]]. No land animals had yet appeared except a few types of worms which burrowed along the seashores, nor had the [[land]] [[plants]] yet overspread the [ continents]; there was still too much [ carbon dioxide] in the air to permit of the [[existence]] of [[air]] breathers. Primarily, all [[animals]] except certain of the more [[primitive]] ones are directly or indirectly dependent on [[plant]] life for their [[existence]].
59:2.10 The [ trilobites] were still prominent. These little [[animals]] existed in tens of thousands of [[patterns]] and were the predecessors of modern [ crustaceans]. Some of the trilobites had from twenty-five to four thousand tiny eyelets; others had aborted eyes. As this period closed, the trilobites shared domination of the [[seas]] with several other forms of invertebrate life. But they utterly perished during the beginning of the next period.
59:2.10 The [ trilobites] were still prominent. These little [[animals]] existed in tens of thousands of [[patterns]] and were the predecessors of modern [ crustaceans]. Some of the trilobites had from twenty-five to four thousand tiny eyelets; others had aborted eyes. As this period closed, the trilobites shared domination of the [[seas]] with several other forms of invertebrate life. But they utterly perished during the beginning of the next period.
59:2.11 Lime-secreting [ algae] were widespread. There existed thousands of [[species]] of the early [[ancestors]] of the [ corals]. Sea worms were abundant, and there were many varieties of jellyfish which have since become extinct. Corals and the later types of [ sponges] evolved. The [ cephalopods] were well [[developed]], and they have [[survived]] as the modern pearly nautilus, octopus, cuttlefish, and squid.
59:2.11 Lime-secreting [ algae] were widespread. There existed thousands of [[species]] of the early [[ancestors]] of the [ corals]. Sea worms were abundant, and there were many varieties of jellyfish which have since become extinct. Corals and the later types of [ sponges] evolved. The [ cephalopods] were well [[developed]], and they have [[survived]] as the modern pearly nautilus, octopus, cuttlefish, and squid.
59:2.12 There were many varieties of shell [[animals]], but their shells were not then so much needed for defensive [[purposes]] as in subsequent ages. The [ gastropods] were present in the [[waters]] of the ancient seas, and they included single-shelled drills, periwinkles, and snails. The bivalve gastropods have come on down through the intervening millions of years much as they then existed and embrace the muscles, clams, oysters, and scallops. The valve-shelled [[organisms]] also evolved, and these [ brachiopods] lived in those ancient [[waters]] much as they exist today; they even had hinged, notched, and other sorts of protective arrangements of their valves.
59:2.12 There were many varieties of shell [[animals]], but their shells were not then so much needed for defensive [[purposes]] as in subsequent ages. The [ gastropods] were present in the [[waters]] of the ancient seas, and they included single-shelled drills, periwinkles, and snails. The bivalve gastropods have come on down through the intervening millions of years much as they then existed and embrace the muscles, clams, oysters, and scallops. The valve-shelled [[organisms]] also evolved, and these [ brachiopods] lived in those ancient [[waters]] much as they exist today; they even had hinged, notched, and other sorts of protective arrangements of their valves.
59:2.13 So ends the [[evolutionary]] [[story]] of the second great period of [[marine]] life, which is known to your geologists as the [ Ordovician].
59:2.13 So ends the [[evolutionary]] [[story]] of the second great period of [[marine]] life, which is known to your geologists as the [ Ordovician].
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[[Category:Paper 59 - The Marine-Life Era on Urantia]]
[[Category:Paper 59 - The Marine-Life Era on Urantia]]
[[Category: Urantia]]
[[Category: Evolution]]
[[Category: Earth Science/TeaM]]