
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 58:7.1 The vast group of [ rock] systems which [[constit...'

58:7.1 The vast [[group]] of [ rock] systems which [[constituted]] the outer [ crust] of the world during the [ life-dawn] or [ Proterozoic era] does not now appear at many points on the [[earth]]'s [[surface]]. And when it does [[emerge]] from below all the accumulations of subsequent [[ages]], there will be found only the [[fossil]] remains of [[Plant|vegetable]] and early [[primitive]] [[animal]] life. Some of these older [[water]]-deposited rocks are commingled with subsequent layers, and sometimes they yield [[fossil]] remains of some of the earlier [[forms]] of [[Plant|vegetable]] life, while on the topmost layers occasionally may be found some of the more [[primitive]] [[forms]] of the [ early marine-animal] [[organisms]]. In many places these oldest [ stratified rock layers], bearing the [[fossils]] of the [ early marine life], both [[animal]] and [[Plant|vegetable]], may be found directly on top of the older undifferentiated stone.

58:7.2 [[Fossils]] of this era yield [ algae], corallike [[plants]], primitive [ Protozoa], and [ spongelike] [[transition]] [[organisms]]. But the [[absence]] of such [[fossils]] in the early rock layers does not necessarily [[prove]] that living [[things]] were not elsewhere in [[existence]] at the time of their deposition. Life was sparse throughout these early times and only slowly made its way over the [[Surface|face]] of the [[earth]].

58:7.3 The [ rocks] of this olden [[age]] are now at the [[earth]]'s [[surface]], or very near the surface, over about one eighth of the present [[land]] area. The [[average]] thickness of this [[transition]] stone, the oldest [ stratified rock layers], is about one and one-half miles. At some points these ancient rock systems are as much as four miles thick, but many of the layers which have been ascribed to this [[era]] belong to later periods.

58:7.4 In [ North America] this ancient and [[primitive]] [[fossil]]-bearing stone layer comes to the [[surface]] over the eastern, central, and northern regions of [ Canada]. There is also an intermittent east-west ridge of this rock which extends from [ Pennsylvania] and the ancient [ Adirondack Mountains] on west through [ Michigan], [ Wisconsin], and [ Minnesota]. Other ridges run from [ Newfoundland] to [ Alabama] and from [ Alaska] to [ Mexico].

58:7.5 The [ rocks] of this [[era]] are [[exposed]] here and there all over the world, but none are so easy of [[interpretation]] as those about [ Lake Superior] and in the [ Grand Canyon] of the [ Colorado River], where these [[primitive]] [[fossil]]-bearing rocks, existing in several layers, testify to the [[upheavals]] and [[surface]] fluctuations of those faraway times.

58:7.6 This stone layer, the oldest [[fossil]]-bearing [ stratum] in the [ crust] of the [[earth]], has been crumpled, folded, and grotesquely twisted as a result of the [[upheavals]] of [ earthquakes] and the early [ volcanoes]. The [ lava] [[flows]] of this [[age]] brought much [ iron], [ copper], and [ lead] up near the [[planetary]] [[surface]].

58:7.7 There are few places on the [[earth]] where such [[activities]] are more graphically shown than in the [ St. Croix valley] of [ Wisconsin]. In this region there occurred one hundred and twenty-seven [[successive]] [ lava flows] on [[land]] with succeeding [[water]] submergence and consequent [ rock deposition]. Although much of the upper rock sedimentation and intermittent [ lava flow] is absent today, and though the bottom of this [[system]] is buried deep in the [[earth]], nevertheless, about sixty-five or seventy of these [ stratified] [[records]] of past ages are now [[exposed]] to view.

58:7.8 In these early ages when much [[land]] was near sea level, there occurred many [[successive]] submergences and emergences. The [ earth's crust] was just entering upon its later period of [[comparative]] [[stabilization]]. The undulations, rises and dips, of the earlier [ continental drift] [[contributed]] to the [[frequency]] of the periodic submergence of the great [[land]] masses.

58:7.9 During these times of [[primitive]] [[marine]] life, extensive areas of the [ continental] shores sank beneath the seas from a few feet to half a mile. Much of the older [ sandstone] and conglomerates [[represents]] the sedimentary accumulations of these ancient shores. The sedimentary rocks belonging to this early [ stratification] rest directly upon those layers which date back far beyond the [[origin]] of life, back to the early [[appearance]] of the [ world-wide ocean].

58:7.10 Some of the upper layers of these [[transition]] [ rock] deposits contain small amounts of [ shale] or [ slate] of dark [[colors]], indicating the [[presence]] of organic [ carbon] and testifying to the [[existence]] of the [[ancestors]] of those [[forms]] of [[plant]] life which overran the [[earth]] during the succeeding [ Carboniferous] or coal age. Much of the [ copper] in these rock layers results from [[water]] deposition. Some is found in the cracks of the older rocks and is the [[concentrate]] of the sluggish swamp water of some ancient sheltered shore line. The [ iron] mines of [ North America] and [ Europe] are located in deposits and extrusions lying partly in the older unstratified rocks and partly in these later [ stratified rocks] of the [[transition]] periods of life formation.

58:7.11 This [[era]] [[witnesses]] the spread of life throughout the [[waters]] of the world; [[marine]] life has become well [[established]] on [[Urantia]]. The bottoms of the shallow and extensive inland seas are being [[gradually]] overrun by a profuse and [[luxuriant]] [[growth]] of [[Plant|vegetation]], while the shore-line [[waters]] are swarming with the [[simple]] [[forms]] of [[animal]] life.

58:7.12 All of this [[story]] is graphically told within the [[fossil]] pages of the vast "[ stone book]" of world [[record]]. And the pages of this gigantic biogeologic [[record]] unfailingly tell the [[truth]] if you but acquire [[skill]] in their [[interpretation]]. Many of these ancient sea beds are now elevated high upon [[land]], and their deposits of [[age]] upon age tell the [[story]] of the life [[struggles]] of those early days. It is [[literally]] true, as your [[poet]] has said, "[ The dust we tread upon was once alive][]."

58:7.13 Presented by a member of the Urantia [[Life Carrier]] Corps now resident on the [[planet]].

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