
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 45:6.1 The Material Sons and Daughters, together with their children, present an engaging [[spectac...'

45:6.1 The [[Material Sons and Daughters]], together with their [[children]], present an engaging [[spectacle]] which never fails to arouse the [[curiosity]] and [[intrigue]] the [[attention]] of all [[ascending mortals]]. They are so similar to your own [[material]] [[sex]] [[races]] that you both find much of common interest to engage your [[thoughts]] and occupy your seasons of [[fraternal]] [[contact]].

45:6.2 [[Mortal]] [[survivors]] spend much of their [[leisure]] on [ the system capital] [[observing]] and [[studying]] the life [[habits]] and [[conduct]] of these superior semiphysical [[sex]] [[creatures]], for these [[citizens]] of [[Jerusem]] are the [[immediate]] sponsors and [[mentors]] of the [[mortal]] [[survivors]] from the time they [[attain]] [[citizenship]] on the [[headquarters]] world until they take leave for [[Edentia]].

45:6.3 On the [[seven mansion worlds]] [[ascending mortals]] are afforded [[Abundance|ample]] [[opportunities]] for [[compensating]] any and all [[experiential]] deprivations [[suffered]] on their worlds of [[origin]], whether due to [[inheritance]], [[environment]], or unfortunate premature termination of the [[career]] in the [[flesh]]. This is in every sense true except in the [[mortal]] [[sex]] life and its attendant [[adjustments]]. Thousands of [[mortals]] reach the [[mansion worlds]] without having benefited particularly from the [[disciplines]] derived from fairly [[average]] [[sex]] [[relations]] on their [[native]] [[spheres]]. The [[mansion world]] [[experience]] can provide little [[opportunity]] for compensating these very [[personal]] deprivations. [[Sex]] [[experience]] in a [[physical]] [[sense]] is past for these [[ascenders]], but in close [[association]] with the [[Material Sons and Daughters]], both [[individually]] and as members of their [[families]], these [[sex]]-deficient [[mortals]] are enabled to [[compensate]] the [[social]], [[intellectual]], [[emotional]], and [[spiritual]] aspects of their deficiency. Thus are all those [[humans]] whom [[circumstances]] or bad [[judgment]] deprived of the benefits of advantageous [[sex]] [[association]] on the [[evolutionary worlds]], here on [[the system]] [[capitals]] afforded full [[opportunity]] to acquire these [[essential]] [[mortal]] [[experiences]] in close and [[loving]] [[association]] with the [[supernal]] [[Adamic]] [[sex]] [[creatures]] of [[permanent]] residence on the [ system capitals].

45:6.4 No [[surviving]] [[mortal]], [[midwayer]], or [[seraphim]] may [[ascend]] to [[Paradise]], attain [[the Father]], and be mustered into the [[Corps of the Finality]] without having passed through that [[sublime]] [[experience]] of achieving [[parental]] [[relationship]] to an [[evolving]] [[child]] of the worlds or some other [[experience]] [[analogous]] and [[equivalent]] thereto. The [[relationship]] of [[child]] and [[parent]] is [[fundamental]] to the [[essential]] [[concept]] of the [[Universal Father]] and his [[universe]] [[children]]. Therefore does such an [[experience]] become indispensable to the [[experiential]] [[training]] of all [[ascenders]].

45:6.5 The [ ascending midway creatures] and the [ evolutionary seraphim] must pass through this [[parenthood]] [[experience]] in [[association]] with the [[Material Sons and Daughters]] of the [ system headquarters]. Thus do such nonreproducing [[ascenders]] obtain the [[experience]] of [[parenthood]] by [[assisting]] the [[Jerusem]] [ Adams and Eves] in rearing and [[training]] their [[progeny]].

45:6.6 All [[mortal]] [[survivors]] who have not [[experienced]] [[parenthood]] on the [[evolutionary worlds]] must also obtain this [[necessary]] [[training]] while [[sojourning]] in the [[homes]] of the [[Jerusem]] [[Material Sons]] and as [[parental]] [[associates]] of these [[superb]] [[fathers]] and [[mothers]]. This is true except in so far as such [[mortals]] have been able to [[compensate]] their deficiencies on [[the system]] nursery located on the first transitional-culture world of [[Jerusem]].

45:6.7 This [[probation]] [[nursery]] of [[Satania]] is [[maintained]] by certain [[morontia]] [[personalities]] on the [[finaliters]]' world, one half of the [[planet]] being [[devoted]] to this [[work]] of [[Parenting|child rearing]]. Here are received and reassembled certain [[children]] of [[surviving]] [[mortals]], such as those [[offspring]] who [[Death|perished]] on the [[evolutionary worlds]] before acquiring [[spiritual]] [[status]] as [[individuals]]. The [[ascension]] of either of its [[natural]] [[parents]] [[insures]] that such a [[mortal]] [[child]] of the realms will be accorded [[repersonalization]] on [[the system]] [ finaliter planet] and there be permitted to [[demonstrate]] by subsequent [[freewill]] [[choice]] whether or not it [[elects]] to follow the [[parental]] path of [[mortal]] [[ascension]]. [[Children]] here appear as on the [[nativity]] world except for the [[absence]] of [[sex]] [[differentiation]]. There is no [[reproduction]] of [[mortal]] kind after the life [[experience]] on the [[inhabited worlds]].

45:6.8 [[Mansion world]] [[students]] who have one or more [[children]] in the probationary nursery on the [ finaliters' world], and who are deficient in [[essential]] [[parental]] [[experience]], may apply for a [[Melchizedek]] permit which will [[effect]] their temporary [[transfer]] from [[ascension]] [[duties]] on the [[mansion worlds]] to the [ finaliter world], where they are granted [[opportunity]] to [[function]] as [[associate]] [[parents]] to their own and other [[children]]. This [[service]] of [[parental]] ministry may be later accredited on [[Jerusem]] as the [[fulfillment]] of one half of the [[training]] which such [[ascenders]] are required to undergo in the [[families]] of the [[Material Sons and Daughters]].

45:6.9 The [[probation]] [[nursery]] itself is supervised by one thousand couples of [[Material Sons and Daughters]], [[volunteers]] from the [[Jerusem]] colony of their order. They are [[immediately]] [[assisted]] by about an [[equal]] [[number]] of volunteer [[midsonite]] [[parental]] [[groups]] who stop off here to render this [[service]] on their way from the [ midsonite world] of [[Satania]] to the unrevealed [[destiny]] on their special worlds of reservation among the [[finaliter]] [[spheres]] of [[Salvington]].

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