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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 39:5.1 These seraphim maintain headquarters on the ['

39:5.1 These seraphim [[maintain]] [[headquarters]] on the [ system capitals] and, though closely [[associated]] with the resident Adamic citizens, are primarily assigned to the [[service]] of the [[ Planetary Adams], the [[biologic]] or [[physical]] uplifters of the [[material]] [[races]] on the [[evolutionary worlds]]. The ministering [[work]] of [[angels]] becomes of increasing interest as it nears the [[inhabited worlds]], as it nears the [[actual]] [[problems]] faced by the [[Human Beings|men and women]] of time who are preparing themselves for the attempt to [[attain]] the goal of [[eternity]].

39:5.2 On [[Urantia]] the [[majority]] of the planetary helpers were removed upon the [[Default|collapse]] of the [ Adamic regime], and the seraphic supervision of your world devolved to a greater extent upon the [[administrators]], the [[transition]] ministers, and the [[guardians of destiny]]. But these seraphic aids of your defaulting [[Material Sons]] still serve [[Urantia]] in the following [[groups]]:

39:5.3 1. ''The Voices of the Garden''. When the [[planetary]] course of [[human]] [[evolution]] is attaining its highest [[biologic]] level, there always appear the [[Material Sons and Daughters]], the [ Adams and Eves], to augment the further [[evolution]] of the [[races]] by an actual [[contribution]] of their superior [[life plasm]]. The [[planetary]] [[headquarters]] of such an [[Adam and Eve]] is usually denominated the [[Garden of Eden]], and their [[personal]] seraphim are often known as the "voices of the Garden."[] These seraphim are of invaluable [[service]] to the [[Planetary Adams]] in all their [[projects]] for the [[physical]] and [[intellectual]] upstepping of the [ evolutionary races]. After the [ Adamic default] on [[Urantia]], some of these seraphim were left on the [[planet]] and were assigned to [ Adam's successors] in [[authority]].

39:5.4 2. ''The Spirits of Brotherhood''. It should be apparent that, when an [[Adam and Eve]] arrive on an [[evolutionary world]], the task of achieving racial [[harmony]] and social [[co-operation]] among its [[diverse]] [[races]] is one of considerable [[proportions]]. Seldom do these [ races of different colors] and varied [[natures]] take kindly to the plan of [[human]] [[brotherhood]]. These [[primitive]] men only come to [[realize]] the wisdom of peaceful interassociation as a result of ripened human [[experience]] and through the [[faithful]] [[ministry]] of the seraphic spirits of brotherhood. Without the [[work]] of these seraphim the [[efforts]] of the [[Material Sons]] to [[harmonize]] and advance the [[races]] of an evolving world would be greatly delayed. And had your [[Adam]] adhered to the [[original]] plan for the advancement of [[Urantia]], by this time these spirits of brotherhood would have worked unbelievable [[transformations]] in the [[human]] [[race]]. In view of the [[Adamic default]], it is indeed remarkable that these seraphic orders have been able to foster and bring to [[realization]] even as much of brotherhood as you now have on [[Urantia]].

39:5.5 3. ''The Souls of Peace''. The early [[millennium]]s of the upward strivings of evolutionary [[men]] are marked by many a [[struggle]]. [[Peace]] is not the [[natural]] state of the [[material]] realms. The worlds first [[realize]] "peace on earth and good will among men"[] through the ministry of the seraphic souls of peace. Although these [[angels]] were largely thwarted in their early [[efforts]] on [[Urantia]], ''Vevona'', chief of the souls of peace in [ Adam's day], was left on [[Urantia]] and is now attached to the staff of the [ resident governor general]. And it was this same Vevona who, when [[Michael]] was born, heralded to the worlds, as the leader of the angelic host, "[[Glory]] to [[God]] in [[Havona]] and on [[earth]] [[peace]] and good will among men."[]

39:5.6 In the more advanced [[epochs]] of [[planetary]] [[evolution]] these seraphim are instrumental in supplanting the [[atonement]] [[idea]] by the [[concept]] of [[divine]] [[attunement]] as a [[philosophy]] of [[mortal]] [[survival]].

39:5.7 4. ''The Spirits of Trust''. Suspicion is the inherent [[reaction]] of [[primitive]] men; the [[survival]] struggles of the early ages do not naturally breed [[trust]]. Trust is a new human acquisition brought about by the [[ministry]] of these planetary seraphim of the [ Adamic regime]. It is their mission to inculcate [[trust]] into the [[minds]] of evolving men. [[The Gods]] are very trustful; the [[Universal Father]] is willing freely to [[trust]] himself—[[the Adjuster]]—to man's [[association]].

39:5.8 This entire [[group]] of seraphim was transferred to the [ new regime] after the [ Adamic miscarriage], and they have ever since continued their [[labors]] on [[Urantia]]. And they have not been wholly unsuccessful since a [[civilization]] is now evolving which embodies much of their [[ideals]] of [[confidence]] and [[trust]].

39:5.9 In the more advanced [[planetary]] [[ages]] these seraphim enhance man's [[appreciation]] of the [[truth]] that [[uncertainty]] is the [[secret]] of contented [[continuity]]. They help the mortal [[philosophers]] to [[realize]] that, when ignorance is [[essential]] to success, it would be a colossal blunder for the [[creature]] to know the [[future]]. They heighten man's taste for the sweetness of [[uncertainty]], for the [[romance]] and [[charm]] of the indefinite and [[unknown]] [[future]].

39:5.10 5. ''The Transporters''. The [[planetary]] transporters serve the [[individual worlds]]. The [[majority]] of [[enseraphimed]] beings brought to this [[planet]] are in transit; they merely stop over; they are in custody of their own special seraphic transporters; but there are a large [[number]] of such seraphim stationed on [[Urantia]]. These are the transport [[personalities]] operating from the local planets, as from [[Urantia]] to [[Jerusem]].

39:5.11 Your [[conventional]] [[idea]] of [[angels]] has been derived in the following way: During [[moments]] just prior to [[physical]] [[death]] a [[reflective]] [[phenomenon]] sometimes occurs in the [[human]] [[mind]], and this dimming [[consciousness]] seems to [[visualize]] something of the [[form]] of the attending angel, and this is [[immediately]] translated into terms of the [[habitual]] [[concept]] of [[angels]] held in that [[individual]]'s [[mind]].

39:5.12 The erroneous [[idea]] that angels [[possess]] wings is not wholly due to olden notions that they must have wings to fly through the air. [[Human beings]] have sometimes been permitted to [[observe]] seraphim that were being [[prepared]] for [[transport]] [[service]], and the [[traditions]] of these [[experiences]] have largely determined the Urantian [[concept]] of angels. In observing a transport seraphim being made ready to receive a passenger for [[interplanetary]] transit, there may be seen what are apparently double sets of wings extending from the head to the foot of the angel. In reality these wings are [[energy]] [[insulators]]—[[friction]] shields.

39:5.13 When [[celestial]] [[beings]] are to be [[enseraphimed]] for transfer from one world to another, they are brought to the [[headquarters]] of the [[sphere]] and, after due registry, are inducted into the transit [[sleep]]. Meantime, the transport seraphim moves into a [[horizontal]] position [[immediately]] above the [[universe]] energy pole of the [[planet]]. While the energy shields are wide open, the [[sleeping]] [[personality]] is [[skill]]fully deposited, by the officiating seraphic assistants, directly on top of the transport angel. Then both the upper and lower pairs of shields are carefully closed and adjusted.

39:5.14 And now, under the [[influence]] of the transformers and the transmitters, a strange [[metamorphosis]] begins as the seraphim is made ready to swing into the [[energy]] currents of the [[universe]] [[circuits]]. To outward [[appearance]] the seraphim grows pointed at both extremities and becomes so enshrouded in a [[Anomaly|queer]] [[light]] of amber hue that very soon it is impossible to distinguish the [[enseraphimed]] [[personality]]. When all is in readiness for departure, the chief of transport makes the proper inspection of the carriage of life, carries out the routine tests to ascertain whether or not the [[angel]] is properly encircuited, and then announces that the [[traveler]] is properly [[enseraphimed]], that the energies are adjusted, that the angel is [[insulated]], and that everything is in readiness for the departing flash. The [ mechanical controllers], two of them, next take their positions. By this time the transport seraphim has become an almost [[transparent]], [[vibrating]], torpedo-shaped [[outline]] of glistening [[luminosity]]. Now the transport dispatcher of the realm summons the auxiliary batteries of the living energy transmitters, usually one thousand in [[number]]; as he announces the destination of the transport, he reaches out and [[touches]] the near point of the seraphic carriage, which shoots forward with lightninglike speed, leaving a trail of [[celestial]] [[luminosity]] as far as the planetary [[atmospheric]] investment extends. In less than ten minutes the marvelous [[spectacle]] will be lost even to reinforced seraphic [[vision]].

39:5.15 While [[planetary]] [[Intelligence|space reports]] are received at noon at the meridian of the designated [[spiritual]] [[headquarters]], the transporters are dispatched from this same place at midnight. That is the most favorable time for departure and is the [[standard]] hour when not otherwise specified.

39:5.16 6. ''The Recorders''. These are the custodians of the major affairs of the [[planet]] as it [[functions]] as a part of [[the system]], and as it is related to, and concerned in, the [ universe government]. They [[function]] in the recording of [[planetary]] [[Event|affairs]] but are not concerned with matters of [[individual]] life and [[existence]].

39:5.17 7. ''The Reserves''. The [[Satania]] reserve corps of the planetary seraphim is maintained on [[Jerusem]] in close [[association]] with the reserves of the [[Material Sons]]. These abundant reserves repletely provide for every [[phase]] of the manifold activities of this seraphic order. These [[angels]] are also the [[personal]] [[message]] bearers of the [[local systems]]. They serve [[transition]] [[mortals]], [[angels]], and the [[Material Sons]] as well as others domiciled on the [[system headquarters]]. While [[Urantia]] is, at [[present]], outside the [[spiritual]] [[circuits]] of [[Satania]] and [[Norlatiadek]], you are otherwise in [[intimate]] touch with [[interplanetary]] affairs, for these [[messengers]] from [[Jerusem]] frequently come to this world as to all the other [[spheres]] of [[the system]].

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