
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 30:4.1 While the mortal survivors of time and space are denominated ascending [[p...'

30:4.1 While the [[mortal]] [[survivors]] of [[time and space]] are [[Names|denominated]] [[ascending]] [[pilgrims]] when accredited for the [[progressive]] [[ascent]] to [[Paradise]], these [[evolutionary]] [[creatures]] occupy such an important place in these [[narratives]] that we here [[desire]] to present a [[synopsis]] of the following seven [[stages]] of the [[Ascension Career|ascending universe career]]:

*1. [[Planetary]] [[Mortals]].
*2. [[Sleeping]] [[Survivors]].
*3. [[Mansion World]] Students.
*4. [[Morontia]] Progressors.
*5. [[Superuniverse]] Wards.
*6. [[Havona]] [[Pilgrims]].
*7. [[Paradise]] Arrivals.

30:4.2 The following [[narrative]] presents the [[Ascension Career|universe career]] of an [[Thought Adjuster|Adjuster-indwelt]] [[mortal]]. The [ Son]- and [ Spirit-fused mortals] [[share]] portions of this [[career]], but we have elected to tell this [[story]] as it pertains to the [ Adjuster-fused mortals], for such a [[destiny]] may be [[anticipated]] by all of the [[human]] [[races]] of [[Urantia]].

30:4.3 1. ''Planetary Mortals''. [[Mortals]] are all [[animal]]-[[origin]] [[evolutionary]] [[beings]] of [[ascendant]] [[potential]]. In [[origin]], [[nature]], and [[destiny]] these various [[groups]] and [[types]] of [[human beings]] are not wholly unlike the [[Urantia]] peoples. The [[human]] [[races]] of each world receive the same [[ministry]] of the [[Sons of God]] and enjoy the [[presence]] of the [[ministering spirits]] of time. After natural [[death]] all types of [[ascenders]] fraternize as one [[morontia]] [[family]] on the [[mansion worlds]].

30:4.4 2. ''Sleeping Survivors''. All [[mortals]] of [[survival]] [[status]], in the custody of [[personal]] [[guardians of destiny]], pass through the [[portals]] of natural [[death]] and, on the third period, [[personalize]] on the [[mansion worlds]]. Those accredited [[beings]] who have, for any [[reason]], been unable to attain that level of [[intelligence]] mastery and [[endowment]] of [[spirituality]] which would entitle them to [[Guardian Angels|personal guardians]], cannot thus [[immediately]] and directly go to the [[mansion worlds]]. Such [[surviving]] [[souls]] must rest in unconscious [[sleep]] until the [[judgment day]] of a new [[epoch]], a new dispensation, the coming of a Son of God to call the rolls of the age and [[adjudicate]] the realm, and this is the general [[practice]] throughout all [[Nebadon]]. It was said of [[Christ]] [[Michael]] that, when he [[ascended]] on high at the conclusion of his [[work]] on [[earth]], "He led a great multitude of captives."[] And these captives were the sleeping survivors from the days of [[Adam and Eve|Adam]] to the day of the [ Master's] [[resurrection]] on [[Urantia]].

30:4.5 The passing of [[time is]] of no moment to [[sleeping]] [[mortals]]; they are wholly [[unconscious]] and oblivious to the length of their rest. On reassembly of [[personality]] at the end of an age, those who have slept five thousand years will react no [[differently]] than those who have rested five days. Aside from this [[time]] delay these [[survivors]] pass on through the [[ascension regime]] identically with those who avoid the longer or shorter [[sleep]] of [[death]].

30:4.6 These dispensational classes of world [[pilgrims]] are utilized for [[group]] [[morontia]] activities in the [[work]] of the [[local universes]]. There is a great advantage in the mobilization of such enormous [[groups]]; they are thus kept together for long periods of [[effective]] [[service]].

30:4.7 3. ''Mansion World Students''. All [[surviving]] [[mortals]] who reawaken on the [[mansion worlds]] belong to this class.

30:4.8 The [[physical]] [[body]] of [[mortal]] flesh is not a part of the reassembly of the [[sleeping]] [[survivor]]; the physical [[body]] has returned to dust. The [[seraphim]] of assignment sponsors the new body, the [[morontia]] [[form]], as the new life vehicle for the [[immortal]] [[soul]] and for the indwelling of the returned [[Thought Adjuster|Adjuster]]. The Adjuster is the custodian of the spirit [[transcript]] of the [[mind]] of the sleeping survivor. The assigned [[seraphim]] is the keeper of the surviving [[identity]]—the [[immortal]] [[soul]]—as far as it has evolved. And when these two, [[the Adjuster]] and the [[seraphim]], reunite their [[personality]] [[trusts]], the new [[individual]] constitutes the [[resurrection]] of the old [[personality]], the [[survival]] of the evolving [[morontia]] [[identity]] of the [[soul]]. Such a reassociation of [[soul]] and [[Thought Adjuster|Adjuster]] is quite properly called a [[resurrection]], a reassembly of [[personality]] [[factors]]; but even this does not entirely explain the reappearance of the surviving [[personality]]. Though you will [[probably]] never [[understand]] the [[fact]] of such an inexplicable [[transaction]], you will sometime [[experientially]] know the [[truth]] of it if you do not reject the plan of [[mortal]] [[survival]].

30:4.9 The plan of initial [[mortal]] detention on [[Mansion Worlds|seven worlds]] of [[progressive]] [[training]] is nearly [[universal]] in [[Orvonton]]. In each local [[the System|system]] of approximately one thousand [[inhabited planets]] there are [[seven]] [[mansion worlds]], usually [[satellites]] or subsatellites of the system capital. They are the receiving worlds for the [[majority]] of [[ascending]] [[mortals]].

30:4.10 Sometimes all [[training]] worlds of [[mortal]] residence are called [[universe]] "mansions," and it was to such [[spheres]] that Jesus alluded when he said: "In my Father's house are many mansions."[] From here on, within a given [[group]] of [[spheres]] like the [[mansion worlds]], ascenders will [[progress]] [[individually]] from one sphere to another and from one [[phase]] of life to another, but they will always advance from one [[stage]] of [[universe]] [[study]] to another in class formation.

30:4.11 4. ''Morontia Progressors''. From the [[mansion worlds]] on up through the [[spheres]] of [[the system]], [[constellation]], and the [[universe]], [[mortals]] are classed as morontia progressors; they are traversing the [[transition]] [[spheres]] of [[mortal]] [[ascension]]. As the [[ascending]] [[mortals]] [[progress]] from the lower to the higher of the [[morontia]] worlds, they serve on countless assignments in [[association]] with their [[teachers]] and in company with their more advanced and senior brethren.

30:4.12 [[Morontia]] progression pertains to continuing advancement of [[intellect]], [[spirit]], and [[personality]] [[form]]. [[Survivors]] are still three-natured beings. Throughout the entire [[morontia]] [[experience]] they are wards of the [[local universe]]. The [[regime]] of the [[superuniverse]] does not [[function]] until the [[spirit]] [[career]] begins.

30:4.13 [[Mortals]] acquire real [[spirit]] [[identity]] just before they leave the [[local universe]] [[headquarters]] for the receiving worlds of the [ minor sectors] of the [[superuniverse]]. Passing from the final [[morontia]] [[stage]] to the first or lowest [[spirit]] [[status]] is but a slight [[transition]]. The [[mind]], [[personality]], and [[character]] are unchanged by such an advance; only does the form undergo modification. But the [[spirit]] [[form]] is just as real as the [[morontia]] [[body]], and it is equally [[discernible]].

30:4.14 Before departing from their native [[local universes]] for the [[superuniverse]] receiving worlds, the [[mortals]] of [[time]] are recipients of [[spirit]] [[confirmation]] from the [[Creator Son]] and the local universe [[Mother Spirit]]. From this point on, the [[status]] of the [[ascending]] [[mortal]] is forever settled. [[Superuniverse]] wards have never been known to go astray. [ Ascending seraphim] are also advanced in angelic standing at the time of their departure from the [[local universes]].

30:4.15 5. ''Superuniverse Wards''. All ascenders arriving on the [[training]] worlds of the [[superuniverses]] become the wards of the [[Ancients of Days]]; they have traversed the [[morontia]] life of the [[local universe]] and are now accredited [[spirits]]. As young spirits they begin the [[ascension]] of the [[superuniverse]] [[system]] of [[training]] and [[culture]], extending from the receiving spheres of their [ minor sector in through the study worlds of the ten major sectors] and on to the higher [[cultural]] [[spheres]] of the [ superuniverse headquarters].

30:4.16 There are three orders of student spirits in accordance with their sojourn upon the [[Ensa|minor sector]], [[Splandon|major sectors]], and the [[Uversa|superuniverse headquarters]] worlds of [[spirit]] [[progression]]. As [[morontia]] ascenders studied and worked on the worlds of the [[local universe]], so spirit ascenders continue to master new worlds while they [[practice]] at giving out to others that which they have imbibed at the [[experiential]] founts of [[wisdom]]. But going to school as a [[spirit]] [[being]] in the [[superuniverse]] [[career]] is very unlike anything that has ever entered the [[imaginative]] realms of the [[material]] [[mind]] of man.

30:4.17 Before leaving the [[superuniverse]] for [[Havona]], these [[ascending]] [[spirits]] receive the same thorough [[course]] in [[superuniverse]] [[management]] that they received during their [[morontia]] [[experience]] in local universe supervision. Before spirit mortals reach [[Havona]], their chief [[study]], but not exclusive occupation, is the mastery of local and superuniverse [[administration]]. The reason for all of this [[experience]] is not now fully apparent, but no doubt such [[training]] is [[wise]] and [[necessary]] in view of their possible [[future]] [[destiny]] as members of the [[Corps of the Finality]].

30:4.18 The [[superuniverse]] [[regime]] is not the same for all [ ascending mortals]. They receive the same general [[education]], but special [[groups]] and classes are carried through special courses of instruction and are put through specific courses of [[training]].

30:4.19 6. ''[[Havona]] [[Pilgrims]]''. When [[spirit]] [[development]] is complete, even though not replete, then the surviving [[mortal]] [[prepares]] for the long flight to [[Havona]], the haven of evolutionary spirits. On [[earth]] you were a [[creature]] of [[Body|flesh and blood]]; through the [[local universe]] you were a [[morontia]] [[being]]; through the [[superuniverse]] you were an evolving spirit; with your arrival on the receiving worlds of [[Havona]] your spiritual education begins in [[reality]] and in [[earnest]]; your [[eventual]] [[appearance]] on [[Paradise]] will be as a perfected spirit.

30:4.20 The [[journey]] from the [[superuniverse]] [[headquarters]] to the [[Havona]] receiving spheres is always made alone. From now on no more class or [[group]] instruction will be administered. You are through with the [[technical]] and [[administrative]] [[training]] of the evolutionary worlds of [[time and space]]. Now begins your [[personal]] [[education]], your [[individual]] [[spiritual]] [[training]]. From first to last, throughout all [[Havona]], the instruction is personal and threefold in nature: [[intellectual]], [[spiritual]], and [[experiential]].

30:4.21 The first [[act]] of your [[Havona]] [[career]] will be to [[recognize]] and thank your transport [ seconaphim] for the long and safe [[journey]]. Then you are presented to those [[beings]] who will sponsor your early [[Havona]] activities. Next you go to register your arrival and [[prepare]] your message of [[thanksgiving]] and [[adoration]] for dispatch to the [[Creator Son]] of your [[local universe]], the universe [[Father]] who made possible your sonship [[career]]. This concludes the [[formalities]] of the [[Havona]] arrival; whereupon you are accorded a long period of [[leisure]] for free [[observation]], and this affords [[opportunity]] for looking up your [[friends]], fellows, and [[associates]] of the long [[ascension]] [[experience]]. You may also consult the [[broadcasts]] to ascertain who of your fellow [[pilgrims]] have departed for [[Havona]] since the time of your leaving [[Uversa]].

30:4.22 The fact of your arrival on the receiving worlds of Havona will be duly transmitted to the headquarters of your local universe and personally conveyed to your seraphic guardian, wherever that seraphim may chance to be.

30:4.23 The [[ascendant]] [[mortals]] have been thoroughly [[trained]] in the affairs of the [ evolutionary worlds] of [[space]]; now they begin their long and profitable contact with the created [[spheres]] of [[perfection]]. What a [[preparation]] for some [[future]] work is afforded by this combined, [[unique]], and extraordinary [[experience]]! But I cannot tell you about [[Havona]]; you must see these worlds to [[appreciate]] their [[glory]] or to understand their grandeur.

30:4.24 7. ''Paradise Arrivals''. On reaching [[Paradise]] with residential [[status]], you begin the [[progressive]] [[course]] in [[divinity]] and [[Absonite|absonity]]. Your residence on Paradise signifies that you have found [[God]], and that you are to be mustered into the [[Mortal Corps of the Finality]]. Of all the [[creatures]] of the [[grand universe]], only those who are [ Father fused] are mustered into the [[Mortal Corps of the Finality]]. Only such [[individuals]] take the finaliter [[oath]]. Other [[beings]] of [[Paradise]] [[perfection]] or [[attainment]] may be temporarily attached to this finality corps, but they are not of [[eternal]] assignment to the [[unknown]] and unrevealed mission of this accumulating host of the [[evolutionary]] and perfected [[veterans]] of [[time and space]].

30:4.25 [[Paradise]] arrivals are accorded a period of [[freedom]], after which they begin their [[associations]] with the seven groups of the [[primary supernaphim]]. They are designated Paradise [[graduates]] when they have finished their [[course]] with the [ conductors of worship] and then, as [[finaliters]], are assigned on [[observational]] and [[co-operative]] [[service]] to the ends of the far-flung [[creation]]. As yet there seems to be no specific or settled employment for the [[Mortal Corps of Finaliters]], though they serve in many capacities on worlds settled in [[light and life]].

30:4.26 If there should be no [[future]] or unrevealed [[destiny]] for the [[Mortal Corps of the Finality]], the present assignment of these [[ascendant]] [[beings]] would be altogether adequate and [[glorious]]. Their present [[destiny]] wholly justifies the [[universal]] plan of evolutionary [[ascent]]. But the [[future]] ages of the [[evolution]] of the [[spheres]] of [[outer space]] will undoubtedly further elaborate, and with more repleteness [[divinely]] [[illuminate]], the [[wisdom]] and loving-kindness of [[the Gods]] in the [[execution]] of their divine plan of [[human]] [[survival]] and [[mortal]] [[ascension]].

30:4.27 This [[narrative]], together with what has been [[revealed]] to you and with what you may acquire in connection with instruction respecting your own world, presents an [[outline]] of the [[career]] of an [ ascending mortal]. The [[story]] varies considerably in the different [[superuniverses]], but this recital affords a glimpse of the average plan of [[mortal]] [[progression]] as it is operative in the [[local universe]] of [[Nebadon]] and in the seventh segment of the [[grand universe]], the [[superuniverse]] of [[Orvonton]].

30:4.28 Sponsored by a [[Mighty Messenger]] from [[Uversa]].

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