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29:2.1 [ The Seven Supreme Power Directors] are not able, [[individually]], to reproduce themselves, but [[collectively]], and in [[association]] with the [[Seven Master Spirits]], they can and do reproduce—[[create]]—other [[beings]] like themselves. Such is the [[origin]] of the ''Supreme Power Centers'' of the [[grand universe]], who [[function]] in the following seven groups:

*1. Supreme Center Supervisors.
*2. Havona Centers.
*3. Superuniverse Centers.
*4. Local Universe Centers.
*5. Constellation Centers.
*6. System Centers.
*7. Unclassified Centers.

29:2.2 These [[power]] [[centers]] together with the [ Supreme Power Directors] are [[beings]] of high will [[freedom]] and [[action]]. They are all [[endowed]] with [ Third-Source personality] and disclose unquestioned [[volitional]] [[capacity]] of a high order. These directing [[centers]] of the [[universe]] [[power]] [[system]] are the possessors of exquisite [[intelligence]] [[endowment]]; they are the [[intellect]] of the [[power]] [[system]] of the [[grand universe]] and the [[secret]] of the [[technique]] of the [[mind]] [[control]] of all the vast [[System|network]] of the far-flung [[functions]] of the [ Master Physical Controllers] and the [ Morontia Power Supervisors].

29:2.3 1. ''Supreme Center Supervisors''. These [[seven]] [[co-ordinates]] and [[associates]] of the [ Supreme Power Directors] are the regulators of the master [[energy]] [[circuits]] of the [[grand universe]]. Each [[center]] supervisor is headquartered on one of the special worlds of the [ Seven Supreme Executives], and they [[work]] in close [[association]] with these [[co-ordinators]] of general [[universe]] affairs.

29:2.4 [ The Supreme Power Directors] and the ''Supreme Center Supervisors'' [[function]] both as [[individuals]] and conjointly with regard to all [[cosmic]] [[phenomena]] below the levels of "[[gravity]] [[energy]]." When acting in [[liaison]], these fourteen [[beings]] are to [[universe]] [[power]] what the [ Seven Supreme Executives] are to general [[universe]] affairs, and what the [[Seven Master Spirits]] are to the [[cosmic]] [[mind]].

29:2.5 2. ''Havona Centers''. Before the [[creation]] of the [[universes]] of [[time and space]], [[power]] [[centers]] were not required in [[Havona]], but ever since these far-distant times, one million have [[functioned]] in the [[central creation]], each center having the supervision of a thousand [ Havona worlds]. Here in the [[divine]] [[universe]] there is [[perfection]] of [[energy]] [[control]], a condition not existing elsewhere. [[Perfection]] of [[energy]] regulation is the [[ultimate]] goal of all the power centers and the [ physical controllers] of [[space]].

29:2.6 3. ''Superuniverse Centers''. Occupying an enormous area on the capital [[sphere]] of each of the [[seven superuniverses]] are one thousand power centers of the third order. Three currents of primary [[energy]] of ten [[segregations]] each come in to these [[power]] [[centers]], but [[seven]] specialized and well-directed, though imperfectly [[controlled]], [[circuits]] of [[power]] go forth from their seat of united [[action]]. This is the [[electronic]] [[organization]] of [[universe]] [[power]].

29:2.7 All [[energy]] is [[circuited]] in the [[Paradise]] [[cycle]], but the ''Universe Power Directors'' direct the [[force]]-[[energies]] of [ nether Paradise] as they find them modified in the [[space]] [[functions]] of the [[Havona|central]] and [[superuniverses]], converting and directing these [[energies]] into [[channels]] of useful and constructive [[application]]. There is a [[difference]] between [[Havona]] [[energy]] and the energies of the [[superuniverses]]. The [[power]] charge of a [[superuniverse]] consists of three [[phases]] of energy of ten [[segregations]] each. This threefold [[energy]] charge spreads throughout the [[space]] of the [[grand universe]]; it is like a vast moving [[ocean]] of [[energy]] which engulfs and bathes the whole of each of the [[seven supercreations]].

29:2.8 The [[electronic]] [[organization]] of [[universe]] [[power]] [[functions]] in [[seven]] [[phases]] and discloses varying [[response]] to local or [[linear]] [[gravity]]. This sevenfold [[circuit]] proceeds from the [[superuniverse]] power centers and pervades each supercreation. Such specialized [[Flow|currents]] of [[time and space]] are definite and localized [[energy]] movements initiated and directed for specific [[purposes]], much as the [ Gulf Stream] [[functions]] as a [[circumscribed]] [[phenomenon]] in the midst of the [ Atlantic Ocean].

29:2.9 4. ''Local Universe Centers''. On the [[headquarters]] of each [[local universe]] are stationed one hundred power centers of the fourth order. They [[function]] to downstep and otherwise to modify the [[seven]] [[power]] [[circuits]] [[emanating]] from [[superuniverse]] [[headquarters]], thus making them [[applicable]] to the services of the [[constellations]] and [[the System|systems]]. The local [[astronomical]] [[catastrophes]] of [[space]] are of passing concern to these power centers; they are engaged in the orderly dispatch of [[effective]] [[energy]] to the subsidiary [[constellations]] and [[the System|systems]]. They are of great [[assistance]] to the [[Creator Sons]] during the later times of [[universe]] [[organization]] and [[energy]] mobilization. These [[centers]] are able to provide [[intensified]] lanes of [[energy]] useful for [[interplanetary]] [[communication]] between important inhabited points. Such a lane or line of [[energy]], sometimes also called an energy path, is a direct [[circuit]] of [[energy]] from one power center to another power center or from one physical controller to another controller. It is an [[individualized]] stream of [[power]] and stands in [[contrast]] to the free [[space]] [[Motion|movements]] of [[Diffusion|undifferentiated]] [[energy]].

29:2.10 5. ''Constellation Centers''. Ten of these living power centers are stationed in each [[constellation]], [[functioning]] as [[energy]] [[projectors]] to the one hundred tributary [[the System|local systems]]. From these [[beings]] there go forth the [[power]] lines for [[communication]] and transport and for the energizing of those living [[creatures]] who are dependent upon certain forms of [[physical]] [[energy]] for the [[maintenance]] of life. But neither the power centers nor the subordinate physical controllers are otherwise concerned with life as a [[functional]] [[organization]].

29:2.11 6. ''System Centers''. One Supreme Power Center is permanently assigned to each [ local system]. These system centers dispatch the [[power]] [[circuits]] to the [[inhabited worlds]] of [[time and space]]. They [[co-ordinate]] the [[activities]] of the subordinate physical controllers and otherwise [[function]] to insure the [[satisfactory]] [[distribution]] of [[power]] in the [[the System|local system]]. The [[circuit]] relay between the [[planets]] depends upon the [[perfect]] [[co-ordination]] of certain [[material]] [[energies]] and upon the [[efficient]] regulation of [[physical]] [[power]].

29:2.12 7. ''Unclassified Centers''. These are the [[centers]] who [[function]] in special local situations but not on the [[inhabited planets]]. The [[individual]] worlds are in the charge of [ Master Physical Controllers] and receive the encircuited lines of [[power]] dispatched by the power center of their [[the System|system]]. Only those [[spheres]] of the most [[Anomalous|extraordinary]] [[energy]] [[relationships]] have power centers of the seventh order [[acting]] as [[universe]] [[balance]] wheels or energy governors. In every [[phase]] of [[activity]] these power centers are the full [[equals]] of those who [[function]] on the higher [[units]] of [[control]], but not one [[space]] [[body]] in a million harbors such a living power [[organization]].

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