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17:8.1 The seven [[groups]] of Supreme Spirits constitute the [[nucleus]] of the functional [[family]] of the [[Third Source and Center]] both as the Infinite Spirit and as the Conjoint Actor. The domain of the Supreme Spirits extends from the [[presence]] of the [[Trinity]] on [[Paradise]] to the functioning of [[mind]] of the evolutionary-[[mortal]] order on the [[planets]] of [[space]]. Thus do they unify the descending [[administrative]] levels and [[co-ordinate]] the manifold functions of the personnel thereof. Whether it is a [ Reflective Spirit] group in [[liaison]] with the [[Ancients of Days]], a [[Creative Spirit]] acting in concert with a [[Creator Son|Michael Son]], or the [[Seven Master Spirits]] encircuited around the [[Paradise Trinity]], the activity of the Supreme Spirits is encountered everywhere in the [[Havona|central]], [[Seven Superuniverses|super-], and [[local universes]]. They [[function]] alike with the [[Trinity]] [[personalities]] of the order of "[ Days]" and with the Paradise personalities of the order of "[ Sons]."

17:8.2 Together with their Infinite Mother Spirit, the Supreme Spirit groups are the [[immediate]] creators of the vast [[creature]] [[family]] of the [[Third Source and Center]]. All orders of the ministering spirits spring from this association. [ Primary supernaphim][] originate in the Infinite Spirit; [ secondary beings] of this order are created by the [[Master Spirits]]; [ tertiary supernaphim] by the [ Seven Spirits of the Circuits]. [ The Reflective Spirits], [[collectively]], are the mother-makers of a [[marvelous]] order of the angelic hosts, the mighty [ seconaphim] of the [[superuniverse]] [[services]]. A [[Creative Spirit]] is the [[mother]] of the [ angelic orders of a local creation]; such [ seraphic ministers] are [[original]] in each [[local universe]], though they are fashioned after the [[patterns]] of the [[central universe]]. All these creators of ministering spirits are only indirectly assisted by the central lodgment of the [[Infinite Spirit]], the [[original]] and [[eternal]] [[mother]] of all the [[Angels|angelic]] ministers.

17:8.3 The seven Supreme Spirit groups are the [[co-ordinators]] of the [[Grand Universe|inhabited creation]]. The [[association]] of their directing heads, the [[Seven Master Spirits]], appears to [[co-ordinate]] the far-flung activities of [[God the Sevenfold]]:

*1. 17:8.4 1. [[Collectively]] the Master Spirits near-equivalate to the [[divinity]] level of the [[Trinity]] of Paradise Deities.
*2. 17:8.5 2. [[Individually]] they exhaust the primary [[associable]] [[possibilities]] of triune [[Deity]].
*3. 17:8.6 3. As diversified [[representatives]] of the [[Conjoint Actor]] they are the repositories of that [[spirit]]-[[mind]]-[[power]] [[sovereignty]] of the [[Supreme Being]] which he does not yet personally exercise.
*4. 17:8.7 4. Through the [ Reflective Spirits] they [[synchronize]] the [[superuniverse]] [[governments]] of the [[Ancients of Days]] with [[Majeston]], the [[Paradise]] [[center]] of [[universal]] [[reflectivity]].
*5. 17:8.8 5. In their [[participation]] in the [[individualization]] of the [[local universe]] [[Divine Ministers]], the [[Master Spirits]] contribute to the last level of [[God the Sevenfold]], the Creator Son-Creative Spirit [[union]] of the [[local universes]].

17:8.9 [[Functional]] [[unity]], [[inherent]] in the [[Conjoint Actor]], is disclosed to the [[Seven Superuniverses|evolving universes]] in the [[Seven Master Spirits]], his primary [[personalities]]. But in the [[perfected]] superuniverses of the [[future]] this unity will undoubtedly be inseparable from the experiential [[sovereignty]] of [[the Supreme]].

17:8.10 Presented by a [[Divine Counselor]] of [[Uversa]].

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