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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 11:5.1 Concerning nether Paradise, we know only that which is revealed; personalities do not sojour...'

11:5.1 Concerning nether Paradise, we know only that which is [[revealed]]; [[personalities]] do not sojourn there. It has nothing whatever to do with the affairs of [[spirit]] [[intelligences]], nor does the [[Deity Absolute]] there [[function]]. We are informed that all [[physical]]-[[energy]] and cosmic-[[force]] [[circuits]] have their [[origin]] on nether Paradise, and that it is [[constituted]] as follows:

11:5.2 1. Directly underneath the location of the [[Trinity]], in the [[Center|central]] portion of nether Paradise, is the [[unknown]] and unrevealed Zone of Infinity.

11:5.3 2. This Zone is immediately surrounded by an unnamed area.

11:5.4 3. Occupying the outer margins of the under surface is a region having mainly to do with [ space potency and force-energy]. The activities of this vast [[elliptical]] [[force]] [[center]] are not identifiable with the known [[functions]] of any [ triunity], but the [ primordial force-charge] of [[space]] appears to be [[Focus|focalized]] in this area. This [[center]] consists of three concentric [[elliptical]] zones: The innermost is the [[focal point]] of the force-energy activities of Paradise itself; the outermost may possibly be identified with the functions of the [[Unqualified Absolute]], but we are not certain concerning the space functions of the mid-zone.

11:5.5 The inner zone of this force [[center]] seems to act as a gigantic [[heart]] whose pulsations direct currents to the outermost borders of [[Spacetime|physical space]]. It directs and modifies force-energies but hardly drives them. The [[reality]] pressure-[[presence]] of this primal force is definitely greater at the north end of the Paradise center than in the southern regions; this is a [[uniformly]] registered [[difference]]. The mother force of space seems to ''flow'' in at the south and out at the north through the operation of some unknown [ circulatory system] which is concerned with the [[diffusion]] of this basic form of force-energy. From time to time there are also noted [[differences]] in the east-west [[pressure]]s. The forces emanating from this zone are not [[responsive]] to [[observable]] [[physical]] [[gravity]] but are always [[obedient]] to [ Paradise gravity].

11:5.6 The mid-zone of the force center [[immediately]] surrounds this area. This mid-zone appears to be [[static]] except that it expands and contracts through three [[cycles]] of [[activity]]. The least of these pulsations is in an east-west direction, the next in a north-south direction, while the greatest fluctuation is in every direction, a generalized [ expansion and contraction]. The [[function]] of this mid-area has never been really identified, but it must have something to do with [[reciprocal]] adjustment between the inner and the outer zones of the force center. It is believed by many that the mid-zone is the [[control]] [[mechanism]] of the midspace or quiet zones which separate the [ successive space levels][] of the [[master universe]], but no [[evidence]] or [[revelation]] confirms this. This [[inference]] is derived from the [[knowledge]] that this mid-area is in some [[manner]] related to the functioning of the [ nonpervaded-space] [[mechanism]] of the [[master universe]].

11:5.7 The outer zone is the largest and most active of the three concentric and [[elliptical]] belts of unidentified [[space]] [[potential]]. This area is the site of unimagined activities, the central [[circuit]] point of [[Diffusion|emanations]] which proceed spaceward in every direction to the outermost borders of [[the seven superuniverses]] and on beyond to overspread the enormous and incomprehensible domains of all [[outer space]]. This [[space]] [[presence]] is entirely impersonal notwithstanding that in some undisclosed manner it seems to be indirectly [[responsive]] to the will and [[mandates]] of the infinite Deities when acting as the [[Trinity]]. This is believed to be the central [[Focus|focalization]], the Paradise center, of the space presence of the [[Unqualified Absolute]].

11:5.8 All forms of [[force]] and all [[phases]] of [[energy]] seem to be encircuited; they circulate throughout [[Grand Universe|the universes]] and return by definite routes. But with the emanations of the activated zone of the [[Unqualified Absolute]] there appears to be either an outgoing or an incoming—never both [[simultaneously]]. This outer zone pulsates in agelong [[cycles]] of gigantic proportions. For a little more than one billion [[Urantia]] years the space-force of this center is outgoing; then for a similar length of [[time]] it will be incoming. And the space-force [[manifestations]] of this [[center]] are [[universal]]; they extend throughout all pervadable space.

11:5.9 All [[physical]] [[force]], [[energy]], and [[matter]] are one. All force-energy [[originally]] proceeded from nether Paradise and will eventually return thereto following the completion of its space [[circuit]]. But the energies and material organizations of the [[universe of universes]] did not all come from nether Paradise in their present [[phenomenal]] [[state]]s; space is the [[womb]] of several forms of matter and [ prematter]. Though the outer zone of the Paradise force center is the [[source]] of space-energies, space does not originate there. [[Space]] is not [[force]], [[energy]], or [[power]]. Nor do the pulsations of this zone account for the [ respiration of space], but the incoming and outgoing phases of this zone are [[synchronized]] with the two-billion-year expansion-contraction [[cycles]] of space.

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