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9:6.1 The [[Third Source and Center]], the [[universal]] [[intelligence]], is personally conscious of every [[mind]], every [[intellect]], in all [[creation]], and he maintains a personal and perfect contact with all these [[physical]], [[morontial]], and [[spiritual]] [[creatures]] of mind endowment in the [[Master Universe|far-flung universes]]. All these [[activities]] of mind are grasped in the absolute mind-gravity [[circuit]] which [[Focus|focalizes]] in the Third Source and Center and is a part of the [[personal]] [[consciousness]] of the Infinite Spirit.

9:6.2 Much as the Father draws all [[personality]] to himself, and as the Son [[attracts]] all spiritual [[reality]], so does the Conjoint Actor exercise a drawing [[power]] on all minds; he unqualifiedly dominates and [[controls]] the [[universal]] [[mind]] [[circuit]]. All true and genuine [[intellectual]] values, all divine [[thoughts]] and perfect [[ideas]], are unerringly drawn into this [[absolute]] circuit of mind.

9:6.3 [ Mind gravity] can operate independently of material and spiritual gravity, but wherever and whenever the latter two impinge, mind gravity always [[functions]]. When all three are [[associated]], [[personality]] gravity may [[embrace]] the material [[creature]]—[[physical]] or [[morontial]], finite or [[absonite]]. But irrespective of this, the endowment of mind even in impersonal beings qualifies them to [[think]] and endows them with [[consciousness]] despite the total [[absence]] of personality.

9:6.4 [ Selfhood] of personality [[dignity]], human or divine, [[immortal]] or potentially immortal, does not however originate in either spirit, mind, or matter; it is the bestowal of the [[Universal Father]]. Neither is the interaction of spirit, mind, and material gravity a prerequisite to the appearance of personality gravity. The Father's circuit may embrace a mind-material being who is unresponsive to spirit gravity, or it may include a mind-spirit being who is unresponsive to material gravity. The [[function|operation]] of personality gravity is always a [[volitional]] [[act]] of the Universal Father.

9:6.5 While mind is [[energy]] associated in purely material beings and spirit associated in purely spiritual personalities, [ innumerable orders of personality], including the human, possess minds that are [[associated]] with both energy and [[spirit]]. The spiritual aspects of creature mind unfailingly respond to the [ spirit-gravity] pull of the [[Eternal Son]]; the material features respond to the gravity urge of the material universe.

9:6.6 [ Cosmic mind], when not associated with either energy or spirit, is subject to the gravity demands of neither material nor spiritual circuits. [[Pure]] mind is subject only to the [[universal]] [[gravity]] grasp of the [[Conjoint Actor]]. Pure mind is close of kin to infinite mind, and infinite mind (the [[theoretical]] co-ordinate of [[the absolutes]] of spirit and energy) is apparently a [[law]] in itself.

9:6.7 The greater the spirit-energy [[Diversity|divergence]], the greater the [[observable]] function of mind; the lesser the diversity of energy and spirit, the lesser the observable function of mind. Apparently, the maximum [[function]] of the cosmic mind is in the [[Spacetime|time universes of space]]. Here mind seems to function in a mid-zone between energy and spirit, but this is not true of the higher levels of mind; on [[Paradise]], energy and spirit are [[essentially]] [[Unity|one]].

9:6.8 The mind-gravity circuit is dependable; it emanates from the [[Infinite Spirit|Third Person of Deity]] on [[Paradise]], but not all the [[observable]] function of mind is [[predictable]]. Throughout all known [[creation]] there [[parallels]] this circuit of mind some [[Mystery|little-understood]] [[presence]] whose function is [[Random|not predictable]]. We believe that this unpredictability is partly attributable to the function of the [[Universal Absolute]]. What this function is, we do not know; what actuates it, we can only conjecture; concerning its relation to creatures, we can only speculate.

9:6.9 Certain phases of the [[Random|unpredictability]] of finite mind may be due to the incompleteness of the [[Supreme Being]], and there is a vast zone of activities wherein the Conjoint Actor and the [[Universal Absolute]] may possibly be [[tangent]]. There is much about mind that is [[unknown]], but of this we are sure: [[The Infinite Spirit]] is the [[perfect]] [[expression]] of the mind of the [[Creator]] to all [[creatures]]; the Supreme Being is the evolving [[expression]] of the minds of all [[creatures]] to their Creator.

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