
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 8:0.1 Back in eternity, when the Universal Father's ['

8:0.1 Back in eternity, when the Universal Father's [ "first"] [[infinite]] and [[absolute]] [[thought]] finds in the Eternal Son such a perfect and adequate [[word]] for its divine [[expression]], there ensues the supreme [[desire]] of both the Thought-God and the Word-God for a universal and infinite [[agent]] of mutual expression and combined [[action]].

8:0.2 In the dawn of eternity both the Father and the Son become infinitely cognizant of their mutual [[interdependence]], their eternal and absolute [[Unity|oneness]]; and therefore do they enter into an infinite and everlasting [[covenant]] of divine [[partnership]]. This never-ending compact is made for the execution of their united concepts throughout all of the [[circle]] of [[eternity]]; and ever since this eternity [[event]] the Father and the Son continue in this divine [[union]].

8:0.3 We are now [[Interface|face to face]] with the eternity [[origin]] of the Infinite Spirit, the Third [[Person]] of [[Paradise Trinity|Deity]]. The very instant that God the Father and God the Son conjointly conceive an identical and infinite [[action]]—the execution of an absolute thought-plan—that very [[moment]], the Infinite Spirit springs full-fledgedly into [[existence]].

8:0.4 In thus reciting the order of the [[origin]] of the [[Deities]], I do so merely to enable you to think of their [[relationship]]. In [[reality]] they are all three existent from eternity; they are [[existential]]. They are without beginning or ending of days; they are [[co-ordinate]], [[supreme]], [[ultimate]], [[absolute]], and [[infinite]]. They are and always have been and ever shall be. And they are three distinctly individualized but eternally associated [[persons]], God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit.

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