
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 6:2.1 The Eternal Son is just as changeless and infinitely dependable as the Universal Father. ...'

6:2.1 The Eternal Son is just as changeless and [[infinite]]ly [[dependable]] as the [[Universal Father]]. He is also just as [[spiritual]] as the Father, just as truly an unlimited [[spirit]]. To you of [[terrestrial|lowly]] [[origin]] the Son would appear to be more [[personal]] since he is one step nearer you in approachability than is the Universal Father.

6:2.2 The Eternal Son is the eternal [[Logos|Word of God]]. He is wholly like the Father; in [[fact]], the Eternal Son ''is'' God the Father personally [[manifest]] to the [[universe of universes]]. And thus it was and is and forever will be true of the Eternal Son and of all the co-ordinate [[Creator Sons]]: "He who has seen the Son has seen the Father."[]

6:2.3 In [[nature]] the Son is wholly like the [[spirit]] Father. When we [[worship]] the [[Universal Father]], actually we at the same time worship God the Son and [[God the Spirit]]. God the Son is just as [[divine]]ly real and [[eternal]] in nature as God the Father.

6:2.4 The Son not only possesses all the Father's infinite and [[transcendent]] [[Goodness|righteousness]], but the Son is also [[reflective]] of all the Father's [[holiness]] of [[character]]. The Son [[shares]] the Father's [[perfection]] and jointly shares the [[responsibility]] of aiding all [[creatures]] of imperfection in their spiritual [[Work|efforts]] to [[attain]] divine perfection.

6:2.5 The Eternal Son possesses all the [[Father]]'s [[character]] of [[divinity]] and [[attributes]] of [[spirituality]]. The Son is the fullness of God's [[absolute]]ness in [[personality]] and [[spirit]], and these qualities the Son reveals in his [[personal]] [[Administration|management]] of the spiritual [[government]] of the [[universe of universes]].

6:2.6 [[God]] is, indeed, a [[universal]] [[spirit]]; God is spirit; and this spirit nature of the Father is [[Focus|focalized]] and [[personalized]] in the [[Deity]] of the Eternal Son. In the Son all spiritual characteristics are apparently greatly enhanced by [[Difference|differentiation]] from the [[universality]] of the [[First Source and Center]]. And as the Father [[shares]] his spirit [[nature]] with the Son, so do they together just as fully and unreservedly share the divine spirit with the Conjoint Actor, the [[Infinite Spirit]].

6:2.7 In the [[love]] of [[truth]] and in the [[creation]] of [[beauty]] the Father and the Son are [[equal]] except that the Son appears to [[devote]] himself more to the [[realization]] of the exclusively spiritual [[beauty]] of universal [[values]].

6:2.8 In divine [[goodness]] I discern no [[difference]] between the Father and the Son. The Father [[loves]] his [[Paper 30 - Personalities of the Grand Universe|universe children]] as a [[father]]; the Eternal Son looks upon all [[creatures]] both as father and as brother.

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