
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 6:7.1 The Eternal Son is that infinite personality from whose unqualified personality fetters the [...'

6:7.1 The Eternal Son is that [[infinite]] [[personality]] from whose unqualified personality fetters the [[Universal Father]] escaped by the [ technique of trinitization], and by [[virtue]] of which he has ever since continued to bestow himself in endless profusion upon his [[Grand Universe|ever-expanding universe]] of [[Creators]] and [[creatures]]. The Son is [[absolute]] [[personality]]; God is father personality—the source of personality, the bestower of personality, the [[cause]] of personality. Every personal being derives personality from the Universal Father just as the Original Son eternally derives his personality from the Paradise Father.

6:7.2 The personality of the Paradise Son is [[absolute]] and [[pure]]ly [[spiritual]], and this absolute personality is also the [[divine]] and [[eternal]] [[pattern]], first, of the Father's bestowal of personality upon the [[Conjoint Actor]] and, subsequently, of his bestowal of personality upon the [ myriads of his creatures] throughout a [[Paper 15 - The Seven Superuniverses|far-flung universe]].

6:7.3 The Eternal Son is truly a [[merciful]] minister, a divine spirit, a spiritual power, and a real personality. The Son is the spiritual and personal nature of God made [[manifest]] to the [[Multiverse|universes]]—the sum and substance of the [[First Source and Center]], divested of all that which is nonpersonal, extradivine, nonspiritual, and pure [[potential]]. But it is impossible to convey to the human [[mind]] a [[word]] picture of the [[beauty]] and [[Majesty|grandeur]] of the supernal personality of the Eternal Son. Everything that tends to obscure the Universal Father operates with almost [[equal]] [[influence]] to prevent the conceptual recognition of the Eternal Son. You must await your [[attainment]] of [[Paradise]], and then you will [[understand]] why I was unable to portray the [[character]] of this [[absolute]] [[personality]] to the [[understanding]] of the [[finite]] [[mind]].

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