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==== '''''[[Mind]]'''''====
==== '''''[[Mind]]'''''====
Then you have a mind that is also creative and spontaneous beyond your own grasping. Those of you with discipline and focus can pretty well decide what, for the next hour or two, you will think on a certain subject. But what exact thought is going to occur to you even five minutes from now?--not only from your understanding and knowledge, but from your own soul, from this spiritualized story of your life? What input is it having, and will it have a few minutes from now, to produce what exact thought? There’s a whole spectrum, from folks who are totally identified with whatever thought occurs to them, who are simply “acting out” willy-nilly with almost no free will whatsoever, just whatever occurs to them. At the other end of that spectrum are those who have meditated deeply and have some detachment from their own thoughts, who can watch their thoughts come and go and actually decide, consciously, what to act upon or not. They enjoy such enormous peace of mind irrespective of what their body and mind are going through. For just consider that intimate connection between your bodies and your minds. How many times has mankind from its very beginning experimented with various physical substances, call them drugs--minute quantities of which so totally affect the body and then the mind. And as your Urantia Book puts it, your Father’s input, your Thought Adjuster’s specific ideas, have to swim up through such a filter of biochemistry.
Then you have a mind that is also creative and spontaneous beyond your own grasping. Those of you with discipline and focus can pretty well decide what, for the next hour or two, you will think on a certain subject. But what exact thought is going to occur to you even five minutes from now?--not only from your understanding and knowledge, but from your own soul, from this spiritualized story of your life? What input is it having, and will it have a few minutes from now, to produce what exact thought? There’s a whole spectrum, from folks who are totally identified with whatever thought occurs to them, who are simply “acting out” willy-nilly with almost no free will whatsoever, just whatever occurs to them. At the other end of that spectrum are those who have meditated deeply and have some detachment from their own thoughts, who can watch their thoughts come and go and actually decide, consciously, what to act upon or not. They enjoy such enormous peace of mind irrespective of what their body and mind are going through. For just consider that intimate connection between your bodies and your minds. How many times has mankind from its very beginning experimented with various physical substances, call them drugs--minute quantities of which so totally affect the body and then the mind. And as your Urantia Book puts it, your Father’s input, your Thought Adjuster’s specific ideas, have to swim up through such a filter of biochemistry.
So you are this living body/mind combination, and yet you are also endowed with spirit, with creative spirit right from your own self, right from this unfathomable personality that you are. You can originate something out here in time and space; and this is what your own free will depends upon. All free will exists within the limits of your consciousness, and it’s within your own consciousness that you can come up with some kind of alternative, something new, something different than just going along with what is being suggested to you by habit, or by the situation in which you find yourself. You yourself can be this active, creative agent for yourself, for others. This is the spiritual dimension in which you live for, as a spiritual being with this creativity, this ability to choose how you take even your own body and mind; from the standpoint of your personality, even your own body and mind, my children, are spiritualized. As your existential philosophers point out: you never touch the thing-in-itself. You know only your own reactions to things, even your own body and mind. As I said, if you are totally identified with them without choice, without previous detachment, there is almost no free will. You are purely re-actionary. So this spirit of yours holds such enormous potential, another infinity you will never get to the bottom of, one you can expand without limit by using it.
So you are this living body/mind combination, and yet you are also endowed with spirit, with creative spirit right from your own self, right from this unfathomable personality that you are. You can originate something out here in time and space; and this is what your own free will depends upon. All free will exists within the limits of your consciousness, and it’s within your own consciousness that you can come up with some kind of alternative, something new, something different than just going along with what is being suggested to you by habit, or by the situation in which you find yourself. You yourself can be this active, creative agent for yourself, for others. This is the spiritual dimension in which you live for, as a spiritual being with this creativity, this ability to choose how you take even your own body and mind; from the standpoint of your personality, even your own body and mind, my children, are spiritualized. As your existential philosophers point out: you never touch the thing-in-itself. You know only your own reactions to things, even your own body and mind. As I said, if you are totally identified with them without choice, without previous detachment, there is almost no free will. You are purely re-actionary. So this spirit of yours holds such enormous potential, another infinity you will never get to the bottom of, one you can expand without limit by using it.
And then there’s your soul, this part of you that is being co-created by a presence of God, and as such, so contra-distinct from your own memories that are just being produced by your physical brain and nervous system. This is always another even greater infinity, because it is an extra-spiritual reality co-created and vouchsafed by a presence of God. In this sense you are a kind of dual spiritual being. This is the compensation for your very humanity and the time-and-space limitations you know by being so closely associated with a living, physical being. It is the perfect compensation of having a presence of God taking on your life--this life you are living; these choices you are making; this free will you are exercising. This is your supreme gift to this presence of God. You are personal. You are a personal being. You are giving this personality, this dimension of reality, to the presence of God within you. This presages the day in which the two of you become as one for the benefit of both of you. You are giving this presence, this individualized presence of God, personality--uniqueness of being; and this presence of God is giving you eternal life, which you already have in part as your own soul. You own soul is already eternal, already a part of God the Supreme. If for whatever reason you would choose to cease to exist as a personality, nothing is lost. Your Thought Adjuster still has all of your experience, as well as does the Supreme Being--this perfect memory of God’s of who and what you were.
And then there’s your soul, this part of you that is being co-created by a presence of God, and as such, so contra-distinct from your own memories that are just being produced by your physical brain and nervous system. This is always another even greater infinity, because it is an extra-spiritual reality co-created and vouchsafed by a presence of God. In this sense you are a kind of dual spiritual being. This is the compensation for your very humanity and the time-and-space limitations you know by being so closely associated with a living, physical being. It is the perfect compensation of having a presence of God taking on your life--this life you are living; these choices you are making; this free will you are exercising. This is your supreme gift to this presence of God. You are personal. You are a personal being. You are giving this personality, this dimension of reality, to the presence of God within you. This presages the day in which the two of you become as one for the benefit of both of you. You are giving this presence, this individualized presence of God, personality--uniqueness of being; and this presence of God is giving you eternal life, which you already have in part as your own soul. You own soul is already eternal, already a part of God the Supreme. If for whatever reason you would choose to cease to exist as a personality, nothing is lost. Your Thought Adjuster still has all of your experience, as well as does the Supreme Being--this perfect memory of God’s of who and what you were.