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21:4.1 There are seven [[groups]] of bestowal [[Creator Sons]], and they are so classified in accordance with the [ number of times] they have bestowed themselves upon the [[creatures]] of their realms. They range from the initial [[experience]] up through five additional [[spheres]] of [[progressive]] bestowal until they [[attain]] the seventh and [ final episode] of [[creature]]-[[Creator]] [[experience]].

21:4.2 [[Avonal]] bestowals are always in the likeness of [[mortal]] [[flesh]], but the [ seven bestowals of a Creator Son] involve his appearing on seven [[creature]] levels of being and pertain to the [[revelation]] of the seven primary [[expressions]] of the [[will]] and [[nature]] of [[Deity]].[] Without exception, all [[Creator Sons]] pass through this seven times giving of themselves to their created [[children]] before they assume settled and [[supreme]] [[jurisdiction]] over the [[universes]] of their own [[creation]].

21:4.3 Though these [ seven bestowals] vary in the [[different]] [ sectors] and [[universes]], they always [[embrace]] the [ mortal-bestowal adventure]. In the final bestowal, a Creator Son appears as a member of one of the higher [[mortal]] [[races]] on some [[inhabited world]], usually as a member of that racial [[group]] which contains the largest hereditary [[legacy]] of the [[Adamic]] stock which has previously been imported to upstep the [[physical]] [[status]] of the [[animal]]-[[origin]] peoples. Only once in his sevenfold [[career]] as a [ bestowal Son] is a Paradise Michael [[born]] of [[woman]] as you have the [ record] of the babe of [[Bethlehem]]]. Only once does he live and die as a member of the lowest order of [[evolutionary]] [[will]] [[creatures]].

21:4.4 After each of his bestowals, a Creator Son proceeds to the "[[Oath|right hand]] of [[the Father]],"[][] there to gain the Father's [[acceptance]] of the [[bestowal]] and to receive instruction [[preparatory]] to the next [[episode]] of [[universe]] [[service]]. [ Following the seventh and final bestowal], a [[Creator Son]] receives from the [[Universal Father]] [[supreme]] [[authority]] and [[jurisdiction]] over his [[universe]].

21:4.5 It is of [[record]] that the divine Son of last [[appearance]] on your [[planet]] was a Paradise Creator Son who had completed six phases of his bestowal career; consequently, when he gave up the conscious grasp of the [[incarnated]] life on [[Urantia]], he could, and did, truly say, "[ It is finished]"—it was [[literally]] finished. His [[death]] on [[Urantia]] completed his [ bestowal career]; it was the last step in fulfilling the [[sacred]] [[oath]] of a [[Paradise]] [[Creator Son]]. And when this [[experience]] has been acquired, such Sons are [ supreme universe sovereigns]; no longer do they rule as vicegerents of [[the Father]] but in their own right and name as "King of Kings and Lord of Lords."[][][] With certain stated exceptions, these [ sevenfold bestowal Sons] are unqualifiedly [[supreme]] in the [[universes]] of their abode. Concerning his [[local universe]], "all power in heaven and on earth"[] was relegated to this triumphant and enthroned [ Master Son].

21:4.6 [[Creator Sons]], subsequent to the completion of their [ bestowal careers], are reckoned as a separate order, sevenfold Master Sons. In [[person]] the Master Sons are identical with the [[Creator Sons]], but they have undergone such a [[unique]] [[bestowal]] [[experience]] that they are commonly regarded as a [[different]] order. When a [[Creator]] deigns to effect a bestowal, a real and permanent [[change]] is destined to take place. True, the bestowal Son is still and none the less a [[Creator]], but he has added to his [[nature]] the [[experience]] of a [[creature]], which forever removes him from the [[divine]] level of a [[Creator Son]] and elevates him to the experiential [[plane]] of a [[Master Son]], one who has fully earned the right to rule a [[universe]] and [[administer]] its worlds. Such beings [[embody]] all that can be [[secured]] from [[divine]] [[parentage]] and [[embrace]] everything to be derived from [[perfected]]-[[creature]] [[experience]]. Why should man bemoan his lowly [[origin]] and enforced [[Ascension Career|evolutionary career]] when the very [[Gods]] must pass through an [[equivalent]] [[experience]] before they are accounted experientially [[worthy]] and competent finally and fully to rule over their universe domains!

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