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Let us join together now and move forward as the process unfolds and as we navigate our way through it, step by step, hour by hour, let us be bold in our faith. I pray it be true for all of us. May peace and love guide and surround us. Let is be so, farewell.
Let us join together now and move forward as the process unfolds and as we navigate our way through it, step by step, hour by hour, let us be bold in our faith. I pray it be true for all of us. May peace and love guide and surround us. Let is be so, farewell.
Metatron: [Henry] I have been called forth, I am Metatron, the supreme commander of all [light] life in the universes and all [light] brotherhoods and in all [light] federations. Light anchors, bunker down, ground your light as we prepare to assist in the tremendous spiritualizing changes that are presenting themselves at this time on your world. You are not alone. The universe has foreseen such activities and has prepared relief crews to assist in holding forth and maintaining the light during disruptive changes in operation on the evolutionary worlds. You who have become conscious of the light within, begin to cleanse the bodily temple that this light may shine forth as beacons from within, illuminating everything around you. We are on our way, thank you.
Metatron: [Henry] I have been called forth, I am Metatron, the supreme commander of Light in the universes and all light brotherhoods and in all light federations. Light anchors, bunker down, ground your light as we prepare to assist in the tremendous spiritualizing changes that are presenting themselves at this time on your world. You are not alone. The universe has foreseen such activities and has prepared relief crews to assist in holding forth and maintaining the light during disruptive changes in operation on the evolutionary worlds. You who have become conscious of the light within, begin to cleanse the bodily temple that this light may shine forth as beacons from within, illuminating everything around you. We are on our way, thank you.
MIchael: [Henry] Greetings to you my children, we are your Divine Parents. I greet you this morning as Michael to assure you of our unbroken and continual embrace of love for you and your kind on this, my beloved planet. You are being prepared now to hold in consciousness that which will be carried over into the new days which will be presenting themselves shortly. With our guidance and your focus on consciousness and spiritual light, we will surely be victorious in efforts to move the planet forward as it is embodied in light. We do look forward to the coming day when all on your world will live in peace and begin to intelligently enjoy the happiness which is hidden within each and every one of you.
MIchael: [Henry] Greetings to you my children, we are your Divine Parents. I greet you this morning as Michael to assure you of our unbroken and continual embrace of love for you and your kind on this, my beloved planet. You are being prepared now to hold in consciousness that which will be carried over into the new days which will be presenting themselves shortly. With our guidance and your focus on consciousness and spiritual light, we will surely be victorious in efforts to move the planet forward as it is embodied in light. We do look forward to the coming day when all on your world will live in peace and begin to intelligently enjoy the happiness which is hidden within each and every one of you.