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Do not be [[anxious]] either for yourself or for another. We are all safely within [[the Father]]'s care. Before closing, let me say again to [[study]]. [[Pray]]. Enter into the [[quiet]] [[communion]] of [[worship]]. And [[practice]] the [[awareness]] of our loving Parent's [[presence]] in all you do. For tonight, that is all. [[Peace]] to each of you. Good night.
Do not be [[anxious]] either for yourself or for another. We are all safely within [[the Father]]'s care. Before closing, let me say again to [[study]]. [[Pray]]. Enter into the [[quiet]] [[communion]] of [[worship]]. And [[practice]] the [[awareness]] of our loving Parent's [[presence]] in all you do. For tonight, that is all. [[Peace]] to each of you. Good night.
Let us turn now to a [[message]] for the group. In your [[culture]], this evening is called [ Halloween], or Holy Evening, the prelude to ['s_Day All Saints Day]. Let us speak, the, about the brotherhood of [[the kingdom]]. The brotherhood of the kingdom is [[composed]] of all who [[devote]] themselves [[sincerely]] to finding [[the Father]] and to doing His will. It [[encompasses]] not only your contemporaries, but all beings who, since [[time]] began, have sought, however feebly, to know [[the Father]]. It includes all those yet to come who will likewise [[dedicate]] themselves. [[The kingdom]], then, spans all [[pervaded space]], and extends to the ends of [[the universes]]. You are cherished members of a far-flung [[empire]], and the [[songs]] of [[praise]] issuing from every living [[heart]] fills [[the universe]] with [[joy]]. What a [[privilege]] it is to have [[self-conscious]] life, and to begin to [[perceive]] our part in the [[evolution]] and [[realization]] of the [[Supreme]]! When you look out on the [ starry heavens], [[ponder]] the [[reality]] of your [[cosmic]] [[citizenship]]. Know one day you will [[travel]] beyond the range your eye can see or your [[imagination]] begin to grasp. And always you will be enclosed, enveloped, [[encircuited]] by [[the Father]]'s very [[personal]] [[love]]. You are at the beginning, my children, of an incredible
Let us turn now to a [[message]] for the group. In your [[culture]], this evening is called [ Halloween], or Holy Evening, the prelude to ['s_Day All Saints Day]. Let us speak, the, about the brotherhood of [[the kingdom]]. The brotherhood of the kingdom is [[composed]] of all who [[devote]] themselves [[sincerely]] to finding [[the Father]] and to doing His will. It [[encompasses]] not only your contemporaries, but all beings who, since [[time]] began, have sought, however feebly, to know [[the Father]]. It includes all those yet to come who will likewise [[dedicate]] themselves. [[The kingdom]], then, spans all [[pervaded space]], and extends to the ends of [[the universes]]. You are cherished members of a far-flung [[empire]], and the [[songs]] of [[praise]] issuing from every living [[heart]] fills [[the universe]] with [[joy]]. What a [[privilege]] it is to have [[self-conscious]] life, and to begin to [[perceive]] our part in the [[evolution]] and [[realization]] of the [[Supreme]]! When you look out on the [ starry heavens], [[ponder]] the [[reality]] of your [[cosmic]] [[citizenship]]. Know one day you will [[travel]] beyond the range your eye can see or your [[imagination]] begin to grasp. And always you will be enclosed, enveloped, [[encircuited]] by [[the Father]]'s very [[personal]] [[love]]. You are at the beginning, my children, of an incredible
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The [[superstitions]] of the [[past]] will die a natural [[death]], having no [[reality]] beyond that of a [[dream]]. The [[traditions]] which bind you to out-worn [[beliefs]] and limited [[conceptions]] likewise will fade away as the [[light]] of the new [[morning]] greets you. No longer is [[your planet]] under [[quarantine]]. The [[broadcasts]] of [[truth]] have begun. Not long, and the [[hearts]] of all [[good]] and [[God]]-seeking peoples will begin to feel the [[impressions]] of our [[messages]] to them. Not all will [[interpret]] the [[experience]] in the same way. There will be a great [[diversity]] of [[expression]], given the diversity of [[religions]] and [[cultures]] on [[your planet]] at this time. But the [[goal]] of all will be the same, to know that you are one [[family]], and that each is [[worthy]] of [[love]]. The people of [[Urantia]] long for planetary [[brotherhood]]. The [[links]] of [[communication]] on the [[material]] [[plane]] have taught you of your [[unity]]. More and more, spokesmen will arise to [[lead]] the people to a deeper [[realization]] of their [[inter-connectedness]]. More and more will you learn to [[think]] as a people concerned for the well being of the [[whole]]. [[Politically]], [[socially]], a new [[ethics]] will emerge. [[Separatism]] will begin to give way to [[alliances]]. You will see many [[changes]] in your lifetime.
The [[superstitions]] of the [[past]] will die a natural [[death]], having no [[reality]] beyond that of a [[dream]]. The [[traditions]] which bind you to out-worn [[beliefs]] and limited [[conceptions]] likewise will fade away as the [[light]] of the new [[morning]] greets you. No longer is [[your planet]] under [[quarantine]]. The [[broadcasts]] of [[truth]] have begun. Not long, and the [[hearts]] of all [[good]] and [[God]]-seeking peoples will begin to feel the [[impressions]] of our [[messages]] to them. Not all will [[interpret]] the [[experience]] in the same way. There will be a great [[diversity]] of [[expression]], given the diversity of [[religions]] and [[cultures]] on [[your planet]] at this time. But the [[goal]] of all will be the same, to know that you are one [[family]], and that each is [[worthy]] of [[love]]. The people of [[Urantia]] long for planetary [[brotherhood]]. The [[links]] of [[communication]] on the [[material]] [[plane]] have taught you of your [[unity]]. More and more, spokesmen will arise to [[lead]] the people to a deeper [[realization]] of their [[inter-connectedness]]. More and more will you learn to [[think]] as a people concerned for the well being of the [[whole]]. [[Politically]], [[socially]], a new [[ethics]] will emerge. [[Separatism]] will begin to give way to [[alliances]]. You will see many [[changes]] in your lifetime.
Your [[work]], the work of this [[group]], is to take the [[message]] of [[Siblings|brother-hood]] to the common people. Take it with your [[words]], with your [[smiles]], with the glances of [[love]] you give to [[strangers]]. Know so completely and [[confidently]] the [[love]] of [[the Father]] for each and every one of his [[children]], that it [[radiates]] from you as a sweet [[fragrance]] wherever you may [[chance]] to be. Be [[gentle]] in your teachings. Let the waters of life gently wash upon the shores of the [[souls]] you encounter. I am not [ Andrew the hurricane]! Nor would we have you be! Be as the rains of [[Spring|springtime]] that coax the little [[seeds]] to sprout. Let the [[thirstiness]] of each one you encounter determine the [[quantity]] of refreshment you provide. Fro some, a sip is sufficient for the [[moment]]. For others, a cup. [[Study]] the [[techniques]] of [[the Master]] as he taught among the people of your realm.
Your [[work]], the work of this [[group]], is to take the [[message]] of [[Siblings|brother-hood]] to the common people. Take it with your [[words]], with your [[smiles]], with the glances of [[love]] you give to [[strangers]]. Know so completely and [[confidently]] the [[love]] of [[the Father]] for each and every one of his [[children]], that it [[radiates]] from you as a sweet [[fragrance]] wherever you may [[chance]] to be. Be [[gentle]] in your teachings. Let the waters of life gently wash upon the shores of the [[souls]] you encounter. I am not [ Andrew the hurricane]! Nor would we have you be! Be as the rains of [[Spring|springtime]] that coax the little [[seeds]] to sprout. Let the [[thirstiness]] of each one you encounter determine the [[quantity]] of refreshment you provide. Fro some, a sip is sufficient for the [[moment]]. For others, a cup. [[Study]] the [[techniques]] of [[the Master]] as he taught among the people of your realm.
Do not be [[anxious]] where you are to go, or what to do. [[Commune]] with y[[our Father]] in [[worship]] and [[silence]]; talk to our Father-Brother [[Michael]] in [[intimate]], personal [[prayer]]. Your [[angels]] are quite capable of guiding you. And your [[faithful]], devoted [[Adjusters]] work unceasingly to show you [[the Father]]'s will. We do not [[expect]] you to have [[attained]] great [[skill]] yet, in [[receiving]] the available [[guidance]]. But as your [[practice]] increases, so will your [[faith]], and with your increase in faith will come a clearer [[perception]] and [[recognition]] of the way. Choose with the will to [[do the Father's will]]; that is sufficient. Be [[sincere]]. And then [[trust]]. It is that [[simple]]. This concludes our lesson for today. Go now, and be glad. Let your [[hearts]] be filled with [[joy]] and [[peace]]. Good evening.
Do not be [[anxious]] where you are to go, or what to do. [[Commune]] with y[[our Father]] in [[worship]] and [[silence]]; talk to our Father-Brother [[Michael]] in [[intimate]], personal [[prayer]]. Your [[angels]] are quite capable of guiding you. And your [[faithful]], devoted [[Adjusters]] work unceasingly to show you [[the Father]]'s will. We do not [[expect]] you to have [[attained]] great [[skill]] yet, in [[receiving]] the available [[guidance]]. But as your [[practice]] increases, so will your [[faith]], and with your increase in faith will come a clearer [[perception]] and [[recognition]] of the way. Choose with the will to [[do the Father's will]]; that is sufficient. Be [[sincere]]. And then [[trust]]. It is that [[simple]]. This concludes our lesson for today. Go now, and be glad. Let your [[hearts]] be filled with [[joy]] and [[peace]]. Good evening.
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Primarily [[examine]] the [[beliefs]] that you hold in your [[mind]] regarding your [[brothers and sisters]]. Hold them up to the [[light]] of [[love]] and see if they stand. All [[beliefs]] not based in [[love]] are [[false]] beliefs. We would have you [[examine]] your [[prejudices]]. Do not [[separate]] yourselves into [[groups]] of "us" and "them," for all [[creatures]] were made by the same [[the Father|Father]]. And all [[mortals]] possess a [[Thought Adjuster|fragment]] of [[the Father]] within themselves. Each [[being]] you encounter presents you with an avenue for [[seeing]] [[the Father]]. All are [[loved]] equally by him. All have [[access]] to his [[grace]]. Each of us may look upon one another as if we were looking through [[Michael]]'s eyes. So search your [[hearts]] and see whether you judge one another by [[Appearance|appear-ance]], by categories, by [[status]], by [[class]], by [[gender]], by [[race]], by [[achievement]]. These are not [[worthy]] [[standards]]. They are screens that [[prevent]] you from seeing the [[reality]] of the [[being]] before you. "Love one another as I have loved you," [[our Master]] teaches. [[Pray]] for this gift.
Primarily [[examine]] the [[beliefs]] that you hold in your [[mind]] regarding your [[brothers and sisters]]. Hold them up to the [[light]] of [[love]] and see if they stand. All [[beliefs]] not based in [[love]] are [[false]] beliefs. We would have you [[examine]] your [[prejudices]]. Do not [[separate]] yourselves into [[groups]] of "us" and "them," for all [[creatures]] were made by the same [[the Father|Father]]. And all [[mortals]] possess a [[Thought Adjuster|fragment]] of [[the Father]] within themselves. Each [[being]] you encounter presents you with an avenue for [[seeing]] [[the Father]]. All are [[loved]] equally by him. All have [[access]] to his [[grace]]. Each of us may look upon one another as if we were looking through [[Michael]]'s eyes. So search your [[hearts]] and see whether you judge one another by [[Appearance|appear-ance]], by categories, by [[status]], by [[class]], by [[gender]], by [[race]], by [[achievement]]. These are not [[worthy]] [[standards]]. They are screens that [[prevent]] you from seeing the [[reality]] of the [[being]] before you. "Love one another as I have loved you," [[our Master]] teaches. [[Pray]] for this gift.
Do not hold on to [[God]], but allow him to [[flow]] freely through you in his outreach to your fellows. Attempt to let go of [[judgement]]. For judge-ment will surely [[lead]] you into [[error]] and a narrowness of [[perception]]. As you begin to look at one another with eyes of [[love]] and [[forgiveness]], [[compassion]] and [[kindness]], your [[hearts]] will more freely [[receive]] the [[blessings]] of [[love]] that [[the Father]] [[bestows]] on each of you, on each of us. [[Truth]] is that which is in [[alignment]] with [[universal]] [[law]]. [[Righteousness]] consists of using the [[law]] rightly, that is to say, using it with the [[motivation]] of love for one another. "As you have done it," said [[the Master]], "to the least of these, my brethren, so have you done it unto me." [[Celebrate]] that within each being there is [[the fragment]] of [[the Father]]. There is an [[evolving soul]]. Seek to [[recognize]] this part of one another. And [[judge]] not another being by his system of [[ego]]-beliefs or his [[degree]] of temporal [[attainment]] in any matter. There is more to say, and we will meet regularly, class. [[Study]] [ the life of the Master]. Pay [[attention]] to the way he [[interacted]] with the [[beings]] of [[this planet]].
Do not hold on to [[God]], but allow him to [[flow]] freely through you in his outreach to your fellows. Attempt to let go of [[judgement]]. For judge-ment will surely [[lead]] you into [[error]] and a narrowness of [[perception]]. As you begin to look at one another with eyes of [[love]] and [[forgiveness]], [[compassion]] and [[kindness]], your [[hearts]] will more freely [[receive]] the [[blessings]] of [[love]] that [[the Father]] [[bestows]] on each of you, on each of us. [[Truth]] is that which is in [[alignment]] with [[universal]] [[law]]. [[Righteousness]] consists of using the [[law]] rightly, that is to say, using it with the [[motivation]] of love for one another. "As you have done it," said [[the Master]], "to the least of these, my brethren, so have you done it unto me." [[Celebrate]] that within each being there is [[the fragment]] of [[the Father]]. There is an [[evolving soul]]. Seek to [[recognize]] this part of one another. And [[judge]] not another being by his system of [[ego]]-beliefs or his [[degree]] of temporal [[attainment]] in any matter. There is more to say, and we will meet regularly, class. [[Study]] [ the life of the Master]. Pay [[attention]] to the way he [[interacted]] with the [[beings]] of [[this planet]].
Your [[sincerity]], your striving to know and to [[practice]] [[Doing the will of God|the will of God]] in your lives is [[touching]]. We [[appreciate]] you. [[Dedicate]] your lives more fully to [[cooperation]] with your [[Thought Adjusters]], for they seek to [[lead]] you in paths of [[goodness]] and [[beauty]] and [[truth]] far surpassing your current [[ability]] to [[understand]]. Continue to [[learn]] and to [[share]] and to [[grow]] and to [[worship]] with one another. Each of you has much to give the others. Each of you is [[individually]] [[strengthened]] by your [[participation]] in this [[group]]. That is all for this evening. Goodnight, my children, my brothers, my sisters. I [[wish]] you [[peace]].
Your [[sincerity]], your striving to know and to [[practice]] [[Doing the will of God|the will of God]] in your lives is [[touching]]. We [[appreciate]] you. [[Dedicate]] your lives more fully to [[cooperation]] with your [[Thought Adjusters]], for they seek to [[lead]] you in paths of [[goodness]] and [[beauty]] and [[truth]] far surpassing your current [[ability]] to [[understand]]. Continue to [[learn]] and to [[share]] and to [[grow]] and to [[worship]] with one another. Each of you has much to give the others. Each of you is [[individually]] [[strengthened]] by your [[participation]] in this [[group]]. That is all for this evening. Goodnight, my children, my brothers, my sisters. I [[wish]] you [[peace]].
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===='''''[[Correcting Time]]'''''====
===='''''[[Correcting Time]]'''''====
This is [[Machiventa]] [[Melchizedek]]. These teachings are to be made known to all the [[children]] of the [[earth]]. Your [[planet]], [[Urantia]], is about to undergo the most [[dramatic]] changes in its [ human history] as the [[Creator Son|Son of God]] and brother of man, [[Christ]] [[Michael]], prepares to make his re-appearance. Daily life, as you know it, will never be the same. It will be lifted up. [[Enlightened]]. The [[spirit]] of [[love]] will begin to [[dominate]] human [[motivations]] as [[the kingdom]] of heaven [[descends]] to [[the planet]] in the [[hearts]] of all who are willing to [[embrace]] its [[reality]]. Your [[institutions]] will [[change]]. Your [[national]] boundaries will have not the same [[meaning]] as nation after nation enters into [[shared]] [[sovereignty]] with larger and larger [[units]] for [[commercial]] and [[cultural]] exchange. People will begin to [[believe]] in the [[possibility]] of [[peace]] and [[universal]] [[brotherhood]]. [[Fear]] will diminish. [[Individuals]] will see each other as valuable, beloved brothers and sisters, reaching out to those in need with hands of help and [[comfort]] and [[education]]. The race will finally have its [[opportunity]] to begin [[Self Realization|real-izing]] its [[potential]]. It will be a flowering, a [[renaissance]], on a [[scale]] [[unknown]] before in [[the planet]]'s [[history]]. The [[Correcting Time|time of correcting]] will see all these things.
This is [[Machiventa]] [[Melchizedek]]. These teachings are to be made known to all the [[children]] of the [[earth]]. Your [[planet]], [[Urantia]], is about to undergo the most [[dramatic]] changes in its [ human history] as the [[Creator Son|Son of God]] and brother of man, [[Christ]] [[Michael]], prepares to make his re-appearance. Daily life, as you know it, will never be the same. It will be lifted up. [[Enlightened]]. The [[spirit]] of [[love]] will begin to [[dominate]] human [[motivations]] as [[the kingdom]] of heaven [[descends]] to [[the planet]] in the [[hearts]] of all who are willing to [[embrace]] its [[reality]]. Your [[institutions]] will [[change]]. Your [[national]] boundaries will have not the same [[meaning]] as nation after nation enters into [[shared]] [[sovereignty]] with larger and larger [[units]] for [[commercial]] and [[cultural]] exchange. People will begin to [[believe]] in the [[possibility]] of [[peace]] and [[universal]] [[brotherhood]]. [[Fear]] will diminish. [[Individuals]] will see each other as valuable, beloved brothers and sisters, reaching out to those in need with hands of help and [[comfort]] and [[education]]. The race will finally have its [[opportunity]] to begin [[Self Realization|real-izing]] its [[potential]]. It will be a flowering, a [[renaissance]], on a [[scale]] [[unknown]] before in [[the planet]]'s [[history]]. The [[Correcting Time|time of correcting]] will see all these things.
You who are open to the [[leadership]] of us [[teachers]] will receive [[individual]] assignments as the time comes for you to [[assist]] in the unfolding of the [[plan]]. [[Think]] now about the role you would most [[enjoy]] playing, and we will match your [[assignments]] to your preferences as nearly as possible. This will be your finest [[opportunity]] for [[service]]. A grand [[adventure]] in [[faith]] and [[love]].
You who are open to the [[leadership]] of us [[teachers]] will receive [[individual]] assignments as the time comes for you to [[assist]] in the unfolding of the [[plan]]. [[Think]] now about the role you would most [[enjoy]] playing, and we will match your [[assignments]] to your preferences as nearly as possible. This will be your finest [[opportunity]] for [[service]]. A grand [[adventure]] in [[faith]] and [[love]].