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===Teacher: [[Norson]]===
===Teacher: [[Norson]]===
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===TR: [[David Saunders]]===
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Your world, a [[decimal planet]], one on which our [[Life Carriers]] had a certain degree of [[freedom]] with which to introduce slight variations in the physical evolutionary [[process]], initiating things untried but nothing [[extreme]]. There was no substantial divergence from their preplanned life planting [[procedures]]. Your early beginnings were quite routine and [[normal]], different yes but not unusual. The first rare development, a rather infrequent happening, took place when all the [[races of color]] originated in one [[family]]. And all in one [[generation]]. This was a somewhat rare [[event]], yet one which occurs with sufficient [[frequency]] that we are familiar with a number of such histories.  
Your world, a [[decimal planet]], one on which our [[Life Carriers]] had a certain degree of [[freedom]] with which to introduce slight variations in the physical evolutionary [[process]], initiating things untried but nothing [[extreme]]. There was no substantial divergence from their preplanned life planting [[procedures]]. Your early beginnings were quite routine and [[normal]], different yes but not unusual. The first rare development, a rather infrequent happening, took place when all the [[races of color]] originated in one [[family]]. And all in one [[generation]]. This was a somewhat rare [[event]], yet one which occurs with sufficient [[frequency]] that we are familiar with a number of such histories.  
===='''''[[Rebellion]]''''', '''''[[Lucifer]]'''''====
===='''''[[Rebellion]]''''', '''''[[Lucifer]]'''''====
The arrival, organization and basic functional activities begun by your [[Paper 66 - The Planetary Prince of Urantia|Planetary Government]] some half a million ago was not unlike the early developmental [[experiences]] through which each of the [[planets]] in [[Nebadon]] must pass. Minor [[differences]] are [[normal]]. Drastic directional changes did not begin until the [[Paper 53 - The Lucifer Rebellion|Satania System separated]] itself from the fold. [[Lucifer]] declared to [[Michael]], that [[Satania]] was no longer to be considered part of the [[Paper 43 - The Constellations|family of systems]] under his [[guidance]] and supervision. [[Lucifer]] chose to remove his slightly more than half evolved system out from under the loving care of our [[Creator Son]], departing also from the far reaching [[plans]] of [[perfection]] being willed by our [[Heavenly Father]], the true source of all life. But for this Primary [[Lanonandek]] Son, the actual [[existence]] of [[God]] [[the Father]] was not quite [[clear]]. This once [[brilliant]] [[being]], this high ranking [[Paper 35 - The Local Universe Sons of God|Third Order Local Universe Son]] was unsure of the Most Real of All Realities. [[God]] and God's plans, if such things really existed, were not ones which [[Lucifer]] and those closest to this self centered and self [[deceived]] son wished to follow. This faulty, long harbored free-willed [[decision]] to withdraw, was the first big bump pushing you off the course planned for your planetary development. The [[35:8|secondary Lanonandek Sons]], [[Caligastia]] and [[Daligastia]], in command of affairs here on this yet young [[sphere]], immediately [[devoted]] and dedicated themselves to following in the [[shadow]] of their errant leader [[Lucifer]] and his top aide [[Satan]]. They gave their allegiance, vowing to [[support]] and uphold the proposed plans for [[independence]]. []  
The arrival, organization and basic functional activities begun by your [[Paper 66 - The Planetary Prince of Urantia|Planetary Government]] some half a million ago was not unlike the early developmental [[experiences]] through which each of the [[planets]] in [[Nebadon]] must pass. Minor [[differences]] are [[normal]]. Drastic directional changes did not begin until the [[Paper 53 - The Lucifer Rebellion|Satania System separated]] itself from the fold. [[Lucifer]] declared to [[Michael]], that [[Satania]] was no longer to be considered part of the [[Paper 43 - The Constellations|family of systems]] under his [[guidance]] and supervision. [[Lucifer]] chose to remove his slightly more than half evolved system out from under the loving care of our [[Creator Son]], departing also from the far reaching [[plans]] of [[perfection]] being willed by our [[Heavenly Father]], the true source of all life. But for this Primary [[Lanonandek]] Son, the actual [[existence]] of [[God]] [[the Father]] was not quite [[clear]]. This once [[brilliant]] [[being]], this high ranking [[Paper 35 - The Local Universe Sons of God|Third Order Local Universe Son]] was unsure of the Most Real of All Realities. [[God]] and God's plans, if such things really existed, were not ones which [[Lucifer]] and those closest to this self centered and self [[deceived]] son wished to follow. This faulty, long harbored free-willed [[decision]] to withdraw, was the first big bump pushing you off the course planned for your planetary development. The [[35:8|secondary Lanonandek Sons]], [[Caligastia]] and [[Daligastia]], in command of affairs here on this yet young [[sphere]], immediately [[devoted]] and dedicated themselves to following in the [[shadow]] of their errant leader [[Lucifer]] and his top aide [[Satan]]. They gave their allegiance, vowing to [[support]] and uphold the proposed plans for [[independence]]. []  
Other systems have rebelled before, this represents but a very small number who have deviated from our [[Creator Son|Creator Father]]'s plans for [[evolution]]. Default is not common, yet instantly, as this occurred, your forefathers were squeezed onto a rapidly narrowing road; it would now forever be your [[destiny]] to meet many [[unusual]] [[experiences]] and be tested by [[trials]] which so few have had to [[face]]. Escalation of [[separation]] began, deviation from [[normal]] [[accelerated]]; [[confusion]], [[fear]], and discord become examples which your early [[ancestors]] continually [[experience]]d, evolving them into a distinctly rare category of [[humans]], destined to grow in a disturbed [[darkness]] for which there [[virtual]]ly was no alternative available. One [[exception]] to this being the [[brave]] few who began believing by [[virtue]] of [[Van]]'s example of [[steadfast]] [[courage]], his [[absolute]] [[certainty]] of [[faith]].
Other systems have rebelled before, this represents but a very small number who have deviated from our [[Creator Son|Creator Father]]'s plans for [[evolution]]. Default is not common, yet instantly, as this occurred, your forefathers were squeezed onto a rapidly narrowing road; it would now forever be your [[destiny]] to meet many [[unusual]] [[experiences]] and be tested by [[trials]] which so few have had to [[face]]. Escalation of [[separation]] began, deviation from [[normal]] [[accelerated]]; [[confusion]], [[fear]], and discord become examples which your early [[ancestors]] continually [[experience]]d, evolving them into a distinctly rare category of [[humans]], destined to grow in a disturbed [[darkness]] for which there [[virtual]]ly was no alternative available. One [[exception]] to this being the [[brave]] few who began believing by [[virtue]] of [[Van]]'s example of [[steadfast]] [[courage]], his [[absolute]] [[certainty]] of [[faith]].
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It is my sincere [[intention]] that I may in an uncomplicated way, using certain [[words]] a little loosely, lead you to a [[simpler]] [[understanding]] of how [[evolution]] very slowly proceeds to effect the [[growth]] [[structure]] of each living [[organism]], [[plant]], [[animal]] or [[human]]. I attempt to add [[light]] to your [[understanding]], to clarify how environments affect the way in which [[growth]] takes place. The [[65:2|little lizard and the large alligator]] evolved from a common [[ancestor]], all their very observable differences are due to variations of environmental conditions to which they were exposed.  
It is my sincere [[intention]] that I may in an uncomplicated way, using certain [[words]] a little loosely, lead you to a [[simpler]] [[understanding]] of how [[evolution]] very slowly proceeds to effect the [[growth]] [[structure]] of each living [[organism]], [[plant]], [[animal]] or [[human]]. I attempt to add [[light]] to your [[understanding]], to clarify how environments affect the way in which [[growth]] takes place. The [[65:2|little lizard and the large alligator]] evolved from a common [[ancestor]], all their very observable differences are due to variations of environmental conditions to which they were exposed.  
As man develops his [[thinking]], extends his [[consciousness]] of himself and his surroundings, his [[thoughts]] are evolving him; gently, slowly changing him all the [[time]]. This growth is [[reflective]] of his mental environment. "As a man thinks, so he becomes",[] this is real, this is the entry spot where man may begin to [[consciously]] [[control]] or at least give some [[guidance]] and direction to the [[life]] he is recognizing as his own. The mental environment which came into [[existence]] as a results of [[the Rebellion]], was to provide your kinfolk, living then and immediately thereafter, the most severe blow yet inflicted upon your [[Earth|planet's]] [[population]]. [[Fear]] was instilled into mans conscious thinking; continual [[exposure]] to fear deepened the ruts in his mindal environment, distorting the [[pictures]] he holds of [[reality]]. Fear reigned and ran rampant in mans [[unconsciousness]]. Fear became the [[focus]] and [[foundation]] for your future [[evolution]] when [[faith]] should have been. Faith was nearly nonexistent, never exercised and exhibited for your [[adaptation]]. These were certainly "sad days" for our [[universe]]. Many of us watched virtually helpless to change the terribly [[events]] we could not "understand", the near disastrous activities tearing at the [[heart]] and [[soul]] of [[Michael]]'s youngest [[children]].
As man develops his [[thinking]], extends his [[consciousness]] of himself and his surroundings, his [[thoughts]] are evolving him; gently, slowly changing him all the [[time]]. This growth is [[reflective]] of his mental environment. "As a man thinks, so he becomes",[] this is real, this is the entry spot where man may begin to [[consciously]] [[control]] or at least give some [[guidance]] and direction to the [[life]] he is recognizing as his own. The mental environment which came into [[existence]] as a results of [[the Rebellion]], was to provide your kinfolk, living then and immediately thereafter, the most severe blow yet inflicted upon your [[Earth|planet's]] [[population]]. [[Fear]] was instilled into mans conscious thinking; continual [[exposure]] to fear deepened the ruts in his mindal environment, distorting the [[pictures]] he holds of [[reality]]. Fear reigned and ran rampant in mans [[unconsciousness]]. Fear became the [[focus]] and [[foundation]] for your future [[evolution]] when [[faith]] should have been. Faith was nearly nonexistent, never exercised and exhibited for your [[adaptation]]. These were certainly "sad days" for our [[universe]]. Many of us watched virtually helpless to change the terribly [[events]] we could not "understand", the near disastrous activities tearing at the [[heart]] and [[soul]] of [[Michael]]'s youngest [[children]].
Here began the most substantial deviation from [[normal]] [[evolutionary]] activities yet witnessed in [[Nebadon]]. In this [[isolation]], by this [[separation]] you have been destined/compelled to live within these [[extreme]] limits. You have taken on the [[unique]] characteristics and abilities which are "reserved" for very, very few. Though your [[struggles]] must seem most [[dramatic]], radically different, extremely difficult, and often destructive, yet even these drastic [[detours]], in time will be [[considered]] among your greatest [[blessings]]. Those of you blessed with a good sense of [[humor]] are able to enjoy even now, the [[absurdities]] of some of your situations. You are, to a certain [[degree]] removed from [[suffering]] such sadnesses because you recognize that "other realities" for which you thought you needed to wait are already here. Your [[faith]] has led you to begin living now what seemed most unlikely for you to live until later.
Here began the most substantial deviation from [[normal]] [[evolutionary]] activities yet witnessed in [[Nebadon]]. In this [[isolation]], by this [[separation]] you have been destined/compelled to live within these [[extreme]] limits. You have taken on the [[unique]] characteristics and abilities which are "reserved" for very, very few. Though your [[struggles]] must seem most [[dramatic]], radically different, extremely difficult, and often destructive, yet even these drastic [[detours]], in time will be [[considered]] among your greatest [[blessings]]. Those of you blessed with a good sense of [[humor]] are able to enjoy even now, the [[absurdities]] of some of your situations. You are, to a certain [[degree]] removed from [[suffering]] such sadnesses because you recognize that "other realities" for which you thought you needed to wait are already here. Your [[faith]] has led you to begin living now what seemed most unlikely for you to live until later.
===='''''[[Adam and Eve]]'''''====
===='''''[[Adam and Eve]]'''''====
The next [[event]] of planetary significance which sharply and further narrowed the already [[limited]] [[opportunities]] for [[normal]] growth on [[Urantia]] was the failure of your [[Adamic pair]] to complete the biological upliftent of the evolutionary races, this ended practically before it began. It was a near complete [[abortion]] of their [[original]] plans. This [[Adam and Eve|Adamic couple]] had taken on other [[responsibilities]] most important to mans [[growth]] at this critical juncture in his evolution: to help deliver to the [[tribes]] being up-stepped, the vital [[information]] which would bring [[balance]] to their lives and bring [[joy]] to the hearts of those hearing and [[accepting]] this [[revelation]]. Just to see [[Adam and Eve]] standing beside the average [[human]] of that day would make it near impossible to [[conceive]] of them as being anything other than "higher beings. In most instances, difficulties arose from the [[fact]] that they were viewed as [ gods]. If all had gone well for them, had they not defaulted their mission so early, they would have become [[ambassadors]], delivering not only themselves [[physically]], but in their living of this life, they would have been the [[proof]] positive of the good news they were to usher in: The [[truth]] and [[reality]] of the [[Family of God]] and the overwhelming [[joy]] that all of us are united and vital members of this eternal [[relationship]]. That failed to become the reality for you Urantians; the Highway to Heaven diminished to what now appears as no more than an overgrown trail through a [[shadow]] drenched maze. You each have become more [[individual]]ized, each more [[radical]]ly [[unique]]. Yet, if from that point of [[development]], your [[experiences]] had then followed a more [[normal]] [[course]] there would still be quite a number of other [[humans]] in [[our universe]] with similar beginnings and similar [[growth]] peculiarities.  
The next [[event]] of planetary significance which sharply and further narrowed the already [[limited]] [[opportunities]] for [[normal]] growth on [[Urantia]] was the failure of your [[Adamic pair]] to complete the biological upliftent of the evolutionary races, this ended practically before it began. It was a near complete [[abortion]] of their [[original]] plans. This [[Adam and Eve|Adamic couple]] had taken on other [[responsibilities]] most important to mans [[growth]] at this critical juncture in his evolution: to help deliver to the [[tribes]] being up-stepped, the vital [[information]] which would bring [[balance]] to their lives and bring [[joy]] to the hearts of those hearing and [[accepting]] this [[revelation]]. Just to see [[Adam and Eve]] standing beside the average [[human]] of that day would make it near impossible to [[conceive]] of them as being anything other than "higher beings. In most instances, difficulties arose from the [[fact]] that they were viewed as [ gods]. If all had gone well for them, had they not defaulted their mission so early, they would have become [[ambassadors]], delivering not only themselves [[physically]], but in their living of this life, they would have been the [[proof]] positive of the good news they were to usher in: The [[truth]] and [[reality]] of the [[Family of God]] and the overwhelming [[joy]] that all of us are united and vital members of this eternal [[relationship]]. That failed to become the reality for you Urantians; the Highway to Heaven diminished to what now appears as no more than an overgrown trail through a [[shadow]] drenched maze. You each have become more [[individual]]ized, each more [[radical]]ly [[unique]]. Yet, if from that point of [[development]], your [[experiences]] had then followed a more [[normal]] [[course]] there would still be quite a number of other [[humans]] in [[our universe]] with similar beginnings and similar [[growth]] peculiarities.  
The single most [[profound]] and [[unique]] happening in all of [[Nebadon]] was [[Michael]]'s living his day by day life as a [[mortal]], as a man. He really and truly was [[Mother Mary|Mary]]'s son, [[Joshua Ben Joseph]] of [[Nazareth]]. And though subject to the same [[negative]] misconceptions and a quarter million years of misguidance and backward [[development]], he was still able to become all it is possible for man to [[become]]. In addition to this he lived a life radiating a [[light]] unequaled in its [[brilliance]], unequaled in its [[perfection]] of Father portrayal. He was and still is your [[blessed]] [[brother]], [[savior]], [[teacher]], and [[friend]] [[Jesus]]. His doing of all these [[things]] on [[Urantia]] has made it forever impossible elsewhere, to live anything quite the same as you are here and now living. It is no [[wonder]] you are ever watched, you are on the forefront of uniqueness, you live, walking and balancing on the [ tight rope], high above the center ring of life's [[circus]], where [[Michael]] is "Ring Master" and most of the eyes in his universe are [[focused]] on you [[606]]ers, the most outrageously [[unique]] [[death]] defying, life distorting activities ever to be [[witnessed]]. Hurry, hurry, get your tickets, get your programs and take your seats, the show is about to begin. The [[circuits]] are open and his [[majesty]] `sir [[stillness]] is soon to [[Silence|silently]] speak.
The single most [[profound]] and [[unique]] happening in all of [[Nebadon]] was [[Michael]]'s living his day by day life as a [[mortal]], as a man. He really and truly was [[Mother Mary|Mary]]'s son, [[Joshua Ben Joseph]] of [[Nazareth]]. And though subject to the same [[negative]] misconceptions and a quarter million years of misguidance and backward [[development]], he was still able to become all it is possible for man to [[become]]. In addition to this he lived a life radiating a [[light]] unequaled in its [[brilliance]], unequaled in its [[perfection]] of Father portrayal. He was and still is your [[blessed]] [[brother]], [[savior]], [[teacher]], and [[friend]] [[Jesus]]. His doing of all these [[things]] on [[Urantia]] has made it forever impossible elsewhere, to live anything quite the same as you are here and now living. It is no [[wonder]] you are ever watched, you are on the forefront of uniqueness, you live, walking and balancing on the [ tight rope], high above the center ring of life's [[circus]], where [[Michael]] is "Ring Master" and most of the eyes in his universe are [[focused]] on you [[606]]ers, the most outrageously [[unique]] [[death]] defying, life distorting activities ever to be [[witnessed]]. Hurry, hurry, get your tickets, get your programs and take your seats, the show is about to begin. The [[circuits]] are open and his [[majesty]] `sir [[stillness]] is soon to [[Silence|silently]] speak.
Setting your [[humor]] aside for the [[moment]], Urantians must actually consider their lives to be [[normal]]; you have known nothing else, there is nothing with which to [[compare]] your [[evolution]]. Life for you IS [[normal]]. We who usually come to tell you of all the [[wonderful]] [[blessings]] and gifts which you [[share]] in common, share with nearly all of your kind, come now instead, to help you become aware of the [[meaning]]ful [[differences]] which must be recognized if we are to [[compensate]] and [[communicate]] more clearly despite the [[monumental]] deficiencies which still exist.
Setting your [[humor]] aside for the [[moment]], Urantians must actually consider their lives to be [[normal]]; you have known nothing else, there is nothing with which to [[compare]] your [[evolution]]. Life for you IS [[normal]]. We who usually come to tell you of all the [[wonderful]] [[blessings]] and gifts which you [[share]] in common, share with nearly all of your kind, come now instead, to help you become aware of the [[meaning]]ful [[differences]] which must be recognized if we are to [[compensate]] and [[communicate]] more clearly despite the [[monumental]] deficiencies which still exist.
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