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I am ABRAHAM. Greetings, once again I am honored to participate in your group meeting. I must say I am always made to learn a great deal. I appreciate you that keep the goodness of our Mission alive. I appreciate how you have learned to move beyond yourselves to move forward with the Master’s plan and purpose. I enjoyed Mary’s words last week on freedom in mind. We are blessed to have her firsthand account to certain events in the Master’s earthly career.
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings, once again I am honored to participate in your group meeting. I must say I am always made to learn a great deal. I appreciate you that keep the goodness of our Mission alive. I appreciate how you have learned to move beyond yourselves to move forward with the Master’s plan and purpose. I enjoyed Mary’s words last week on freedom in mind. We are blessed to have her firsthand account to certain events in the Master’s earthly career.