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136:9.1 Having settled such questions of [[policy]] as pertained to his [[individual]] [[relations]] to [[natural law]] and [[spiritual]] [[power]], he turned his [[attention]] to the [[choice]] of [[methods]] to be employed in the [[proclamation]] and [[establishment]] of the [ kingdom of God]. [ John] had already begun this [[work]]; how might he continue the [[message]]? How should he take over [ John]'s mission? How should he [[organize]] his followers for effective [[effort]] and [[intelligent]] [[co-operation]]? [[Jesus]] was now reaching the final [[decision]] which would forbid that he further regard himself as the [ Jewish Messiah], at least as the [[Messiah]] was popularly conceived in that day.
136:9.1 Having settled such questions of [[policy]] as pertained to his [[individual]] [[relations]] to [[natural law]] and [[spiritual]] [[power]], he turned his [[attention]] to the [[choice]] of [[methods]] to be employed in the [[proclamation]] and [[establishment]] of the [ kingdom of God]. [ John] had already begun this [[work]]; how might he continue the [[message]]? How should he take over [ John]'s mission? How should he [[organize]] his followers for effective [[effort]] and [[intelligent]] [[co-operation]]? [[Jesus]] was now reaching the final [[decision]] which would forbid that he further regard himself as the [ Jewish Messiah], at least as the [[Messiah]] was popularly conceived in that day.
136:9.2 The [ Jews] envisaged a deliverer who would come in [[miraculous]] [[power]] to cast down [[Israel]]'s enemies and [[establish]] the Jews as [[Elite|world rulers]], [[free]] from want and [[oppression]]. [[Jesus]] knew that this [[hope]] would never be [[realized]]. He knew that the [ kingdom of heaven] had to do with the overthrow of [[evil]] in the [[hearts]] of men, and that it was [[purely]] a matter of [[spiritual]] concern. He thought out the advisability of [[inaugurating]] the spiritual kingdom with a [[brilliant]] and dazzling display of [[power]]—and such a [[course]] would have been permissible and wholly within the [[jurisdiction]] of [[Michael]]—but he fully [[decided]] against such a [[plan]]. He would not [[compromise]] with the [[revolutionary]] [[techniques]] of [[Caligastia]]. He had won the world in [[potential]] by submission to [[the Father]]'s will, and he proposed to finish his [[work]] as he had begun it, and as the [ Son of Man].
136:9.2 The [ Jews] envisaged a deliverer who would come in [[miraculous]] [[power]] to cast down [[Israel]]'s enemies and [[establish]] the Jews as [[Elite|world rulers]], [[free]] from want and [[oppression]]. [[Jesus]] knew that this [[hope]] would never be [[realized]]. He knew that the [ kingdom of heaven] had to do with the overthrow of [[evil]] in the [[hearts]] of men, and that it was [[purely]] a matter of [[spiritual]] concern. He thought out the advisability of [[inaugurating]] the spiritual kingdom with a [[brilliant]] and dazzling display of [[power]]—and such a [[course]] would have been permissible and wholly within the [[jurisdiction]] of [[Michael]]—but he fully [[decided]] against such a [[plan]]. He would not [[compromise]] with the [[revolutionary]] [[techniques]] of [[Caligastia]]. He had won the world in [[potential]] by submission to [[the Father]]'s will, and he proposed to finish his [[work]] as he had begun it, and as the [ Son of Man].
136:9.3 You can hardly [[imagine]] what would have happened on [[Urantia]] had this [[God]]-[[man]], now in [[potential]] [[possession]] of all [[power]] in [[heaven]] and on [[earth]], once [[decided]] to unfurl the banner of [[sovereignty]], to marshal his [[wonder]]-working battalions in [[militant]] array! But he would not [[compromise]]. He would not serve [[evil]] that the [[worship]] of [[God]] might presumably be derived therefrom. He would abide by [[the Father]]'s will. He would [[proclaim]] to an onlooking [[universe]], " You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve. "[]
136:9.3 You can hardly [[imagine]] what would have happened on [[Urantia]] had this [[God]]-[[man]], now in [[potential]] [[possession]] of all [[power]] in [[heaven]] and on [[earth]], once [[decided]] to unfurl the banner of [[sovereignty]], to marshal his [[wonder]]-working battalions in [[militant]] array! But he would not [[compromise]]. He would not serve [[evil]] that the [[worship]] of [[God]] might presumably be derived therefrom. He would abide by [[the Father]]'s will. He would [[proclaim]] to an onlooking [[universe]], " You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve. "[]
136:9.4 As the days passed, with ever-increasing [[clearness]] [[Jesus]] perceived what kind of a [[truth]]-revealer he was to become. He [[discerned]] that [[God]]'s way was not going to be the easy way. He began to [[realize]] that the cup of the remainder of his [[human]] [[experience]] might possibly be bitter, but he decided to drink it.
136:9.4 As the days passed, with ever-increasing [[clearness]] [[Jesus]] perceived what kind of a [[truth]]-revealer he was to become. He [[discerned]] that [[God]]'s way was not going to be the easy way. He began to [[realize]] that the cup of the remainder of his [[human]] [[experience]] might possibly be bitter, but he decided to drink it.
136:9.5 Even his [ human mind] is saying [[good-bye]] to the [ throne of David]. Step by step this human mind follows in the [[path]] of the [[divine]]. The [ human mind] still asks questions but unfailingly [[accepts]] the divine answers as final rulings in this combined life of living as a [[man]] in the world while all the time submitting unqualifiedly to the [[Doing the will of God|doing of the Father's eternal and divine will]].
136:9.5 Even his [ human mind] is saying [[good-bye]] to the [ throne of David]. Step by step this human mind follows in the [[path]] of the [[divine]]. The [ human mind] still asks questions but unfailingly [[accepts]] the divine answers as final rulings in this combined life of living as a [[man]] in the world while all the time submitting unqualifiedly to the [[Doing the will of God|doing of the Father's eternal and divine will]].
136:9.6 [[Rome]] was mistress of the [[Western world]]. The [ Son of Man], now in [[Solitude|isolation]] and achieving these momentous [[decisions]], with the [ hosts of heaven] at his command, represented the last [[chance]] of the [ Jews] to [[attain]] world [[dominion]]; but this earthborn Jew, who possessed such tremendous [[wisdom]] and [[power]], declined to use his [[universe]] [[endowments]] either for the aggrandizement of himself or for the enthronement of his people. He saw, as it were, " the kingdoms of this world, "[] and he possessed the [[power]] to take them. The [[Most Highs]] of [[Edentia]] had resigned all these powers into his hands, but he did not want them. The kingdoms of earth were paltry [[things]] to interest the [[Creator Son|Creator]] and Ruler of a [[Nebadon|universe]]. He had only one objective, the further [[revelation]] of [[God]] to man, the establishment of the kingdom, the rule of the heavenly Father in the [[hearts]] of [[mankind]].
136:9.6 [[Rome]] was mistress of the [[Western world]]. The [ Son of Man], now in [[Solitude|isolation]] and achieving these momentous [[decisions]], with the [ hosts of heaven] at his command, represented the last [[chance]] of the [ Jews] to [[attain]] world [[dominion]]; but this earthborn Jew, who possessed such tremendous [[wisdom]] and [[power]], declined to use his [[universe]] [[endowments]] either for the aggrandizement of himself or for the enthronement of his people. He saw, as it were, " the kingdoms of this world, "[] and he possessed the [[power]] to take them. The [[Most Highs]] of [[Edentia]] had resigned all these powers into his hands, but he did not want them. The kingdoms of earth were paltry [[things]] to interest the [[Creator Son|Creator]] and Ruler of a [[Nebadon|universe]]. He had only one objective, the further [[revelation]] of [[God]] to man, the establishment of the kingdom, the rule of the heavenly Father in the [[hearts]] of [[mankind]].
136:9.7 The [[idea]] of battle, [[contention]], and slaughter was repugnant to [[Jesus]]; he would have none of it. He would appear on [[earth]] as the [ Prince of Peace] to reveal a [[God]] of [[love]]. Before his [[baptism]] he had again refused the offer of the [[Zealots]] to lead them in [[rebellion]] against the [ Roman oppressors]. And now he made his final [[decision]] regarding those [[Scriptures]] which his mother had taught him, such as: " The Lord has said to me, `You are my Son; this day have I begotten you. Ask of me, and I will give you the heathen for your inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron; you shall dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.' "[]
136:9.7 The [[idea]] of battle, [[contention]], and slaughter was repugnant to [[Jesus]]; he would have none of it. He would appear on [[earth]] as the [ Prince of Peace] to reveal a [[God]] of [[love]]. Before his [[baptism]] he had again refused the offer of the [[Zealots]] to lead them in [[rebellion]] against the [ Roman oppressors]. And now he made his final [[decision]] regarding those [[Scriptures]] which his mother had taught him, such as: " The Lord has said to me, `You are my Son; this day have I begotten you. Ask of me, and I will give you the heathen for your inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron; you shall dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.' "[]
136:9.8 [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]] reached the conclusion that such utterances did not refer to him. At last, and finally, the [ human mind] of the [ Son of Man] made a clean sweep of all these [ Messianic] [[difficulties]] and [[contradiction]]s—[[Hebrew Bible|Hebrew scriptures]], parental [[training]], chazan teaching, Jewish [[expectations]], and human [[ambitious]] longings; once and for all he decided upon his [[course]]. He would return to [[Galilee]] and quietly begin the [[proclamation]] of the kingdom and [[trust]] his Father (the [[Personalized Adjuster]]) to work out the details of [[procedure]] day by day.
136:9.8 [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]] reached the conclusion that such utterances did not refer to him. At last, and finally, the [ human mind] of the [ Son of Man] made a clean sweep of all these [ Messianic] [[difficulties]] and [[contradiction]]s—[[Hebrew Bible|Hebrew scriptures]], parental [[training]], chazan teaching, Jewish [[expectations]], and human [[ambitious]] longings; once and for all he decided upon his [[course]]. He would return to [[Galilee]] and quietly begin the [[proclamation]] of the kingdom and [[trust]] his Father (the [[Personalized Adjuster]]) to work out the details of [[procedure]] day by day.
136:9.9 By these [[decisions]] [[Jesus]] set a [[worthy]] example for every person on every world throughout a vast [[universe]] when he refused to apply [[material]] tests to prove [[spiritual]] [[problems]], when he refused presumptuously to defy [[natural law]]s. And he set an [[inspiring]] example of universe [[loyalty]] and [[moral]] [[nobility]] when he refused to grasp [[temporal]] [[power]] as the prelude to [[spiritual]] [[glory]].
136:9.9 By these [[decisions]] [[Jesus]] set a [[worthy]] example for every person on every world throughout a vast [[universe]] when he refused to apply [[material]] tests to prove [[spiritual]] [[problems]], when he refused presumptuously to defy [[natural law]]s. And he set an [[inspiring]] example of universe [[loyalty]] and [[moral]] [[nobility]] when he refused to grasp [[temporal]] [[power]] as the prelude to [[spiritual]] [[glory]].
136:9.10 If the [ Son of Man] had any [[doubts]] about his mission and its [[nature]] when he went up in the hills after his [[baptism]], he had none when he came back to his fellows following the forty days of [[Solitude|isolation]] and [[decisions]].
136:9.10 If the [ Son of Man] had any [[doubts]] about his mission and its [[nature]] when he went up in the hills after his [[baptism]], he had none when he came back to his fellows following the forty days of [[Solitude|isolation]] and [[decisions]].
136:9.11 [[Jesus]] has formulated a [[program]] for the [[establishment]] of [[the Father]]'s kingdom. He will not cater to the [[physical]] [[gratification]] of the people. He will not deal out bread to the multitudes as he has so recently seen it being done in [[Rome]]. He will not attract [[attention]] to himself by [[wonder]]-working, even though the [ Jews] are expecting just that sort of a deliverer. Neither will he seek to win [[acceptance]] of a [[spiritual]] [[message]] by a show of [[political]] [[authority]] or [[temporal]] [[power]].
136:9.11 [[Jesus]] has formulated a [[program]] for the [[establishment]] of [[the Father]]'s kingdom. He will not cater to the [[physical]] [[gratification]] of the people. He will not deal out bread to the multitudes as he has so recently seen it being done in [[Rome]]. He will not attract [[attention]] to himself by [[wonder]]-working, even though the [ Jews] are expecting just that sort of a deliverer. Neither will he seek to win [[acceptance]] of a [[spiritual]] [[message]] by a show of [[political]] [[authority]] or [[temporal]] [[power]].
136:9.12 In rejecting these [[methods]] of enhancing the coming kingdom in the eyes of the [ expectant Jews], [[Jesus]] made sure that these same Jews would certainly and finally reject all of his claims to [[authority]] and [[divinity]]. Knowing all this, [[Jesus]] long sought to prevent his early followers alluding to him as the [[Messiah]].
136:9.12 In rejecting these [[methods]] of enhancing the coming kingdom in the eyes of the [ expectant Jews], [[Jesus]] made sure that these same Jews would certainly and finally reject all of his claims to [[authority]] and [[divinity]]. Knowing all this, [[Jesus]] long sought to prevent his early followers alluding to him as the [[Messiah]].
136:9.13 Throughout his [[public]] [[ministry]] he was confronted with the [[necessity]] of dealing with [[three]] constantly recurring situations: the clamor to be fed, the insistence on [[miracles]], and the final request that he allow his followers to make him [[king]]. But [[Jesus]] never departed from the [[decisions]] which he made during these days of his [[Solitude|isolation]] in the [ Perean] hills.
136:9.13 Throughout his [[public]] [[ministry]] he was confronted with the [[necessity]] of dealing with [[three]] constantly recurring situations: the clamor to be fed, the insistence on [[miracles]], and the final request that he allow his followers to make him [[king]]. But [[Jesus]] never departed from the [[decisions]] which he made during these days of his [[Solitude|isolation]] in the [ Perean] hills.
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[[Category:Paper 136 - Baptism and the Forty Days]]
[[Category:Paper 136 - Baptism and the Forty Days]]
[[Category: Loyalty]]
[[Category: Loyalty]]