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158:1.1 Early on the morning of Monday, August 15, [[Jesus]] and the [[three]] [[apostles]] began the [[ascent]] of [ Mount Hermon], and this was six days after the memorable noontide [ confession of Peter] by the roadside under the [ mulberry trees].
158:1.1 Early on the morning of Monday, August 15, [[Jesus]] and the [[three]] [[apostles]] began the [[ascent]] of [ Mount Hermon], and this was six days after the memorable noontide [ confession of Peter] by the roadside under the [ mulberry trees].
158:1.2 [[Jesus]] had been [[summoned]] to go up on the [[mountain]], apart by himself, for the [[transaction]] of important matters having to do with the [[progress]] of [ his bestowal in the flesh] as this [[experience]] was related to the [[Nebadon|universe]] of his own [[creation]]. It is significant that this extraordinary [[event]] was [[timed]] to occur while [[Jesus]] and [[the apostles]] were in the [[land]]s of the [[gentiles]], and that it actually transpired on a [[mountain]] of the gentiles.
158:1.2 [[Jesus]] had been [[summoned]] to go up on the [[mountain]], apart by himself, for the [[transaction]] of important matters having to do with the [[progress]] of [ his bestowal in the flesh] as this [[experience]] was related to the [[Nebadon|universe]] of his own [[creation]]. It is significant that this extraordinary [[event]] was [[timed]] to occur while [[Jesus]] and [[the apostles]] were in the [[land]]s of the [[gentiles]], and that it actually transpired on a [[mountain]] of the gentiles.
158:1.3 They reached their destination, about halfway up the [ mountain], shortly before noon, and while eating lunch, [[Jesus]] told the three [[apostles]] something of his [[experience]] in the hills to the east of [ Jordan] [ shortly after his baptism] and also some more of his [[experience]] on [ Mount Hermon] in [[connection]] with his former [[visit]] to this lonely [[retreat]].
158:1.3 They reached their destination, about halfway up the [ mountain], shortly before noon, and while eating lunch, [[Jesus]] told the three [[apostles]] something of his [[experience]] in the hills to the east of [ Jordan] [ shortly after his baptism] and also some more of his [[experience]] on [ Mount Hermon] in [[connection]] with his former [[visit]] to this lonely [[retreat]].
158:1.4 When a boy, [[Jesus]] used to ascend the hill near his [[home]] and [[dream]] of the [[battle]]s which had been fought by the armies of [[empires]] on the [ plain of Esdraelon]; now he [[ascended]] [ Mount Hermon] to [[receive]] the [[endowment]] which was to [[prepare]] him to [[descend]] upon the [ plains of the Jordan] to enact the closing scenes of the [[drama]] of his [ bestowal on Urantia]. [[The Master]] could have relinquished the [[struggle]] this day on [ Mount Hermon] and returned to his rule of the [[universe]] [[domains]], but he not only chose to meet the requirements of [ his order of divine sonship] [[embraced]] in the [[mandate]] of the [[Eternal Son]] on [[Paradise]], but he also [[elected]] to meet the last and full measure of the present will of his [[Paradise Father]]. On this day in August [[three]] of his [[apostles]] saw him decline to be invested with [ full universe authority]. They looked on in [[amazement]] as the [[celestial]] [[messengers]] departed, leaving him [[alone]] to finish out his [[earth]] life as the [ Son of Man] and the [[Son of God]].
158:1.4 When a boy, [[Jesus]] used to ascend the hill near his [[home]] and [[dream]] of the [[battle]]s which had been fought by the armies of [[empires]] on the [ plain of Esdraelon]; now he [[ascended]] [ Mount Hermon] to [[receive]] the [[endowment]] which was to [[prepare]] him to [[descend]] upon the [ plains of the Jordan] to enact the closing scenes of the [[drama]] of his [ bestowal on Urantia]. [[The Master]] could have relinquished the [[struggle]] this day on [ Mount Hermon] and returned to his rule of the [[universe]] [[domains]], but he not only chose to meet the requirements of [ his order of divine sonship] [[embraced]] in the [[mandate]] of the [[Eternal Son]] on [[Paradise]], but he also [[elected]] to meet the last and full measure of the present will of his [[Paradise Father]]. On this day in August [[three]] of his [[apostles]] saw him decline to be invested with [ full universe authority]. They looked on in [[amazement]] as the [[celestial]] [[messengers]] departed, leaving him [[alone]] to finish out his [[earth]] life as the [ Son of Man] and the [[Son of God]].
158:1.5 The [[faith]] of [[the apostles]] was at a high point at the time of the [ feeding of the five thousand], and then it rapidly fell almost to zero. Now, as a result of [[the Master]]'s admission of his [[divinity]], the lagging [[faith]] of [[the twelve]] arose in the next few weeks to its highest pitch, only to undergo a [[progressive]] decline. The third [[revival]] of their [[faith]] did not occur until after [ the Master's resurrection].
158:1.5 The [[faith]] of [[the apostles]] was at a high point at the time of the [ feeding of the five thousand], and then it rapidly fell almost to zero. Now, as a result of [[the Master]]'s admission of his [[divinity]], the lagging [[faith]] of [[the twelve]] arose in the next few weeks to its highest pitch, only to undergo a [[progressive]] decline. The third [[revival]] of their [[faith]] did not occur until after [ the Master's resurrection].
158:1.6 It was about three o'clock on this [[beautiful]] afternoon that [[Jesus]] took leave of the [[three]] [[apostles]], saying: " I go apart by myself for a [[season]] to [[commune]] with [[the Father]] and his [[messengers]]; I bid you tarry here and, while awaiting my return, pray that [[the Father]]'s will may be done in all your [[experience]] in [[connection]] with the further [ bestowal mission] of the [ Son of Man]. " And after saying this to them, [[Jesus]] withdrew for a long [[conference]] with [[Gabriel]] and the [[Father Melchizedek]], not returning until about six o'clock. When [[Jesus]] saw their [[anxiety]] over his prolonged [[absence]], he said: " Why were you [[afraid]]? You well know I must be about [[Universal Father|my Father]]'s [[business]]; wherefore do you [[doubt]] when I am not with you? I now [[declare]] that the [ Son of Man] has [[chosen]] to go through his full life in your midst and as one of you. Be of [[good]] [[cheer]]; I will not leave you until my [[work]] is finished. "
158:1.6 It was about three o'clock on this [[beautiful]] afternoon that [[Jesus]] took leave of the [[three]] [[apostles]], saying: " I go apart by myself for a [[season]] to [[commune]] with [[the Father]] and his [[messengers]]; I bid you tarry here and, while awaiting my return, pray that [[the Father]]'s will may be done in all your [[experience]] in [[connection]] with the further [ bestowal mission] of the [ Son of Man]. " And after saying this to them, [[Jesus]] withdrew for a long [[conference]] with [[Gabriel]] and the [[Father Melchizedek]], not returning until about six o'clock. When [[Jesus]] saw their [[anxiety]] over his prolonged [[absence]], he said: " Why were you [[afraid]]? You well know I must be about [[Universal Father|my Father]]'s [[business]]; wherefore do you [[doubt]] when I am not with you? I now [[declare]] that the [ Son of Man] has [[chosen]] to go through his full life in your midst and as one of you. Be of [[good]] [[cheer]]; I will not leave you until my [[work]] is finished. "
158:1.7 As they partook of their meager evening meal, [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] asked [[the Master]], " How long do we remain on this [[mountain]] away from our brethren? " And [[Jesus]] answered: " Until you shall see the [[glory]] of the [ Son of Man] and know that whatsoever I have [[declared]] to you is true. " And they talked over the affairs of the [[Lucifer rebellion]] while seated about the glowing embers of their [[fire]] until [[darkness]] drew on and [[the apostles]]' eyes grew heavy, for they had begun their [[journey]] very early that morning.
158:1.7 As they partook of their meager evening meal, [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] asked [[the Master]], " How long do we remain on this [[mountain]] away from our brethren? " And [[Jesus]] answered: " Until you shall see the [[glory]] of the [ Son of Man] and know that whatsoever I have [[declared]] to you is true. " And they talked over the affairs of the [[Lucifer rebellion]] while seated about the glowing embers of their [[fire]] until [[darkness]] drew on and [[the apostles]]' eyes grew heavy, for they had begun their [[journey]] very early that morning.
158:1.8 When the [[three]] had been fast [[asleep]] for about half an hour, they were suddenly [[awakened]] by a near-by crackling [[sound]], and much to their [[amazement]] and consternation, on looking about them, they beheld [[Jesus]] in [[intimate]] [[converse]] with two [[brilliant]] [[beings]] clothed in the habiliments of the [[light]] of the [[celestial]] world. And [[Jesus]]' face and form shone with the [[luminosity]] of a heavenly [[light]]. These [[three]] [[conversed]] in a [[strange]] [[language]], but from certain [[things]] said, [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] [[Error|erroneously]] [[conjecture]]d that the [[beings]] with [[Jesus]] were [ Moses] and [ Elijah]; in [[reality]], they were [[Gabriel]] and the [[Father Melchizedek]]. The [ physical controllers] had arranged for the [[apostles]] to [[witness]] this scene because of [[Jesus]]' request.[]
158:1.8 When the [[three]] had been fast [[asleep]] for about half an hour, they were suddenly [[awakened]] by a near-by crackling [[sound]], and much to their [[amazement]] and consternation, on looking about them, they beheld [[Jesus]] in [[intimate]] [[converse]] with two [[brilliant]] [[beings]] clothed in the habiliments of the [[light]] of the [[celestial]] world. And [[Jesus]]' face and form shone with the [[luminosity]] of a heavenly [[light]]. These [[three]] [[conversed]] in a [[strange]] [[language]], but from certain [[things]] said, [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] [[Error|erroneously]] [[conjecture]]d that the [[beings]] with [[Jesus]] were [ Moses] and [ Elijah]; in [[reality]], they were [[Gabriel]] and the [[Father Melchizedek]]. The [ physical controllers] had arranged for the [[apostles]] to [[witness]] this scene because of [[Jesus]]' request.[]
158:1.9 The [[three]] [[apostles]] were so badly [[Fear|frightened]] that they were slow in collecting their wits, but [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]], who was first to recover himself, said, as the dazzling [[vision]] faded from before them and they [[observed]] [[Jesus]] standing alone: " [[Jesus]], Master, it is [[good]] to have been here. We [[rejoice]] to see this [[glory]]. We are loath to go back down to the inglorious world. If you are willing, let us abide here, and we will erect [[three]] tents, one for you, one for [ Moses], and one for [ Elijah]. " And [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] said this because of his [[confusion]], and because nothing else came into his [[mind]] at just that moment.[]
158:1.9 The [[three]] [[apostles]] were so badly [[Fear|frightened]] that they were slow in collecting their wits, but [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]], who was first to recover himself, said, as the dazzling [[vision]] faded from before them and they [[observed]] [[Jesus]] standing alone: " [[Jesus]], Master, it is [[good]] to have been here. We [[rejoice]] to see this [[glory]]. We are loath to go back down to the inglorious world. If you are willing, let us abide here, and we will erect [[three]] tents, one for you, one for [ Moses], and one for [ Elijah]. " And [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] said this because of his [[confusion]], and because nothing else came into his [[mind]] at just that moment.[]
158:1.10 While [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] was yet [[speaking]], a silvery cloud drew near and overshadowed the four of them. [[The apostles]] now became greatly [[Fear|frightened]], and as they fell down on their faces to [[worship]], they heard a [[voice]], the same that had [[spoken]] on the occasion of [ Jesus' baptism], say: " This is my beloved Son; give heed to him. "[] And when the cloud vanished, again was [[Jesus]] alone with the [[three]], and he reached down and [[touch]]ed them, saying: " Arise and be not [[afraid]]; you shall see greater things than this. " But [[the apostles]] were truly [[afraid]]; they were a [[silent]] and thoughtful trio as they made ready to [[descend]] the [[mountain]] shortly before midnight.
158:1.10 While [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] was yet [[speaking]], a silvery cloud drew near and overshadowed the four of them. [[The apostles]] now became greatly [[Fear|frightened]], and as they fell down on their faces to [[worship]], they heard a [[voice]], the same that had [[spoken]] on the occasion of [ Jesus' baptism], say: " This is my beloved Son; give heed to him. "[] And when the cloud vanished, again was [[Jesus]] alone with the [[three]], and he reached down and [[touch]]ed them, saying: " Arise and be not [[afraid]]; you shall see greater things than this. " But [[the apostles]] were truly [[afraid]]; they were a [[silent]] and thoughtful trio as they made ready to [[descend]] the [[mountain]] shortly before midnight.
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[[Category:Paper 158 - The Mount of Transfiguration]]
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[[Category: Revelation]]
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