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===Topic: '''''Seraphic Disclosure Series 2'''''===
===Topic: '''''Seraphic Disclosure Series 2'''''===
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:Thank you.
:Thank you.
:Ron Besser
:Ron Besser
==Document L Addendum==
*TR-Felix Caro, Everett, Washington
===Defining Use of the Temple's Scriptorium===
In the traditional sense, a “Scriptorium” was a designated building, typically located in monasteries, where monastic scribes produced copies of documents to stock a nearby library, also typically located in the monastery or abbey. Also, once the library was appropriately stocked, the “scriptorium” may have been used only to restore originals of important religious documents, or even copies of originals.
In a broader sense, the “Scriptorium” can be considered as a room or building destined for the preservation of general knowledge of spiritual importance. In the case of Urantia, the “Scriptorium” will be used to “document” in a number of unique ways, especially in morontial form, the important information to be used for display, in different sensing forms, for the benefit of mortals and celestials alike, students of this universe as well as from others. The big size of such a structure is necessary to support the educational needs of vast numbers of celestials, that will be flocking to this planet to learn how this planet had evolved, thanks to the direct intervention of the Universal Father, from one of the lowest worlds of spiritual appeal to Father’s own personal garden in Nebadon, as well as the “place” for future education of Sovereign Creator Sons, but will not be limited to support that function. From this “Scriptorium”, fantastic presentations can be produced for display in the Mansion worlds, Norlatiadek, Salvington and Uversa, but it might not be limited for use in those destinations.
To keep the population of “homo spiritus  mortals”, and even celestials in service on Urantia, informed of the Universe events, the amphitheater to be constructed will mimic that which exists in Jerusem in the form of the central broadcast amphitheater (See paper 46 of the Urantia Book).
In a typical well equipped library, there is an audio-visual room to support study needs or just to keep the occasional student well informed of what is currently transpiring “out there”.
Summing up: In the “Scriptorium” information is recorded and adequately presented for the enjoyment of those that will be present on Urantia once the building has been commissioned, as well as for those wishing to visit the planet and learn how it evolved spiritually.
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