Talk:2016-12-01-Opening of Melchizedek Schools

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Revision as of 23:04, 6 December 2016 by Rdavis (talk | contribs)
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December 3, 2016

At 3:40pm Marty Greenhut wrote: I have been removed from Ron Besser's e-list but my friend Michael Marlow sent me this latest from Ron Besser. I wondered if Y'all have anything to say about these remarks from Ron or about this transcript. Does it get published in the Daynal Dialogues? Marty

On 12/3/2016 7:50 PM, Rob Davis wrote: When Ron learns to talk to human beings the way he imagines himself talking with divine beings, we will know he has entered a bona fide program of spiritual education. Otherwise, no, I don’t post anything where a TR proclaims their authority knowing that when anyone claims the badge (ring) of authority for themselves, they have lost it.


Those who attain spiritual levels do not claim it as a badge of authority. Those human beings who claim spiritual power for themselves have immediately lost it, but those who humbly defer, always, to higher sovereignty, to higher wisdom, are truly following the Master’s way, and this way is truly the doorway from this life to the next, from this level to a higher level. So, let your lights shine so as to give illumination upon other things, not to be a focal point for others to follow, but rather to be a way shower which illuminates the path for others without requiring them to follow your path. - Ham

December 6, 2016

At 7:02pm Rob wrote: Please see the discussion page on the author's previous contribution to better understand why this content is in this discussion page rather than in the article page.--rdavis 03:03, 7 December 2016 (UTC)


"4. Opening of Melchizedek Schools: December, 2016 & the Subject of" "Self-Fusion"

"From Ron Besser:"

"1) To all Members of the old FLURRY List, I am for now discontinuing the Flurry Network until I am instructed to bring it back to life. The Magisterial Mission has advised me that such a revision will be available shortly, and this bulletin is prepared much as a foot note to the publication until I can revises my list and make other changes as well."

"2) Several other important announcements are also to be made in this manner later and" "I will have to be told by the powers-to-be when they want me to send out important information. The past six months have been very difficult as the Magisterial Mission and the Second Return have been put on the back burner at least once while the universe attempted to understand the election in the United States and its repercussions on the Missions. In particular I point out that the Magisterial Mission is being headquartered in the United States on the east coast, and it is the intention of the Magisterial Mission to use the United States as its model of nation state reforms all around the globe. When the election results were settled, the Magisterial Son, Serara, requested a recount by the Magisterial Mission apparatus and confirms that Donald Trump has won fully and fairly. In this regard we play no politics or impune either candidate, but the results have scattered the thinking of the Magisterial Mission and had to be re-planned due the unusual discomfort the losers feel about this election."

"3) As a consequence of this redoing again what has had to be done at least four other" "times since 2010, the Magisterial Mission has now be asked to implement a brand new Teaching Mission. The old Teaching Mission is fully scrapped and will operate no longer and any web sites using the idea of the old Teaching Mission will be asked to disband including the Teaching Mission Network web site now operating under the auspices of Jim Cleveland. Mr. Cleveland will doubtless move to strike this instruction, but there will be meetings with the incarnated Melchizedeks when the new Teaching Mission is scheduled to open its doors under the direction of Mantutia Melchizedek in December."

"I am asked to advise Mr. Cleveland that no one has any ill will to the present site he" "manages for the Network, but that it must be removed so as not to present alternatives to a new public to be brought to the east coast of the United States for preliminary work in the real school being proposed for the new teachings the Teaching Mission Revised in December of 2016. I will have further information as time goes on as well if someone would like to call me to discuss the ruling of a Commission established on Urantia in the spring of 2015 to observe the present use of the words ""Teaching Mission,"" and their import to the citizens of Urantia. I am not presently involved with these decisions although I am asked to be an instructor in the new classroom as the school is soon open to the" "public."

"4) I now have the Michael announcement concerning the new Melchizedek School and" "his wishes concerning its operation:"

  • "Michael of Nebadon:"
  • "Melchizedek Schools"
  • "T/R: Ron Besser"
  • "York, PA at 1745 Local Time"
  • "December 01, 2016"

"Michael of Nebadon - ""The following announcement pertains to all who have ever heard" "of a Melchizedek School. We have finally prepared the new Teaching Mission to become part of the first Melchizedek Schools on Urantia and the revision of the Teaching Mission with the Melchizedek Schools will begin shortly in a genuine school room in York, Pennsylvania, when the Magisterial Mission proposes to supply the first personnel from New Zealand and Australia and the United States to attend them on a regular basis."

"Graduation will occur in twelve months when the entire curriculum is completed. Our first human teacher will be Ron Besser of York, Pennsylvania USA, and will entertain other human teachers from our graduate students in the preferred new school room as a small campus at 2709 Sunset Lane, York, PA. Our work will then commence to other students when they learn of the opening of this school and class size will be limited to fifteen students at a time and multiple classrooms will support a number of such classes at the same time."

"Machiventa Melchizedek - ""I am the Master of these classes and what I propose is to" "allow all students to freely associate in the area of these class rooms as soon as we hire a hall and bring the entire staff together at York to practice what we preach. Our work is scheduled to begin sometime in late December, and as Ron suggests that is better done after the Christmas Holiday. His suggestion is valid and there will no formal class until after January 01, 2017. A date will be announced to students through this network has established to bring you news like this. Our decision to being these schools is based upon the need to quickly enfranchise as many students of revelation that we can afford to educate in the near term. We have no facilities other than our classrooms at this time, and we must find our placement in the community quickly as this is a critical need of the Magisterial Mission and the Paradise Sons associated with that activity."

"""As the Master Teacher in these classrooms I intend to make students study the Urantia" "Book in particular Papers. Those Papers are 103, 104, 105 and on up the line to Paper" "118. The Life of Jesus will be course 102 from Papers 119 on until we conclude our school and its need sometime before the very end of the Magisterial Mission; we believe that to be about the year 3000."""

"Mantutia Melchizedek - ""You are all welcome at any time; however, so much has to be" "done to prepare for these schools we have to take a break to obtain the building and the room to hold these classrooms. We might hire a large local church with plenty of meeting rooms to accommodate us, but our preference is to hold these in our own building as soon as possible. We will hold the preliminary class in the home of Ron Besser who has plenty of space for a classroom of a small size at this time and we will accommodate our New Zealand and Australian and American students there when the time comes. I am Mantutia and it is I who wrote those Papers of 103, 104, and 105, and much discussion has been made about them on the Serara Discussion Forum ( and our discussion on I AM. these Papers consist of all the items most people refuse to study on their own and the school with have the author of those Papers to discuss them with you and test you on them. Our work is to continue the education and inform you of more material than is enclosed in those Papers currently. Good day."

"Michael of Nebadon - ""Ron has cleared all of this with Machiventa Melchizedek, and has asked me to divulge one more very important announcement concerning spirit fusion on Urantia. I have asked the forebearance of Machiventa Melchizedek to attached this second announcement to this one."

"Adjuster Fusion in the Flesh:"

"""Urantia has not had fusion on its shores since Ezekiel did so about four thousand years ago. Since then no one has fused or has even come close to it. With the advent of the Urantia Book, we now have several hundred readers who are now in the first circles of the Psychic Circles, which Ron alluded to already. In that discussion I had with him, he avowed not to mention this further, but events are moving now so swiftly on Urantia that we have no choice but to tell you what is to happen regarding fusion on Urantia today."

"First, the term fusion has to be modified to include types of fusion. Ron Besser has "literally invented a new and modified form the Father has asked us to use for humans who will serve the Magisterial Mission. Because Ron was in his seventies when we approached him to serve through and extended life plan, his body rejected all of our attempts to introduce new self-sustaining cell-mode types into the muscle and endocrine system, and as a result a great deal of pain was sensed by our patient for over several years until we removed all the serum and started over again. The Universe Father took a hand in it to prevent further suffering and that Adjuster was instructed to fuse the mind of Ron and his personality, and they are now one. He is not to enjoy the benefits of fusion until he leaves the flesh for mansonia and that will likely be the conclusion of the Magisterial Mission sometime around the year 3000."

"The Eternal Son questioned Ron's credentials and ruled that he could not serve on the staff of the Magisterial Mission without some sort of genuine spiritual representation of his own. Ron's Thought Adjuster found the solution from a rarely used text on Paradise" "that outlines fusion chances and how they might be afforded to Adjusters if the ward they carry in the flesh must remain on a planet beyond the natural life span. That is the case of this transmitter, and we are not preparing him to meet Michael of Nebadon on Urantia through Jesus for confirmation of his credentials as a fused individual without having to be disassociated from the flesh and blood of a body given to him at birth. We stand ready to provide Ron those credentials once Jesus materializes sometime before the end of December, 2016. However, you are all warned that the trial for Jesus is also immensely care-given and that he also experiences a lot of pain to do this once again for himself and for you. By giving you all this notice we have prepared the following for all who are not in their first Psychic Circle. This list alone reaches about two hundred of you."

"1) Prepare to acknowledge that God will seize you in a matter of months upon" "recommendation of your Thought Adjuster;"

"2) Your Thought Adjuster will speak to you through your aural nerve deep inside the brain" "as your own thinking voice only you did not think His words;"

"3) Be prepared to sleep a lot. Ron spent so many hours in bed with weakness and" "headaches he cannot count the times he had to lay down during the day to sleep it off as he called it;"

"4) A Midwayer will appear by your side. He or she will be ready to guide you to sleep" "more and deeply. There will be NO CHARIOTS of fire, but you will feel weak and headachy for days and for some, weeks. You will be informed when the fusion is over and you may reconstitute your life as you wish. You now have the credentials to serve fully on the Magisterial Staff when the fusion is complete. I reiterate, this fusion is 100 percent and not a trick or a slight of hand, You will receive your credentials from Jesus on Urantia when he can get to you."

"5) We conclude with this prayer: Please bow your heads: ""Our Father who art in Heaven;" "Hallowed by Thy Name. In all things Father, let this child of God be yours and let him pass to Mansonia with the blessings of Christ Michael for his ever present spirit is now among the living in the viceroy chapels of joy on high. In all things we beseech you Father, that all things may construe in this fused child of God before you, and that all his work will not be in vain as we proceed to mansonia on behalf of the universe of Nebadon. I am the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, and I wish all well on Urantia this day. Amen."

"Ron Besser - I have now concluded what they wished me to do today so as many of you" "who know these things of heart may also know of the coming of the Magisterial Mission that has two Avonal Sons; the return of our Bestowal Son, Jesus; and there are 1,135 incarnate Melchizedeks, 1,315 Material Sons to be incarnated for the Adam and Eve Schools that compliment the Melchizedek Schools of Learning and Doing, and about one half million new Midwayers from other planets with the Planetary System of Satania. In" "this total there will be an unlimited number of humans selected from the ranks of fused mortals to serve on-staff with the Paradise Sons as they become available."

"I want you all to know that all of you are subject to the rule of the Eternal Son, and that is to be presumptive in your dress and character from now on as you set the trend and the wisdom to all people on Urantia. Once some of you are fused as I have become, the difference will be dramatic, but not observable to the public as the good news is to your mind and to your heart that beats in a newly morontialized body that still appears to be flesh and blood, but the promise of what this brings to you will not fully be known until you are welcomed on the Mansion World of your assignment. For some that will be some time from now, and for others, that is whenever the Christ moves you home sooner than later."

"This concludes our remarks for now. I thank all of you for your attention."