2024-05-26-Anchoring the Circuits of the Magisterial Mission

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Topic: Anchoring the Circuits of the Magisterial Mission and the Time of Reckoning into Planetary Mind/Memory

Group: Institute for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Monjoronson

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Divine Parents and Magisterial Son, thank you for all of the spiritual circuitry that is being endowed to this planet to make these very important changes in the planetary system of consciousness; that human mind may calibrate into the deeper levels of universe mind, grow in foundational love and life, and may that be pervasively spread throughout the planetary circuits of mind and memory. We call on all of our wonderful helpers, our universe brothers and sisters, our planetary helpers, and those who are engaging from afar. We thank you for all the support you provide to us as we make these interchanges within and go about doing the Father’s WILL in our daily lives. We thank you for this opportunity to be of service to our world to weave us together as one. May your WILL be done through your MERCY and GRACE. Thank you so much.


MONJORONSON: Beloved brethren, I greet each and every one of you today. This is Monjoronson and I delighted to facilitate this call today as you grow into the circuits of LOVE, LIGHT, and LIFE that is a part of not only your divine inheritance, but the planet overall. Take a few moments to anchor yourselves in FOUNDATIONAL LOVE and FOUNDATIONAL LIFE. Let these two word-energy dynamics become as one and hold you in a mighty stream of the divine essence, which lives at the core of your being. (Pause)

Invite a magnification of these energies to gently expand into you and feel that willingness to receive and grow in what FOUNDATIONAL LOVE AND LIFE is here to support you. (Pause)

Invite your mental current to elevate that to that of the spiritual gravity of the Spirit Within, and invite Mother’s UNIVERSE MIND to gently expand you into these higher dimensional circuits of mind function. (Pause)

Drink deeply of these spiritual endowments, my brethren. Rest gently and receive, and allow the Spirit Within to gently adjust what needs to be aligned in Spirit within the circuits of your mind and memory systems. (Pause)

We have been carefully cultivating the spiritual dynamics to have more room to function within the human system of consciousness. Certain thresholds have now been reached for the human mind system to evolve more into the UNIVERSE MIND of your Holy Mother Spirit. This is a time that we have long awaited to occur upon this world. We are grateful for your participation in calls such as these to change the tone and the temperament of Urantian mind that humanity's inner life would grow and become more radiant with the LOVE of the Father Within. This is now occurring throughout the circuits of mind and memory and we are now ready to help you take that next step into the plans of correction for this world as put forth by your Divine Mother and Father, who love you dearly and wish to see you thrive in all areas of your lives.

I invite you to consider what role you wish to play during this time of correction. Take this to your Spirit and just pose the question: “What am I here to accomplish as part of this greater planetary transformation? I ask you to convey insight and information to my mind that will help me perceive what I can do to contribute my soul to the growing groundswell of love developing on the planet.” Take a few moments, and pose this to your Spirit and then receive. (Pause)

Each and every one of you has something valuable to contribute to the growth of the divine plan upon Urantia. It does not matter whether your role is large or small. What is most needed is your willingness and cooperation with the divine plans seeded in you by the Paradise Father to continue to grow on your path and share love, peace, and joy with those who come across your path.

To assist you in this undertaking of great value and service to the world, I invite you to you to see yourselves standing in a field of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION. Take a few moments to envision yourself engaged and being wrapped in the energies of URANTIA’S MAGISTERIAL MISSION. Invite your Mother to gently connect you into the higher meaning and value pf what my missions is here to help this world accomplish. Simply feel that willingness to cooperate with these plans and hold focus as best you can, as you see yourself standing in a field of URANTIA’S MAGISTERIAL MISSION and I will minister to you now. (Pause)

I invite you to hold willingness to cooperate with me, and what this mission entails for this world. It is a mission of MERCY and PEACE. In time, this world will come to know what this mission truly entails. For now, it is mostly a matter of trust in what we are providing to you that you can grow and flourish in this great time of correction and transformation. So, invite these word energies of URANTIA’S MAGISTERIAL MISSION to weave into you to provide you with more spiritual sustenance, that you may continue on your course of spiritual growth and experience new levels of peace, love, and joy within. Over time, these infusions reach such high proportions that you can actually maintain your mental focus and emotional equilibrium in them and provide a radiating flow of love from your hearts and souls to others who are in dire need of spiritual nutrition and nourishment. (Pause)

Trust that your Spirit knows what you are capable of achieving as you weave into these energies of URANTIA’S MAGISTERIAL MISSION. The Spirit Within will help you perceive what it is that you can accomplish and contribute to this important time on the planet. We encourage you as best we can, but as we have said many times before, it is up to you to decide where and how much you wish to contribute your soul purpose to this growing dynamic. (Pause)

Allow your inner foundations of love and life to help you integrate into this larger planetary dimension of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION. Truly, you cannot even yet imagine what this will look like when it is in full blossoming. We are heading in that direction; there is still a way to go. However, in your focus today, you are adding something of great value into yourself that you can hold for the planet.

We will move into the planetary focus in a few moments. I continue to encourage you to simply focus on standing in these energetic endowments, let them all combine and blend together through the ministry of the Spirit Within and your Divine Parents. (Pause)

Let us now move focus into the planet as a whole. In your mind’s eye, envision the planet before you. I invite you to hold the planet in the field of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION, inviting these words: URANTIA’S MAGISTERIAL MISSION to spiral around the planet north to south pole counterclockwise. Just feel that need for what this truly means to penetrate into human mind and memory. Especially into the places where it can do the most good, and where there is the most receptivity. (Pause)

Invite URANTIA’S MAGISTERIAL MISSION to imprint into the areas where there is still much interference from the planetary mind tied to the rebellion circuits. Hold focus as best you can. Invite the myriads of planetary helpers and universe brothers and sisters to share their love and their intentions into this interference field that more people may become aware of what this mission s here to achieve on this planet through my infusions of DIVINE JUSTICE. Hold focus as best you can and ask for more interference to calibrate into the MAGISTERIAL MISSION and its higher meaning and value. (Pause)

Invite my presence as the personification of DIVINE JUSTICE to also calibrate into the interference. Just hold that intention as best you can. Feel that need for your brothers and sisters to be liberated from what holds them back from achieving their God-given potential. (Pause)

I invite you to add this additional focus to spiral around the planet: THE TIME OF RECKONING IS UPON URANTIA. THE TIME OF RECKONING IS UPON URANTIA. THE TIME OF RECKONING IS UPON URANTIA. Invite this energy to gently spiral into the planet, weaving into the areas where more people may perceive the reality of who they are and step out of what has held them back. There are other implications for this infusion. What we ask of you is to hold that need and willingness for this TIME OF RECKONING to prevail. And as you do this, we will minister into this very important area of planetary need and help more people open to who they truly are and their potential. (Pause)

Feel your willingness for this infusion to deepen into memory, inviting my DIVINE JUSTICE to also engage into the memory circuits. You are holding a mighty intention for us today to minister into these deep memory circuits tied to so much interference with the divine plans of evolution on this world. It is time for Urantians to become aware of their history so you can move into your destiny with more faith and encouragement—confidence. Your Spirit knows how to help you achieve what is so vital in you that is pressing upon your mind and heart for you to cultivate. Pay more attention to those subtle cues and clues you get throughout the day, that you may become a more viable participant in the MAGISTERIAL MISSION as part of these plans of correction for this beloved world. (Pause)

Use the power of your thoughts and feelings to share with us what it is you wish to see occur on the planet by your intentions of love and peace for this world. You are learning how to use power in your mind to wield the dynamics of Spirit and to help them grow on the planet. This is part of your divine inheritance, and part of your universe training to become more productive citizens, not only of this world, but of the vast domain in which you all live. We all share together. So hold those intentions deep within your heart, then send them into the planet and let us know what is on your heart and mind of what needs to be corrected, that we may add more spiritual energy into those places. (Pause)

Invite all of these dynamics we have held and co-created together to integrate, blend, and unify into the circuits of mind and memory. Whether or not you consciously recognize this, you are building a new spiritual foundation upon the planet. There is renewal and regeneration underway. It will take time for this to fully flourish but it is unmistakable now that you are evolving in something quite extraordinary that has never occurred here before. (Pause)

Join with us now is we elevate are gaze to Paradise. Take a few moments to express your appreciation to the Paradise Father, the associated to Creator Deities for their LOVE and for the greater life plans of all creation, but especially for this beleaguered world. If you wish, you may also lift up the planet to the Paradise Deities and see it held in TIME OF PLANETARY RECKONING, and invite them to add whatever it is in their will to provide to this world. Ask for the divine reflection to be imparted on TIME OF PLANETARY RECKONING UPON URANTIA. (Pause)

If you wish, you may descend from Paradise seeing yourself standing on the earth plane in FOUNDATIONAL LOVE AND LIFE, and the circuits of the planet are calibrating and responding to THE TIME OF RECKONING UPON URANTIA, and you are holding focus and helping these energies integrate into those areas of great need. Feel that willingness to be of service to this world in your own unique way. Invite the MAGISTERIAL MISSION and my DIVINE JUSTICE to also integrate into this entire configuration we have been co-creating together, that all energies may integrate, unify, harmonize, and bring this planet back into COHERENCE with this divine plan and Michael's plans of correction. (Pause)


We have completed our objectives for today. Know that we value what you bring into this intention. Gain strength and confidence in knowing that you have access to spiritual power and potency. Ask your Spirit to teach you how to wield this with love and joy in recognition that all things are indeed moving in the direction of Light and Life for this planet’s higher evolution. Be patient with this process; it is a great undertaking, one in which we invite your collaboration and participation. The door is always open and we invite you to step more into that path that you may continue to grow in your true spiritual purpose and potential and become our radiant soul light onto the planet.

I take my leave of you in this manner, my brethren. Know that you can always come to me at any moment of the day and I will help you integrate into these very important new circuits that are now very much alive on this planet to help all humanity and all life here return to the bosom of the universe and the Paradise Father Himself. I leave you in His LOVE, and may you have a blessed and bountiful good day.